gardenia home care Gardenia - indoor plant that canbecome a real decoration of your interior. Most often this flower we receive as a gift and do not know at all what care it takes. Among flower lovers, it is considered that it is difficult to take care of this plant, and without proper conditions, it simply dies. In this article, we will try to dispel your doubts and tell you how to "make friends" with gardenia. In natural conditions, this plant can be found in Japan, India or China, where it grows in small trees or shrubs. Room gardenia is a low bush, growing to 50 centimeters in height. The leaves of the plant are smooth, dark green and shiny. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, in beauty, competing with roses. The flowering period lasts about six months.

Conditions of detention

This plant is very conservativecharacter - does not like permutations from place to place and sudden changes in the humidity of the air or soil. Any changes will cause the gardenia to begin to discard leaves and buds. Therefore, care of this plant should start with observance of two important rules: no changes, enough light, moisture and heat. Room gardenia is a light-loving plant, which is very important to ensure full-fledged lighting throughout the day. Only here the light should be scattered - direct rays can damage the plant. Humidity also plays an important role in the life of gardenia, especially during the period when buds appear. If the air is dry, the peduncles stop developing and fall off. In order to achieve the necessary moisture for the plant, it is necessary to put it on a pallet with water and expanded clay. The latter serves as a protective pillow, which protects the flower from an overabundance of moisture. In the period when the flower actively increases new leaves, it is desirable to spray the crown additionally. But, as soon as the buds appear, it is better to stop spraying or to produce it around the plant, trying not to get water on the flowers. In the warm season, gardenia should be kept in a room where the air temperature is 22-24 degrees Celsius. In the winter, it is enough 18-20 degrees. It is also important not to allow too rapid temperature changes.

Features of watering

When gardenia is in the active growth phase,she needs abundant watering. It is important not to fill the plant, and water it as the top layer dries. In the cold season, watering is reduced. Approximately four months before flowering (in March or April), watering should also be moderate - this is necessary for the proper formation of buds. Under no circumstances should the drying or excessive moistening of the soil be prevented - the gardenia will begin to ache and discard the leaves. For irrigation it is necessary to use warm, standing water. Periodically, the flower must be watered with acidified lemon juice (per liter of water, 3-5 drops). An alternative to such watering can be water, infused on peat. With improper irrigation and a lack of fertilizers, the gardenia leaves begin to change color and grow smaller. gardenia care

Gardenia transplantation

Usually an adult plant is transplanted every twoof the year. The root system of gardenia grows very fast and has many thin rootlets, so it needs frequent transshipment. The soil must necessarily contain a lot of organic matter and be sufficiently nutritious. Ideally suitable weakly acidic or acidic mixtures, designed for azaleas. But you can use another composition - the main thing is that it does not hold water. Be sure to take care of the drainage layer. Or add to the soil vermiculite or coconut fiber - 1/3 of the whole soil. To transplant a flowering gardenia it is impossible - it at once will dump flowers and leaves, will be ill for a long time.

Reproduction at home

Reproduction of gardenia occurs vegetatively withusing cuttings. It is worth noting that it takes root with great reluctance. Beginning of reproduction is best in winter, when the plant is cut to form a beautiful crown. You can cut in the summer, but it is necessary before the onset of the flowering period. Cuttings are harvested from adult half-timbered shoots, not less than 10 centimeters high. To obtain the maximum number of entrenched plants, cuttings can be treated with a special stimulant for rooting and planted in a container with a lower heating. Soil is chosen the same as for adult plants. Perfectly mixed with peat and perlite mixed in equal proportions. Container with cuttings must be covered with a film and constantly maintain high humidity inside it. Reproduction can be considered finished only when the cuttings take root well. If you take care of the seedlings by all the rules, in six months the young plant will blossom. To reproduce successfully, the lower cut of the cut should be smooth and smooth. Planting it, make sure that the leaves do not touch the ground. If the leaves are too large, they are recommended to be shortened by about 1/3, otherwise they will strongly evaporate the moisture. Do not touch only the topmost leaves - there should soon be a growth point. It is noticed that the cuttings located at the side of the container are best rooted. Approximately one month after the rooting, the leaves will unfold, and the gardenia can be transplanted into a separate pot. Further care is no different from the content of an adult plant. Transshipment of young gardenia is performed as the root system grows. After the first transplant, you can begin to feed the plant: in the summer, weekly, in winter, only once a month. As a fertilizer, choose any mineral complex with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. If the leaves of gardenia lighten, chances are that the soil has undergone a sharp cooling. Perhaps you used too cold water for irrigation. Regular fertilizers with iron-containing substances will help to cope with the problem.

Main content problems

  • Why do the leaves turn yellow?

If the plant does not have enough light or nutrientsubstances, the leaves start to turn yellow, and the new ones grow very slowly and have a pale shade. To avoid such trouble, provide the flower with bright light and feed it every week. If the leaves turn yellow with divorces or in the area of ​​veins, this is the first sign of chlorosis. This problem occurs when there is an excess of alkali in the soil. In this case, gardenia should be transplanted into a new soil or simply replaced the top layer of soil. Do not be superfluous and watering with lemon juice.

  • Why do buds fall off?

Sometimes care for gardenia does not do justiceresult: the leaves wither and fall off, the buds are discarded, and not blossoming. Most likely, the plant does not like the conditions of detention. Transfer it to a warmer room and try to water only with room temperature water.

  • Why do the leaves turn black?

If you find that the leaves on the gardeniaturn black - immediately start watering the plant with acidified water. If the leaves are covered with dark spots - you either flooded the plant or sprayed it under direct sunlight. In the first case, it is better to transplant the flower into fresh soil and not to allow any such misses. In the second - the leaves received a thermal burn. Carefully remove the damaged areas and remove the plant for a while in the penumbra. care for gardenia

Crown formation

In order for gardenia to grow beautiful anda neat little bush, you need to regularly cut it, forming a crown. On a young plant that is just growing, you can just pinch the upper buds. If you already have an adult bush that is formed incorrectly, you can try to rejuvenate it. For this, in spring it is necessary to cut off all shoots, leaving 4-5 centimeters. Then place the pot with the plant on a well-lit place and, as the young twigs grow, form a shrub at their discretion. Yes, caring for gardenia at home requires much more attention than the content of any other indoor plant. But if you can find an approach to it, you will never regret that you have opted for this flower.

