1 Joint life, unfortunately, oftendisappoints both spouses, they begin to quarrel daily and even to use fists. Why is this happening? After all, before they were happy, they enjoyed each other's company and wished to be together all their lives! And then, after they began to live together, they suddenly found out that at home the loved one had become completely different, unfamiliar. The imposing handsome man turned into an ordinary man, not always clean-shaven, sitting in a chair in worn-out slippers. A woman goes around the house without makeup and hair and grumbles from morning till night. What happened? Where did the enthusiastic and beautiful lovers go, ready to go to each other's world? In general, the reasons for our disappointments in marriage are quite primitive. Entering it, we always hope that together we will be very good, regardless of what this marriage is in the account. And the fact that the new love is a true love that will never go out. However ... Goes out. After all, a man is a natural hunter, who all his life needs new sacrifices, for which he will again become a god. Conquering them, the man asserted himself. It begins with a child, when the boy, trying to please the girls, shows them their superiority over their peers. In his youth, trying to stand out against the background of other young men, he actively cares for some girl, but, having won her favor. Can quickly cool down if she does not try to be interesting to him always. However, even if this happens, the hunter's instinct will still remain. However, it will not necessarily be expressed in the search for another woman. A hunter in a man can transform into a money-earner, a defender of the family hearth, a person who solves the most important questions of his family and so on. In other words, the patron, without which a woman can not live. He himself will live only with the ideal, from his point of view, woman. It can be an unsurpassed beauty, an ideal housewife or a woman who gives the man complete freedom of action. In a word, the one next to which he is most comfortable. Choosing a partner in life, each person not only seeks to find something that corresponds to his ideas about his second half, and look so as to attract this half. And not every woman until the stamp in her passport appears, allows herself to relax, becoming exactly what she is. After all, its essence can frighten a man. The roots of the disappointments of many married men are here. Before the wedding, the woman struggled to create an image of the most understanding, caring girlfriend and passionate lover. Of course, a man fell in love with this image, believing him. Sooner or later he begins to understand that he was mistaken. And scandals begin. The reason for them can be any little thing, - unwashed cup, slippers left not in the right place, a towel thrown in the living room and so on. The very first thing that frustrates a man in a woman is the understanding that she is not a goddess, but a person. And he may have some habits and desires that are not very pleasant to him, and should periodically take a bath, and do not always look good, and often get irritated, being in a bad mood. In a word, the image of the angel and the princess inevitably fades, the dull everyday life sets in, which I do not really want to put up with. The second wave of frustration begins when a woman, who previously did not demand anything, eventually turns out to be excessively capricious. She constantly wants some updates, and the man is already tired of this order. After all, he married a nice and completely unpretentious girl! And if she is still constantly unhappy and grumbling about the mess on his desk, being late for ten minutes from work, watching football and scattered clothes, a man loses the last drop of hope for a comfortable family life. After all, he so wanted to be the main thing in the life of this woman, and now more and more understands that this will never happen. And even half the trouble, if the main thing is their joint child. And if my mother, work, friends, at last? Illusions of a man who considered his position in the life of a woman exceptional, melt. And, sooner or later, he, looking around, begins to understand that there are other women in the world, and that, quite likely. with them it will be better. And attempts to change something in the nature of the current wife have no prospects. Of course, many of them do not leave the family, but are satisfied with acquaintances on the side. After all, there is no guarantee that he will really be better off with another wife. This applies mainly to registered marriages. And in civil marriages separation always seems quite acceptable result.

