exercises for a beautiful figure Very soon we are waiting for a series of New Yearholidays with noisy meals and quiet homecoming. I want to be happy in the New Year, and still have so much to do. It is of paramount importance to put the body in order. How to make the buttocks elastic and the abdomen flat? Most people think that only by training to exhaustion from day to day, you can get the perfect figure. There is a deal of truth in it; But if you urgently want to pull yourself together and lose weight - calm down, you still have time. We have prepared for you a gift - exercises for a beautiful figure that will lead to an excellent shape of your muscles. Flat stomach and elastic buttocks - it's so beautiful! Six effective exercises will help in creating the desired silhouette in record time. After four weeks of training, the result will be noticeable - your buttocks and abdominal press will be completely transformed. This express complex can be performed at home. How to make a beautiful figure with the help of physical exercises? Do not less than 3 times a week. Days of classes and rest days alternate. Before starting to perform a set of exercises, about 5 minutes, do any low intensity cardio exercises. For example, walk a few minutes in an energetic step or climb the stairs, do a few circular movements with your hands and rotate the body. Only after this, proceed to perform a set of exercises in this sequence. At the end of the session, you need to do stretching exercises: lying on the floor, pull your knees to your chest, then try to throw your legs behind your head, socks should touch the floor. Hold the stretch for 20 -30 seconds. Engaging in our program, you, having spent a minimum of time, get a tight, slender and attractive body.

Exercises for the abs

  • Pose of the bar with knee lowering. Exercise will strengthen the oblique muscles of the press

Stand on all fours, put your knees onwidth of shoulders. Arms bend so that the elbows were just under the shoulders, brushes join the lock. Straighten your legs, lean on your toes. The body forms a straight line - the bar - from the crown to the heels. The muscles of the press are tense. Bend the right leg and lower the knee to the floor, do not change the position of the body. Return to the starting position. Then do the exercise with your left foot. This will be 1 repetition. Do 16 to 20 repetitions.

  • Lowering the legs. Exercise will strengthen all the muscles of the press

Sit on the edge of the chair and for balancegrasp the seat. Lean back, press against the back of the chair. Straighten the press. Raise the legs bent at the knees, the legs must be parallel to the floor. Then slowly lower your legs, without bending your knees, touching the floor socks. Perform 6 -10 times.

  • Reverse twisting. Exercise will strengthen all the muscles of the press

Lying on your back, lift your legs up. Cross your ankles, bend your knees slightly. Hands on the back of the head. Press the tension. Stretch the abdomen so that the buttocks lightly come off the floor. Hold this position. With the effort of the muscles of the press, try to tear off the head, shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor. Do 4 sets of 10 to 15 body lifts without lowering the pelvis. Between the approaches, lower the body and buttocks, and keep your feet raised. effective exercises for a beautiful figure

Exercises for the buttocks

  • Pose of the bar with knee lift. Exercise will strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, the back of the thighs and the press

Stand on all fours, put your knees onwidth of shoulders. Arms bend so that the elbows were just under the shoulders, brushes join the lock. Straighten your legs, lean on your toes. The body forms a straight line - the bar - from the crown to the heels. Press muscles. Bend the right leg and lower the knee to the floor, and then raise it to the buttocks. Do not change the housing position. Make 8 to 10 knee lifts. Go down on all fours and rest a little. Repeat the exercise with your left foot. Perform 2 - 3 sets of each foot.

  • Squats on one leg. Exercise will strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks

Stand up straight, put your hands on your hips. The weight of the body is transferred to the left leg, and the ankle of the right leg is placed on the thigh of the left just above the knee. Press muscles. Sit on your left foot, keep your back straight. Go back to the starting position, the muscles of the buttocks. Perform 2 -3 sets of 8 -15 sit-ups on each leg.

  • Retracting the leg. Exercise will strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, the back surface and the upper part of the thighs

Stand to the left of the chair. With your right hand, lean against the back, put the left on the hip. Legs are straight, heels together, socks are unfolded. The muscles of the press and buttocks tighten. Move your left foot to the side and return to the starting position. Repeat 16 -20 times. At the last repetition, hold your foot in the up position and make 20 short strokes back. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with your right foot. You can complicate the exercise, then do the exercise without support. Do 2 -3 sets of 16 -20 reps with each foot. If you want to achieve the best results, you can use the principle of super-series. Perform all the exercises of the complex on one approach without interruption. Relax. Then repeat the super-series 2 or 3 more times. how to make a beautiful figure with the help of physical exercises

Our advice

Wherever you are - at work or onwalk, - as often as possible squeeze the buttocks. This is an excellent exercise, besides it can be done unnoticed by others. When you watch TV - do not lie on the couch, and do sit-ups and short swings with your feet to the sides. These are simple but effective exercises for a beautiful figure. Going up the stairs, doing squats or just walking along the street, try to transfer the weight of the body to the heels, to increase the load on the muscles of the buttocks. In the workplace, replace the chair with a fitness ball. The muscles of the press will be in constant tension to maintain the balance and position of the body. Keep your stomach tight and your back straight. Posture will be great, the muscles of the press will catch up. One exercise should not be limited. The positive result of training depends largely on proper nutrition. Try to eat more often, but little by little. You should consume no more than 1500 - 2000 calories per day. Meat, poultry or fish is best cooked on steamed or baked in the oven. In the daily diet should be a lot of vegetables and fruits. The most valuable fruits are dried apricots, figs and apples. Among the vegetables are especially useful spinach, all kinds of cabbage, salad. Take vitamins. Daily add to your menu one tablespoon of vegetable oil, because the body needs fatty acids. At night, of course, you should not eat too much. But if you still can not fall asleep on an empty stomach, drink a glass of yogurt or eat a portion of yogurt. We advise you to read:

