flower brooch with your hands Artificial flowers today - one of the mostpopular fashion trends. We decorate them with office, everyday and festive clothes, we put them on hats and hats, we attach them to handbags and shoes. We buy ready-made artificial flowers or we make them with our own hands, we are happy to receive them as gifts and give them to others with no less pleasure, especially if it is a manual job. And, as it turns out, to make such a fashion accessory yourself is not difficult. Here, for example, you can try to make a brooch flower from the tissue with your own hands. Or, not even from cloth, but from unexpected materials. Try it?

Brooch made of chiffon

Very naturalistic, almost like a living,a flower will come out of a light fabric. A brooch-flower from organza or from chiffon will decorate any clothes: both a light blouse, and a woolen suit, and a knitted jacket. Such a brooch will add to your image romanticism and tenderness, and for its manufacture you will need the following materials and tools:

  • pink, beige, white or blue chiffon;
  • clasp-base for brooch,
  • beads to decorate the middle of the flower,
  • candle,
  • needle and thread,
  • glue,
  • scissors.

It is very easy to make such a brooch. First, you need to cut out of the fabric several circles of different sizes (the more details, the more magnificent the flower will be). Now each circle carefully gently over the flame of the candle, singing the edges of the details. After that, we put the workpieces together one by one, beginning with the largest circle and ending with the smallest one. Billets can be planted on the adhesive for durability, but you can do without it, simply by sewing the parts in the center. Next, we take a chiffon thread pulled from the fabric, insert it into the needle and sew the beads to the middle of the flower. We fasten the clasp - the brooch is ready!

Brooch made of felt

Feather is a very grateful material forthe manufacture of artificial flowers. A brooch made of felt is obtained either strictly official or naughty. It all depends on your idea and on the chosen color of felt. To make such a brooch, prepare:

  • pieces of colorful felt,
  • thermo-glue (glue gun),
  • needle and thread,
  • scissors,
  • Cardboard and a pencil for a pattern,
  • beads or beads to decorate the middle of the brooch,
  • base-fastener.

Think about how youra brooch, and draw a flower pattern on the cardboard. For a multi-layered brooch, make several patterns of the same or different shapes. Then transfer the patterns to the felt and cut out the blanks of the flower. With the help of glue, fix the layers of the future flower and decorate it with beads, beads or paillettes. At the end of work, sew a buckle to the flower. The shape, color and size of such a brooch depends only on your imagination! brooch flower by own hands

Brooch from the braid

For such an original brooch, you need a figuredbraid in the form of a wave and any green tissue for leaflets. Cut the braid into two pieces of centimeters in length of thirty: the longer the braid, the more magnificent the flower will be. Now twist both pieces into a tight, but not tight tourniquet. Secure the tourniquet by sewing it along one long edge with small stitches. Now start to twist the braid in a spiral into a roll, and in the course of work, fix the roll with a thread: you should get a rose. From the green fabric, cut two squares of the correct size. Each detail fold in half along the diagonal, once again - along the height of the triangle, and then sew two opposite corners. Leaflets pull together on the edge with open cuts and sew to the rose. The finished flower is attached to the base-fastener. Brooch is ready!

Brooch from zipper

From a colored zipper with plastic or metal denticles (preferably larger ones), you can make an original brooch-flower. To do this you will need:

  • a lightning sixty centimeters long,
  • needle and thread,
  • piece of dense fabric for the base,
  • safety pin for fasteners,
  • scissors.

We separate the lightning and remove the slider from it. From the resulting details we cut seven pieces of eleven centimeters long and one piece of length twenty-three centimeters. Each stitch is sewn on the side without denticles with stitching stitches and tighten in a ring. The edges of the rings are sewn neatly. The long piece is also stitched and lightly weighed. Then from this segment we turn off the flat spiral and fix it with small stitches. From the rings we collect the flower, laying the details in a circle, placing the "petals" overlapping and fastening them together. In the center of the flower we sew a spiral from a long detail. Cut out the round base of the brooch from the dense fabric, process its edge into a hem and sew on the back of the flower. We attach a safety pin to the flower and get the original brooch-flower. brooch flower from fabric by own hands

Brooch - hydrangea

A more difficult task than the previous ones -to make a brooch in Japanese komo technique. However, the effect will surpass your wildest expectations - the brooch will turn out to be unusually beautiful. To make this decoration you will need a loose and soft fabric: wool, silk, cotton. So, prepare for the brooch:

  • A square flap of fabric (with a side of thirty centimeters) for a flower,
  • a flap of green for the leaves,
  • twenty small silver or white beads (one spare),
  • scissors and threads,
  • a piece of sintepon,
  • the basis for the brooch.

From the cardboard we cut out a circular pattern with a diameterfour centimeters. We put the square flap on the table face down and draw a circle around the template in the center of the flap. Around it at a distance of five millimeters draw a row of six circles, and behind this row - one more, but from twelve circles. Place each new circle between the two of the previous row and observe a distance of five millimeters. You should have a pentagon of nineteen circles. Number them all, starting from the central, and then spiraling clockwise: the first circle should be the fifth and the fifteenth. Stitch each circle, starting with the first one. With a small incisive stitch, we pass along the circumference, tighten and fasten the thread so that from the front side of the fabric a hollow "bubble" has turned out. We do not cut the thread, pierce the needle on the front side, and with two stitches cross-stretch the bubble to get four petals. Again, pull the thread, fix it from the wrong side, and in the center (on the front side) sew the bead. Thus, we process all drawn circles in turn. Collecting the inflorescence, make sure that each flower densely adjoined to the next one, and the inflorescence did not fall apart. After completing all the nineteen circles, cut off excess fabric around the edges of the flower, leaving two and a half centimeters to the allowances. At a distance of five millimeters from the edge of the flower, sew the inflorescence along the circumference and pull the thread, leaving a small hole. The resulting bag fill the sintepon, pull and sew the edges. Now from the green fabric, cut two squares with sides eight and twelve centimeters. Each piece, fold in half diagonally and again in half the height of the triangle. On the sides with open cuts, pull the triangles together by folding the opposite corners with each other. The resulting leaves are sewn on the reverse side of the hydrangea inflorescence. Close the "rear" of the flower with a processed piece of cloth and sew the clasp. So, having realized your creative potential and attaching your skillful hands to it, you can get exclusive jewelry. Fashionable, original and spectacular! Envious views and "smart" questions about where you have acquired such a trendy thing, you are provided. Dare! And all at you will turn out. We advise you to read:

