foot slimming exercises It is said that the character of a woman can be recognized bylength and shape of the legs. Allegedly, long-legged beauties are most often romantic, frivolous and not too fit in life. They fold before difficulties and often succumb to someone else's influence. While short-legged women are cheerful, purposeful and can easily solve any problem. Is it so? Maybe. Although if you analyze modern stereotypes, you can understand where such conclusions come from. In the 21st century the fashion for long-legged beauties has firmly settled. It is these girls who are chosen as wives by capricious oligarchs. And, having chosen, they try to protect themselves from all life's difficulties. An apartment, a car, a servant, a bank account are all at the service of a young beauty. So why, tell me, to solve some problems, if they simply do not exist? All the leisure of a woman is limited to choosing a beauty salon, approving the menu for the evening and going shopping. With age, hourly exercises for slimming legs and exercises in the pool are added to this list. And what? You have to support form. But back to the second type of women. Those who are not lucky with their feet. More precisely, lucky, but a few inches less. Is he threatening to become the wife of an oligarch? Hardly. Stereotypes are so strong that the powerful of this world will not venture to go against public opinion. In wives only model. And a point. Here also it is necessary for women with short legs to adapt in this life. They did not offer a turnkey package (a millionaire - an apartment - a car - a bank account). You have to earn everything yourself. No, no, they certainly marry in marriage and quite successfully. But, as a rule, they work on a par with the husband and become a strong support for him. Of course, this statement is not an indisputable truth, and it can be challenged. But with one fact any woman will agree: legs should be slender. Then you feel more confident, and you do not have problems with clothes, and you look younger. Only with the years to maintain the desired harmony is becoming more difficult. Still - you are one, and against you "try" so many opponents: age, cellulite, varicose veins, bad heredity. And the list can grow, and with it a complex called "thick legs". This defect spares no one. Before him all are equal: both an ordinary worker of the bank, and the wife of an oligarch. Therefore, exercises for slimming your feet are the same for all. Which ones? Now tell.

Slender legs: general recommendations

Before describing the complex of exercises for the legs, let me give a few recommendations that will make combating obesity easier.

  • Even if you recently bought a new onecar and everywhere go on your new thing, still walk. Throw the car, train your sneakers and go, for new, slender legs. A couple of hours a day a quick step, and you can not buy a subscription to the gym or pool.
  • Most bicycling And do not look with longingtowards the garage. The car is wonderful. But in order to lose weight, it is not enough to turn the steering wheel and press three pedals with your feet. You need an intensive load. And a bicycle is the most simple and correct solution to the problem of full legs.
  • Say "no" to the elevator. Well, what, that you live on the 9th floor? But the legs will be slimmer much earlier than your girlfriend from the 4th.
  • Enough to eat fatty and sweet No exerciseto lose weight legs will not help if you after the training will thank yourself with a plate of fried potatoes. In principle, and boiled, too, is undesirable. It is better to eat a bucket of buckwheat.
  • Be disciplinedonly then it will be effective when you start every day to conduct training. Want to give advice? "Tie" daily activities to your favorite show or series. Turning on the TV? Begin the exercises. So you can combine business with pleasure. Yes, and training will be much faster.
  • Do not expect a quick effect. Think: it took God even 7 days to create the world. But we are not Gods, are we? Therefore, be patient.

foot slimming exercises

Exercises for slimming legs

Now that all the general recommendations have been distributed, you can begin to describe the exercises.

  • Stand in front of a chair, put your hands on your back and start crouching slowly. After a couple of minutes complicate the complex movements, rising while squatting on your socks.
  • Do not put the stool away. It is still useful to us. Stand up straight, sticking out your arms outstretched behind the back of the chair. Pick up one leg on the toe. The second remains tightly pressed to the floor. Now change position, having lowered one leg or foot on a heel, and the second having raised on a sock. You seem to walk on the spot, without raising your feet from the floor. Movements should be energetic and lasting.
  • Put a blanket on the floor. Lie down on your stomach and start alternating flops with your legs. Your heels should fall on the buttocks. Repeat the complex of movements for ten minutes, then roll over on your back.
  • Overturned? Now lift your arms and legs of the top make random, but energetic machhes with all the limbs, as if you are a beetle, turned on its back. From the side this exercise may seem stupid and meaningless, however, the benefit from it is enormous. So you warm up the body and strengthen the blood circulation in the limbs.
  • Do not rush to get up from the veil. Lie down straight. Press your feet tightly against each other and lift it up a little. Hold in this position for a couple of minutes. Do you feel how muscles tighten? With every second, keeping your feet in the air is more difficult. If you feel that you no longer have the strength, put your feet on the floor. Relax and continue the set of exercises. In one run, you should lift your feet from the floor ten times. It does not matter how long it takes. The main thing - that the mahi were deep and the muscles of the legs worked properly.
  • Exercise similar to the previous one. Lay down again on the floor. Legs bend at the knees and swing from one side to the other until you feel tired. Forces at zero? Do not stop the exercises, but make five more moves with your legs at the limit of your abilities. The fact is that our body is accustomed to "reinsure" and sends a signal of fatigue in advance. Therefore, in order to give 100%, you need to continue the exercises, despite the pleas of the body for mercy.
  • The next set of movements is called "40seconds ". Performing it on the one hand is easy enough (no special tools and skills are required), on the other - incredibly hard, because you need incredible endurance. But we do not in vain remember exercises for weight loss, right? We will achieve our goal and will be slim like 10 years ago. Do you agree? Then get up on the starting position. We begin the exercise. Remember the sequence:
    • common pitch
    • fast walk
    • run
    • common pitch
    • On the socks
    • on the heels
    • at the foot

    So you're going through the room for the first 40 secondsthe usual step, then go to fast, then to run, etc .. Each set of movements should take ... correctly, exactly 40 seconds. Have you done it? Now we will open a small secret of the task: the more rapid step (run) in the exercise, the higher its efficiency.

  • Lie on your back. Bend your legs in your lap. The feet should be at right angles, that is, do not bend them during exercise, like a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. So, are you ready? Now alternately lift the knee bent at the knee to the chest. One, then the second. Try to keep your knees tight against the body. Repeat the exercise for 10 minutes.
  • The next movement will please many of its women.simplicity. These are the usual sit-ups. You can do them anywhere, as many as you want. The main thing is not to tear your feet off the floor. And more: the slower you crouch, the more will be the load on the legs and, accordingly, less fat on the hips. For classes to be faster and more efficient, we suggest doing squats for music.
  • Another set of movements for beautiful legs,familiar from childhood. This so-called "bridge" Remembered? In the lessons of physical education, the teacher often made us arched. It's time to apply long-forgotten skills in adulthood. Just have to complicate the task a little. You will not rest on both feet, but move the load on one foot. That is, during the exercise we rely on two hands and one leg. After several minutes we move the load to the second foot and continue to stand on the bridge until we feel full of fatigue. This exercise is good because it provides the muscles of the hands and feet at the same time. Plus, you make a beautiful press. So do not rush up the bridge. Extend your anguish for a few minutes so that your body will be strong and flexible for many more years.
  • slimming exercise

    Diet for shapely legs

    How do you think: Is it possible to have slender legs and eat everything? Undoubtedly. If you - good genetics and in order of metabolism. However, if you're reading this and have come almost to the last paragraph, the problem of excess weight is still there. And believe me, simple gymnastics programs can not cope with this. In order to achieve the desired harmony, you need to supplement numerous legs with a balanced diet. Now many women will begin to justify themselves and say that a busy schedule does not allow them to eat right. And that they in the organization do not have a dining room or even a kitchen in order to maintain any kind of diet. Willingly believe. However, if the woman was determined to change the complete foot to slim, nothing will stop her on the way to the goal, believe me. So listen to yourself: your desire to lose weight is large enough? If - yes, then remember some more simple tips on how to eat well in the workplace.

    • After you wake up, drink a glass of water Abetter - add there a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. It is a natural energy drink that will help you cheer up. You yourself do not notice how the forces will increase, and you will come to work inspired.
    • Lunch is dense. Many run out of the house after drinkinga cup of coffee. It is not right. Breakfast should be full. It is desirable to cook yourself and homemade oatmeal porridge. It will not take long. Modern manufacturers have long completed half the work for you, firing instant porridges that boil enough.
    • Many people work at the workplace with snacks fromchocolate, chips or crackers Do you think it's useful for your legs and waist? Yes that there for a waist! These daily five minutes adversely affect even health, not to mention the figure. What to do? Separate from the collective? Of course not. Just replace the milk chocolate with bitter. And the chips are for nuts and candied fruits.
    • If the canteen is not provided for in the company, take lunch with you. Do not poison the body with fat pizzas and an uncountable amount of yeast pies.
    • Eat at the same timeThis simple trick will improve digestion and help maintain a high level of metabolism.
    • Drink during the working day not coffee, and water Why do you need so much caffeine? And the water is well absorbed and helps your body to fight excess weight.
    • The law "do not eat after six o'clock in the evening" is knownabsolutely all women And it could not be included in the list of councils. But practice shows that many neglect the golden truth and continue to eat up after sunset. Lovely girls, if you knew how many kilos you could lose only thanks to the habit of not eating at night!

    Slender legs are, of course, beautiful. And we should strive for this. But it must be done with all responsibility, and not a week before the celebration in order to get into the evening dress. Or it often happens that a woman is obsessed with the idea of ​​losing weight. Everyone supports her: her friends find her diets, her husband buys a ticket to the gym. A woman instead of changing her life, passes a pass to fitness and buys another cake with whipped cream. They ask: why did not go on a diet and did not go to the gym? Answer: AND I WILL NOT GET. That is, she is pre-determined to be defeated and does not even try to become slim. Girls, remember: you will achieve beautiful legs only when it becomes not a dream, but a goal. So act! We advise you to read:

