different causes of cervical erosion Erosion of the cervix is ​​one of the most frequentgynecological diseases. It can occur in women of any age, but more often after 30 years. The main signs of cervical erosion are the appearance on the mucous membrane of small defects in the form of wounds and sores. This breaks the integrity of the epithelium and reduces its protective properties. Symptoms of cervical erosion are most often absent or expressed very slightly and do not cause a woman anxiety for a long time. The disease is revealed at a planned examination of the gynecologist. Since the development of the disease most often occurs against the background of various sexual infections, there may be symptoms typical of these infections: vaginal discharge, itching on the genitals, pain in the perineum and lower back. In medicine, the allocation of 2 types of cervical erosion: congenital and acquired. Congenital (or pseudo-erosion) is an ectopia and usually occurs in young women and girls under the age of 25, whose blood levels are slightly elevated in progesterone. In this case, the prismatic epithelium covering the cervical canal is located outside of it and is determined during medical examination in the form of velvet reddening of the mucous membrane. Ectopy is not considered a disease and is one of the variants of the norm, since the cells have no damage, and they are altered. As a rule, treatment is not required in this case. Pseudo-erosions are not accompanied by any symptoms, and women feel completely healthy. Acquired (true) erosion is a serious enough disease, which refers to benign tumors of the female genital area. When viewed visually it is defined as a bright red spot on the pale background of the mucous membrane of the vaginal cervix. Erosion is not a precancerous disease, but the transformation of cells that occurs against it slightly increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. Therefore, if there are signs of erosion of the cervix, the doctor prescribes a woman for an additional examination (colposcopy, biopsy, bacteriological analysis of secretions) and conducts appropriate treatment. In the future such patients should be observed regularly at the gynecologist and give a smear to cytology. abdominal pain

Why does cervical erosion occur?

Causes of erosion of the cervix can be diverse. The most common factors provoking the development of the disease are the following:

  • Inflammatory processes of an infectious nature. These include, first of all, sexually transmitted diseases: urogenital chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, papillomavirus infection.
  • Inflammations of a bacterial nature.
  • Injuries of the cervix.
  • Disorders in the endocrine system.

treatment of cervical erosion

Infectious inflammatory diseases

Microorganisms are strong irritants,under the influence of which there is a reorganization of the cervical epithelium cells, as well as the processes of inflammation and destruction of its tissues, leading to the development of erosion of the cervix.

  • Urogenital chlamydia occurs whenin an organism of the causative agent of the disease - chlamydia, which are transmitted sexually. A favorite habitat for chlamydia is the mucous membrane of the cervix. In women, the main symptoms of urogenital chlamydia are burning and itching in the perineum, pain when urinating, vaginal discharge. In advanced cases, the spread of infection, the development of adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages) and infertility.
  • Trichomoniasis. When infecting trichomonads cause inflammation of the genitals. In this case, the main symptoms in women include reddening and itching in the genital area, the appearance of foamy, sharply smelling discharge from the vagina, pain when urinating. Often, trichomoniasis passes into a chronic form and causes infertility of women.
  • Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis are infections thatoften accompany other inflammations, for example, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. The main signs of infection are the appearance of burning and pain during urination, vaginal discharge.
  • Gonorrhea. The cause of the disease are gonococci. The main symptoms are pain during urination, purulent discharge from the vagina.
  • Papillomavirus infection is one of the mostPossible causes of cervical cancer, especially when combined with other infections. It is caused by the human papillomavirus, it is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. The first symptoms of the disease - the appearance of genital papillomas on the genitals and keratinized scales on the mucous membrane of the cervix.
  • Genital herpes is caused by a virus thata long time can not show itself in the body. But under certain conditions, sooner or later, inflammation develops, which causes erosion.
  • To the appearance of erosion on the cervix can leadand inflammation, not sexually transmitted. They usually appear on the background of a decrease in immunity and various hormonal disorders, and may also be the result of uncontrolled antibiotic use.

  • Bacterial vaginosis. The cause of its appearance is a violation of the composition of normal microflora in the vagina. The main symptoms: itching and burning on the genitals, discharge with an unpleasant odor (fish).
  • Thrush (Candidiasis). The causative agents of this infection are the fungi of the genus Candida. Characterized by the following symptoms: there are white curdled discharge from the vagina, itching, burning during urination and sexual contact.
  • Other factors contributing to the development of erosion

    Sometimes erosion may result fromdisorders in the endocrine system, especially in the glands that produce sex hormones. The cause of the development of the disease may be mechanical injuries of the mucosa. This is due to abortions, childbirth or gross sexual contacts. Promotes the development of erosion and unhealthy lifestyle, in which there is frequent and erratic change of partners.

