aching heel hurt to attack When there are various problems with the legs,we are sharply reduced by the general vitality, especially if the foot area is ache and aches. Why do you have leg problems, why does the heel hurt? The causes of short-term heel pain are various. What kind of shoes do you wear? If you are a fan of hairpins, while walking, the foot is subjected to a significant load. Especially with prolonged use of shoes with high heels, overloading on the foot can cause strong shooting pains in the heel. In the event of accidental leg trauma when walking, it may cause burning pain in the heels. Such pain occurs when the ligaments of the ankle are damaged. Women complain about the feeling of "nail in the heel", which every minute pushes more and more.

Maybe it's some kind of disease?

If you rule out the possibility of accidental injury, you have a long-term heel pain - perhaps this is the cause or effect of various diseases:

  • Arthritis, bursitis. Inflammatory process, which affects the tissue that goes along the foot and connects the heel bone with the fingers. In this case the pain grows gradually. The worst thing is in the morning, if you massage your feet, the pain subsides, but it can resume after standing on tiptoe or walking up the stairs.
  • Plantar fasciitis. The fascia of the sole is a compacted formation in the connective tissue, which runs along the entire sole of the foot. With the constant and prolonged wearing of an uncomfortable tight shoe, the inflammatory process of this area can begin. The development of such a disease is accompanied by the deposition of salts in the inflamed part, which can lead to the formation of a calcaneal spur.
  • Heel spur. Chronic inflammation of the fascia of the sole. Such a formed outgrowth on the heel causes deep suffering. The heel pains especially strongly in the mornings when the person rises from a bed. In the afternoon, in the process of walking, the pain subsides a little. But it is worthwhile to sit for a while, as the painful sensations resume with renewed vigor.
  • Inflammation of the Achilles tendon. When your legs hurt during movement, it is possible that the inflammatory process of the Achilles tendon develops. In this case, the focus of pain concentrates on the heel or under it from the sole.
  • Reactive arthritis. Some infections (chlamydia, venereal diseases) can also be accompanied by pain in the soles of the feet. Hidden infections can trigger reactive inflammation of the calcaneal tendons. In the case of such a disease, the heels ache constantly, especially the painful sensations at night.
  • Other diseases. Inflammatory processes in the heel region can be caused by diseases such as gout (Bechterew's disease). With this chronic inflammation of the joints there is a metabolic disorder in the body.
  • If you have one of the listeddiseases, help to get rid of the pain in the heel can only a doctor. You should go to an appointment with a traumatologist or rheumatologist and get expert advice from a specialist.

    Recommendations in case of heel problems

    If you are a fan of the morning runs orsports walking - you will have to change these sports to more gentle for the feet. You can successfully and with no less benefit to health, you can go in for swimming, cycling. Stabilize your weight and bring it back to normal. The presence of extra pounds is not only harmful to the entire body as a whole - it also creates an additional and unnecessary strain on the muscles of the foot. Get special orthopedic insoles and use them constantly. Especially if you have signs of flat feet. Such healing insole relaxes and strengthens the muscles of your heels. Your shoes should be comfortable for the feet, with a heel no more than 5 cm. On the solid sole shoes and boots are best not to wear. A small heel helps to remove unnecessary load from the heels. Take for yourself the rule of doing regular curative gymnastics to prevent and prevent problems with your legs. Quick ways to muffle severe pain in the heel:

    • Put a piece of ice on a noisy place and hold the cold for 20 minutes.
    • Take a pill of painkiller.
    • The heel itself and the area above it can be grinded by fasting gel.

    heel hurts

    Gymnastics for strengthening the heels

    Take advantage of the special health andstrengthening physical education for the muscles of the legs and in particular, calcaneal. Increase the load gradually. If you too zealously take up this business - you can hurt your heels.

  • Roll a small ball (you can take a tennis ball) with your feet. Do this exercise alternately for two legs twice a day for several minutes.
  • Knead and stretch the calves of the legs and the foot. Massage each finger with love and care. It is most effective to do this before bedtime several times a week.
  • Stand facing the wall and put on your wallforearm. Lean your forehead in the palm of your hand. The right leg should be moved forward so that your toes touch the floor. This leg is bent in the knee. In doing so, straighten the other leg and press the heel against the floor. Sit down a bit, not moving your legs. Do you feel the muscles of your calves and your feet stretch? Wait half a minute, then do the same exercise for the other leg. This action helps to strengthen and make the muscles of the legs and heel area more flexible.
  • Medicinal herbs in the fight against the calcaneal spur

    From pains in the heels suffered and our ancestors. In folk homeopathic medicine there are prescriptions for all cases of malaise. The best natural preparation in herbal treatment is the alcoholic tincture of the Sabelnik marsh. Sabelnik is a unique plant. It has a number of useful properties. For the treatment of the heel spur, we will use its strong anti-inflammatory effect. Also, the swampy saber facilitates the removal of salts from the body and stimulates immunity. You can make a tincture of a sabelnik yourself, but you can buy it in pharmacies. One tablespoon of tincture sabelnik dilute in a third glass of water and take it inside before meals three times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days. After a break of 10 days, the course can be repeated. It is also very useful to make a compress on the heel of the tincture of the saber at night. Keep in mind that at the beginning of treatment with homeopathy, the pain in the heel can intensify. Treatment with herbs should be accompanied by the supervision of a qualified physician and in conjunction with its recommendations. Your feet will please you only in case of careful care and due attention on your part. If your heel hurts, it is painful to step on it, immediately consult a doctor. Unqualified self-treatment can be dangerous and cause even greater harm to your body. We advise you to read:

