herbal preparations for the treatment of menopause Medicine has long identified and studied such a functionthe human body, like the extinction of the reproductive system. This phenomenon was called menopause, or menopause. Both women and men are subject to it. In fairness, it should be noted that a strong half of humanity tolerates this period without much experience, which can not be said about women. Climax is accompanied by painful sensations, which causes many to resort to the remedies offered by folk medicine. Headache, shortness of breath, heart failure and nervous overexertion - these are the indications that can prevent people's remedies with menopause. Menopause occurs in the interval from 40 to 50 years and can last about 10 years. Terms and features of the course of menopause are absolutely individual and can stem from a variety of factors. For example, on how healthy a woman's lifestyle was, the intensity of unpleasant feelings will depend. Proper nutrition, exercise, fresh air - if these factors were neglected during life, then the transition to a respectable age can become quite painful and aggravated by the emergence of specific diseases. However, do not despair, because folk medicine has stored a chest with secrets and for this life period. Treatment of menopause with folk remedies is an affordable and easy-to-prepare way for restoring good health. Climax is characterized by an end to the childbearing function. Along with this hormonal and physiological changes take place in the female body. These changes do not have the best effect on the psychological state. Increased nervous excitability leads to excessive impulsiveness and irritability. Often a woman realizes her weakness and intemperance, but she can not cope with her psycho-emotional state. Those around should take note of the painfulness of this period and treat a loved one with the utmost understanding and care. To do this, you can use the folk remedies that Mother Nature offers so generously. herbal infusion with mint

Treatment of menopause with folk remedies: mountain ash and mocrica

When treating menopause with folk remediesthere are positive changes in the body. To remove headaches, you can use a decoction of herbs. The main components of traditional medicine in menopause are mokritsa and mountain ash. It is these herbs that must be left in the recipe in an unchanged form. The rest of the ingredients are interchangeable. So, you will need 1 part of mint, 2 pieces of lice, 1 part of mature cucumber lashes, 1 part of valerian, 1 part of mountain ash, 1 part of leaves or berries of raspberry. Leaves of valerian and mountain ash should be crushed. If there are difficulties, where to find the cucumber lashes, then you can use the seeds. To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of 500 g of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Eat half a glass 2-4 times a day. Infusion should be drunk half an hour before meals or 2 hours after eating. If your body takes a collection of herbs favorably, then this remedy can later be drunk in an amount of 150 ml in small sips throughout the day. The course of treatment with this drug lasts 2 weeks. After this, you should make a breather 7-10 days. Abuse of mint grass can lead to drowsiness and fatigue. In this case, it is permissible to exclude them from the prescription. As was noted above, the main herbs in this folk remedy are the 2 components, the others only complement the treatment. Adding a melissa, a shepherd's bag, a yarrow, or grass to the sponge in the recipe can help a woman suffering from a menopause, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding during menstruation. The course of menopause is sometimes accompanied by a thickening of the blood. This provokes a scanty period in the form of clots. In this case, you should use traditional medicine and check for blood coagulation index. If the diagnosis is confirmed, folk medicine suggests to add to the above collection a medicinal drone and inflorescences of horse chestnut. This means of traditional medicine is very effective. It will help to reduce unpleasant symptoms in a few weeks. sage for the treatment of menopause

Herbs used in the treatment of menopause

With excessive sweating, it is recommendedto use sage. 3 teaspoons of herbs should be poured in 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes and drink during the day. This folk remedy will help to cope with the tides. Sage in this case requires boiling for 2 minutes. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks, then it is necessary to take a break for 14 days, then apply as indicated above. At a menopause oppression of female sexual hormones is observed. A similar composition has a shiitake mushroom. Fungoestrogen fills the lack of progesterone, which can provoke myoma of the uterus, mastopathy, premenstrual and climatic syndromes. After a woman reaches 45 years of age, a decrease in estrogen can lead to atherosclerosis, angina and stroke. To avoid the worst outcome, it is necessary to use a mushroom infused with vodka, cognac or Cahors. To do this, the fungus is previously dried, then take 5 g and pour alcohol composition. To prepare this traditional medicine, you can replace vodka with butter. The composition should be allowed to stand for 2 weeks in a cool place, then use 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Women often experience nervous excitability and overexertion. With this disaster will help to cope with such herbs as oregano. It has a sedative effect. To prepare a remedy, take 2 tablespoons of herbs and place in a thermos with boiling water. The result should be 2 cups of fragrant infusion. It should be eaten 3 times 40 minutes before meals. Treatment of menopause with folk remedies includes the use of alcoholic tinctures. For their preparation, 70% ethyl alcohol and 150 grams of grass will be needed. Allow the agent to brew for 10 days and dilute in water 30-40 drops per day. hawthorn for the treatment of menopause

Hawthorn as a folk remedy

Traditional medicine offersremarkable properties of hawthorn. He is a good helper in the fight against dizziness and suffocation, which are caused by heart failure in menopause. To prepare a life-giving drink, you need to take 3 tablespoons of flowers and let it brew in 3 cups of boiling water, then drink 1 glass 3 times a day. An effective remedy is also an alcohol tincture of hawthorn flowers. Prepare it simply: you need to pour 1 part of dried flower with 2 parts of medical alcohol. Tincture apply every day in the form of 30-40 drops. The fruit of this tree is also useful. Flowers and berries of hawthorn will be required in equal parts. This mixture should be poured into an equivalent volume of boiling water and wait 2 hours. Tincture should be consumed 1 glass 3 times a day.

Means of folk medicine is the adoption of fragrant baths

In the period of menopause it is good to take advantage ofherbal baths, namely with the roots of plants. For this purpose, suitable herbs, such as lyubovok, wormwood and cinnamon. 30 g of dried roots should be insisted in 1 liter of boiling water. Then you need to pour the solution into the water for taking baths. Pleasant procedures should be conducted on a course of 12 times. The treatment of menopause with affordable folk remedies is very common, because such medicine is a rich storehouse of means to combat illnesses. But you need to remember that each organism is individual, so you have to select the tools you offer, based on your needs. In general, it should be noted that a mobile lifestyle and fresh air are useful at any age and contribute to a rise in tone. I wish you health, dear women!

