Flat warts are dermal benignthe formations that appear on the body, which is a flat knot with dimensions up to 5 mm, slightly rising above the surface of the skin, for which such warts are called flat. Warts on the hands and other parts of the body appear in groups, solitary flat formations practically do not occur. Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of visual examination, sometimes a histological examination is required. Treatment of flat warts on the body can be very different: the use of compresses, ointments, removal of liquid nitrogen, radio waves, electrocoagulation, using a laser. Flat warts rarely (almost never) do not become malignant, but their treatment requires the supervision of a dermatologist. They are rare, about four percent of the time. Appear primarily in children or young people, so they are also called "youthful".
Varieties of warts
Flat warts are small papules, that isNodules that rise above the skin on the face, hands and other areas. This nodule is characterized by the fact that it has a smooth surface without keratinized areas. The color varies from pink to light brown. Varieties of warts on the hands or face is quite a lot. These are plantar, peaked, simple and juvenile, senile and other warts. All the formations on the skin can be divided into:
- spiky, that is, condylomas in the form of pinkish papillae. They appear under the arms, in the groin, on the hands and other open areas of the body almost do not occur;
- common warts round in shape. They can merge with each other, usually arise in groups. They are on the hands, soles of the feet, ointment is used for treatment, legs are usually recommended for removal, as they interfere with walking;
- warts in the form of small nodules on the face,hands, breasts very small, smooth, light. Their surface is quite dense, they can be scattered all over the body. It is usually difficult to treat such warts, since the virus penetrates into the nerve tissue, usually nodules are removed from the skin surface using a variety of methods.
Why do warts appear?
The causes of the appearance of flat warts on the bodycan be called infection with the human papillomavirus. Such infection is transmitted by contact with handshakes, through kisses, handrails, handrails, books, elevator buttons. Therefore, it is necessary to begin to teach children from childhood that hands should be washed after walking, and this applies to adults too. So it can be noted that the causes of the appearance of flat warts are violations of personal hygiene. There is an infection and through scratches, cuts, small wounds. In this case, the virus from the surface of the skin gets inside, persists in the tissues of the nervous system, after which it remains there almost forever, that is, almost no treatment. You can remove external nodules on the body, the skin of the hands, legs, face, but the virus itself remains in the body. For a long time such infection can not be manifested in any way, flat warts on the skin occur when the virus is activated, it begins to grow locally in separate areas of the skin. The reasons for this activation are in the lowering of immunity, with strong emotional stress, stress, fright. But if such formations on the skin appear very often, then it is necessary to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to conduct competent diagnostics from a dermatologist. Diagnosis is carried out according to the results of visual inspection. For clarification, a histological examination is performed; To determine whether there is an infection with HPV, it is necessary to carry out PCR. Flat warts differ from others in that they are very easy to identify without conducting long studies, their diagnosis is considered the most simple. In order to get rid of nodules, it is usually enough to carry out cryotherapy procedures, that is, burning out with liquid nitrogen. Diagnosis is necessary in order to accurately determine the type of wart, and ongoing treatment was not only effective, but also safe.
Methods of treatment of warts
To treat warts, or rather their external manifestations,sometimes very simple, often their self-disappearance is observed. Warts have absolutely no effect on life activity, it's just a cosmetic defect that appears on the face or other parts of the body. Today, in order to get rid of warts, apply a variety of methods. Dermatologists usually prescribe a course of antiviral therapy for HPV to remove the causes of skin on the skin. If their appearance is too frequent, it is usually recommended to use surgical removal methods. These can be methods such as conventional excision with a scalpel, electrocoagulation (i.e., burning), but such methods leave behind small scars, that is, they are suitable for getting rid of warts on the body, but not on the face. Cryodestruction can also leave scars, there is a danger of too deep freezing of tissues. The best cosmetic effect is obtained if you get rid of the wart by radio wave removal or laser removal. At the same time, the required depth of operation is achieved, the vessels are immediately cauterized, and the spread of the virus is blocked. Removal of a flat wart by this method is most effective. For removal, you can use and ointment, which will quickly, easily and effectively get rid of the wart. Can I remove a flat wart on my own? Treatment of flat warts is possible and at home with the help of fairly effective methods of traditional medicine. But, before starting such treatment, it is recommended to visit your doctor for advice, because in the case when surgical intervention is required, such home methods can only do much harm. We offer a few simple ways how to remove warts on the hands and feet with the help of accessible, simple means:
- the simplest and most frequently usedthe method of removing condyloma is the use of the juice of an acidic green apple. It is necessary daily to lubricate the places where the warts appeared, the juice of such an apple. The course of treatment usually takes only 10 days, after which the warts simply disappear. Instead of an apple, you can use also the juice of fresh onion, which also smears the affected area;
- help and compresses from onions that are performedthus: the onion is cut with thin plates, poured with ordinary table vinegar for a couple of hours. After that, you can start treatment: the plates are glued to the places where the warts are located, for 2 hours. In some cases it is recommended to leave such a compress all night long;
- You can use and such a tool, as an ointment fromblue cosmetic clay, sea salt, gruel from fresh onions. From the mixture obtained, small balls roll down, and warts on the face, arms, legs, and other areas accumulate. The balls are attached with patch pieces, such small bandages change two or three times a day until the warts begin to pass;
- Such exotic recipes asuse of banana peel. To do this, we clean one banana, remove the skin from it and cut it with squares. On the damaged place on the arm, face, leg, we fix the skin with the inner side to the body, we add garlic gruel from above, close it with a bandage. Change the compress two or three times a day;
- well assisted applied gruel from fresh flowers of dog rose, you can lubricate warts on your face with ammonia.
Treatment at home is varied, butit supposes mainly compresses and bandages. Warts on the body (face, legs, arms, chest) must be surgically removed only in a medical hospital. If you have this kind of warts on your skin, then before taking any measures, you need to see a dermatologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Flat warts are benign formations that are not prone to malignant transformation. Outwardly, such a wart is a small flat protrusion on the skin that can appear on any part of the body: on the face, legs, arms, abdomen, chest. A flat wart is a rare phenomenon, its number is about 4% of all warts in a person, treatment is to apply compresses, in some cases, warts can be easily removed by cryotherapy. Before starting any treatment, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist who will determine the stage of the disease and give recommendations.