how to deal with complexes We are real professionals in the fight against superfluousweight, disobedient children, crafty employees, but at the same time do not know how to deal with complexes. And it's they who poison our lives more than old jeans, which we can not get into. It is the complexes with a quiet voice that comment on your every step: "you are fat," "you are a bad mother," "your report is no good". And for women, this voice sounds louder, more often, more demanding. Our fault is our emotionality and impressionability. Do you know what complexes are? It is a reflection of your personality. The one that you were many years ago. The whole dislike for yourself (and otherwise complexes, and not call), we begin to cultivate in ourselves, being very small. Did your parents call it a dumbass? Probably, they are right. The teacher said that I hardly write the test to "excellent"? That's exactly what happened. We do not struggle with complexes, because we do not yet suspect of their existence.

Children's complexes

But most of all we ourselves were scourged. Remember how you, still a schoolgirl, stood on the treadmill. We need to overtake the opponent. And next to you, no less, Rick-lanky. Naturally, it will overtake you. And you are already very ashamed of the future loss. For the incomplete minute that you stood at the start, you have a headache, stomach. You are no longer up to the marathon. And you lose. Classmates congratulate Rita, but you think that all around you turned away. Needless to say, from now on you will begin to dislike the lessons of physical culture, Ritka and .... itself, basically. You grew up, and together with you your complexes also grew. Let's look at the main ones, and at the same time we'll talk about methods of fighting our internal enemies. So, women's complexes: how to fight, how to treat and how to perceive the attempt of your subconscious to convince you that you are worse than there is in reality? The first discontent with ourselves we begin to experience, looking in the mirror. And the hair is not like that, and the nose is long and the legs are short. And the first beauty in the class, as luck would have it, is the complete opposite of you. It was so? And maybe this complex is now suffering your growing daughter? What to do, how to help her? First, find a celebrity that your daughter looks like. Then start to admire her, describe all the virtues of her character, appearance. Hang in a prominent place a poster with a star image and wait for the results. Certainly everyone who comes into your house will celebrate the resemblance of a celebrity to your daughter. You, too, try to emphasize this. And after a while the self-esteem of a teenager will inexorably creep up. Still would! She's like this movie actress! complexes how to fight

Adult complexes

Next, let's move on to what can be encountered inmore mature age. For example, a complex of "old maidens." One of the most insidious and destructive mechanisms of our subconscious. Imagine that all your friends have married for a long time, and you still do not have a family. And the longer you do not get married, the more you begin to complex. "I do not need anyone. I am the worst of all. "In fact, you have a slightly higher bar of requirements for applicants than for girlfriends. Think: would you be able to marry someone from your friends' husbands? One spouse drinks. The second periodically raises her hand. The third one does not work. So why rush to get married? To two hours to show off in a wedding dress, and then go on living with bruises all my life? You in fact not such destiny for yourself want? So stop torturing yourself and enjoy such long-awaited freedom. No, we are not trying to dissuade you from family life. Just do not need to rush into the arms of the first counter only because all your friends have had time to try on the veil, and you - no. The older the woman, the more mature her complexes become. For example, in 40 years almost every member of the fair sex notices that she is already getting old. This phenomenon is called a complex of "closed doors". Someone perceives this message quietly. And someone begins to try to turn back the clock with the help of plastic surgeries, expensive cosmetic procedures, young lovers. How to learn to deal with complexes if the mirror stubbornly shows wrinkles and graying temples? Learn to accept your age. Find advantages in it. For example, your children have already grown up, and you can easily stay overnight with a friend. Or: for so many years you have made a career, and you are deservedly valued at work. The next complex comes to a woman after a series of unsuccessful attempts to establish a personal life. And although it is called beautifully - the complex "Cleopatra", - the behavior of a woman during this period can not be called attractive. She begins to hate all men, believing that they are all just created to drink, walk and scatter dirty socks around the apartment. Do you think this woman can find a soul mate? Hardly. At the same time, she herself does not know how to deal with the complexes of misogyny. First you need to find the reason for your hatred of men. Perhaps someone offended you many years ago? Try to analyze the cause of this conflict. Maybe you were too young for marriage? Or was your husband, having abandoned you once, simply made a mistake and now regrets it? Forgive your abusers. And do it sincerely. After that, you can afford to build new relationships. But you must do this without looking back to the past. After all, the new elect has nothing to do with the old sins of your ex-men. Finally, we will reveal to you the most important and universal weapon for combating complexes: this is self-love. If you love yourself, no complexes will be scary to you!

