feng shui zone You know that the sides of the world affect the livingorganisms? For example, moss on tree trunks thickens from the north side. The southern slope of the anthill is more gentle than the northern one. Seagulls nest on the western shores of the islands. A sunflower follows the sun, turning its head from east to west. Our house, according to the teachings of Feng Shui - is also a living organism. And on the sides of the world it defines feng shui zones that affect our lives. Sometimes it seems that this ancient teaching contains elements of magic, and sometimes that everything in it is logical and rational. Let's try to figure out what is more in the study of Feng Shui zones - magic or common sense?

What are Feng Shui and Bagua Mesh?

Feng shui teaches us to achieve harmony with othersspace, which, in turn, is able to influence the course of our life. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, everything that happens in a person's life can be divided into nine categories. This is exactly what makes up its meaning and life as such. What are these categories? Way, love, family, wealth, health, prosperity, creativity, friends, inner knowledge and glory. All these categories constitute a single and ordered whole. From the way we organize the owl living space, the harmony (or disharmony) of all the components of our life depends. It turns out that our house can be divided into conditional zones, which affect this or that vital aspect. And knowing where exactly in the house are and how the zones of influence on our lives are located, you can try to correct them. The instrument by which the zones of influence in our home are determined are called the Bagua grid. This is such a magical octagon, delineated in multi-colored sectors (zones), tied to the sides of the world. The Bagua grid helps to find out which part of the house influences a particular sphere of life. By the way, Bagua grid in a simplified version is a rectangle consisting of nine squares in which the feng shui zone is distributed (on the sides of the world).

What influences the zone of feng shui

  • Zone of Life Path and Career. This zone affects everything that makes it possible to make a living. The path zone defines your abilities for new beginnings and spiritual development, as well as attitude to life as such. This zone is a symbol of the dynamics of events in your life, and their numbers
  • Zone of Love and Marriage. Well, what can I say? Depending on how exactly this area is organized in your home, you will be loved or unloved, married or lonely, happy or unhappy in a marriage, desired or unclaimed in bed. In any case (exclusively by the rules of feng shui) this zone has an effect on love relations.
  • The Zone of the Family, or as it is called the "Elder Zone". This means your big family - parents (and older ancestors), sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles. Agree that they can not not affect your life at all. And, as psychologists say, this is exactly the basis from which a person (consciously or subconsciously) draws vitality. So your spiritual and material legacy, relations with parents and relatives directly depend on the organization of this zone.
  • Zone of Wealth (Gifts of Fortune, Prosperity). The correct (or wrong) organization of this zone determines the prosperity in the house (by the way, not only material) and, of course, the fullness of your wallet.
  • Health Zone. It makes no sense to argue that good health is one of the main conditions for a happy life. That's why this zone is directly connected with our life force.
  • Assistants Area. Determines the number of people who are ready to help (disinterestedly and gratuitously), as well as your ability to do so. And in general, well-being in this zone promises you timely help not only from friends and relatives, but from completely strangers and even from power (oh!).
  • Zone of Creativity. Affects your creative abilities and capabilities. Its right organization will help you achieve creative successes, start (and complete) new projects, raise children (yes, these are also the fruits of your creation!).
  • Zone of Inner Knowledge (Contemplation or Intuition). It will provide you with all the conditions for self-improvement, development of intuitive thinking, awareness of the meaning of life. In addition, this zone has an impact on success in learning and developing intelligence.
  • The Zone of Illumination (Glory) is responsible for the possibilitiesyour self-realization, the expression of individuality and the recognition by others of your originality and uniqueness. It is this glory that is meant - the glory of recognizing you as a person.
  • Here are the main nine zones of influence in your home. How do you determine where and what zone is located? zones of feng shui

    How to identify zones of influence

    The location in the house of each zone by feng shui can beDetermine using the Bagua grid and the compass. If the compass is not present (and it, most likely, is not present), simply look, from what side of your windows sits or the sun rises. And, remembering the school geography, determine where in your house the North, South, West and East. Now you will need a plan for the apartment or house in which you live. It is not so difficult to get it. If you live in your own home, then this plan is probably in the documents for it. If you live in a standard apartment, its plan can easily be found in an omniscient Internet. In the end, this plan can simply be drawn on a tetrad sheet in a cage (it's easier to calculate all the meters-centimeters). Now take the Bagua grid, which you can also draw yourself or download from the Internet, and put it on your home's plan. Align the sides of the light on the plan and on the grid, and then just look at how the feng shui zones are located in the house. Of course, just everything at first sight. In fact, you may be in for some surprises. First, the apartment may not be the right rectangle, but a complex figure with protruding or missing corners. Therefore, some zones of influence in your home can easily "escape" to neighbors or to a staircase. Secondly, the most influential sectors may well be located, for example, on the balcony, in the hallway or in the toilet (in the bathroom). And thirdly, it may turn out that the layout of your house is just completely unfit for feng shui. What to do? Remember, we talked about the magical properties of feng shui? So it's time to use these properties to adjust the zones of influence in your home.

    How to adjust and activate zones of influence

    If any zone of influence in your house is simplethe experts of feng shui are advised to put the Bagua grid on the main room plan and determine exactly in it all the feng shui zones. If the functional purpose of the premises is poorly correlated with the purpose of the zone of influence, then this trouble can also be easily corrected. And the whole point is that it is possible to activate or correct the zones of influence with the help of talismans, color, light, arrangement of furniture and symbols of the main elements (wood, water, etc.).

  • The zone of wealth is southeast. To activate the zone you need to use lilac and green, wood and water (aquarium, fountain, waterfall). Talismans of the wealth zone - a sailboat, "floating" into the house (that is, stern to the door), Chinese coins or a roomy peasant, called a money tree.
  • Zone of glory - south. Its color is red, the elements are fire (fireplace, candles, aroma lamps), talismans - pyramid, phoenix, twisted shell, elephant.
  • The zone of love is south-west. Element - earth (for example, in flower pots), color - brick and terracotta. Talismans - a couple of ducks or doves, a pair of dolphins, a figure of kissing boy and girl, two pillows, two candles, two crystal eggs, fresh flowers, chocolate, hearts.
  • Zone of creativity - west. To activate it, you need white and metallic (gold, silver) color. The element is metal. Talismans - wind music, children's figures, bells, shells, horseshoes, houseplants with round leaves.
  • The helper zone is north-west. Favorable colors are yellow, white, golden, silver. Talismans - horseshoe, metal bell, crystals, photos of parents, exotic landscapes.
  • The career zone is north. Colors to activate - white, blue, black. The element is water. Talismans - fish, turtles, Chinese coins, mirrors.
  • The zone of knowledge is northeast. Favorable colors - sand, orange, yellow. Talismans - books, a globe, a crystal, a snake, houseplants with pointed leaves.
  • The zone of the family is east. Its colors are green, blue, brown. Talismans - family photos, bamboo, dragon, flute, water images.
  • Health is the center of the house. The colors of this zone are orange, yellow, sand. Talismans - monkey, heron, turtle, bamboo.
  • Here such colors and talismans are possibleadjust the zone of feng shui. Just add there what will help to activate the zone of influence. And the most important condition for the zones of influence to really affect your life - the absence of trash, debris and dirt. Only in a clean and uncluttered room energy will freely circulate, attracting into your home well-being and prosperity. If you do it right (as the Feng Shui teachings advise), then soon in your life there will be changes for the better. The main thing is to believe in it! We advise you to read:

