Can I get pregnant the first time? In our time, sex at a young age - not so muchrarity. The first sex can be wonderful, especially for those who are in love and morally ready for it; but an important factor is the protection from diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The trouble is that in our society the theme of sex is shamelessly hushed up, and if something is said about it, it is not as clear and clear as the teenager would like. We understand that speaking with parents or with teachers on this topic can be inconvenient for you. But someone must be able to explain what you do not understand, and lift the veil over the exciting secret! Do not worry, we fully understand your interest and are ready to clarify the issues that concern you. For example, can I get pregnant the first time and what should I do to avoid this unwanted pregnancy?

Can the "first time" lead to pregnancy

You can be absolutely sure - yes, maybe. For the onset of pregnancy is absolutely not important, once again there was sex. In general, every woman has this completely individually. Someone tries to get pregnant for months, and nothing happens, and someone did not even think about whether it's possible to get pregnant at the first time, and then this "one time" happens - and she's already a future mother! All that is needed for the onset of pregnancy is that the sperm get to the egg. Even if the girl has never had a menses, it can coincide so that she first had an ovulation (the egg left the ovary). The presence of a mature egg makes a girl capable of conceiving, that is, pregnancy is already possible. And if sexual contact happens at this moment, and the sperm gets into the vagina of a young woman, then do not even doubt if she can get pregnant the first time. Can I get pregnant for the first time?

How does fertilization take place?

Your interest in the issue of possible pregnancygives you an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge about a real miracle - about the process of the birth of a new life. This is how this magic happens. At a certain time of the normal menstrual cycle, the pituitary gland of the woman secretes hormones that stimulate the ovaries so that they release the matured ovum. Isolation of the ovum is called ovulation, which occurs most often in the middle of the cycle, approximately on the fourteenth day of a typical 28-day cycle. The exact timing of ovulation may fluctuate: some women have a 35-day cycle, while others have a 20-day cycle. The length of the menstrual cycle for each woman can also vary due to stress, illness, overwork and other factors. After ovulation, the egg moves along the fallopian tube, where it has about twenty-four hours to connect to the sperm. Since spermatozoa can survive in the female genital tract for three to five days, she can get pregnant by having sex on the day of ovulation or even a few days before her. After fertilization, the egg moves to the uterus, where it attaches itself to the mucous membrane of the uterus and begins to grow. Only after fixing a fertilized egg in the womb comes pregnancy. If this does not happen, menstruation begins. Knowing how the process of fertilization takes place, you will understand more clearly whether it is possible to conceive from the first time. Whenever a couple has unprotected sex, the likelihood of pregnancy is very high. And how can you be protected from such undesirable consequences?

Can I avoid an unwanted pregnancy?

Even the more experienced partnersthe misconception that interrupted sexual intercourse (when a partner takes out the penis before the onset of orgasm and sperm does not get into the vagina) is able to protect from conception. In fact, this is not so. In any case, of those women who use this method of protection during the year, twenty-five percent become pregnant during this very year. It is possible to become pregnant, the first time having sex, if you use this method. Why? There are several reasons for this. A quarter teaspoon of sperm contains more than one hundred million spermatozoa. This means that if only a drop of sperm gets into the vagina, or even if it does not fall into the vagina itself, but just next to it, then there is a significant probability of pregnancy. That is, if your partner lingers for a split second, then you risk becoming pregnant. And even if your partner has managed to keep control over himself and interrupted sexual intercourse on time, you can still get pregnant. And all because a specific fluid that is released immediately before ejaculation (seed release), also contains a number of sperm. And for the onset of pregnancy you only need one sperm! Can I get pregnant the first time?

The most reliable protection

If you are going to have sex, you shouldremember: only condoms are a reliable protection! Moreover, they not only prevent pregnancy, but also protect against the risk of contracting diseases that are sexually transmitted. Talk to your partner in advance and tell him about your desire to protect yourself during sex with a condom. And if you have entered adulthood, then just keep a condom in your handbag just in case - suddenly your friend will forget to purchase this remedy? We tried to talk as much as possible about the topic that is exciting for many teenagers. The main thing that you should remember: whether you are having sex in bed, in a jacuzzi, in an airplane, hanging upside down or standing, half an hour or just a minute - as long as there are sperm and egg, a woman can get pregnant, even if she is very young and that's her first time. And if you had unprotected sex (or the condom was removed or torn), then you should overcome embarrassment and consult a doctor to exclude pregnancy and take tests for diseases that can be transmitted from a partner. Security - above all!

Inflammatory processes

In the event that the first sexual contacthappened at an early age, there is another risk - the risk of injury to the mucous membranes lining the internal genitalia. And this is not surprising, because the full formation ends only by 16 - 18 years. That is why early sexual contacts can lead to various micro-injuries. And already these same microtrauma, in turn, often lead to the development of inflammatory processes. In recent years, gynecologists have increasingly noted the treatment of very young individuals who have recently begun to have sex. And diagnose in prelestnits diseases such as andexitis, vulvovaginitis. And even endometritis and endometriosis are very serious diseases with which an adult woman can cope very, very hard. And what can we say about the growing organism! And about local injuries you can not forget. Unfortunately, not always the first man is experienced enough and neat to deprive the girl of innocence without any complications. And this does not always happen because of inattention or unwillingness. For example, a young man himself may be inexperienced in sexual matters. One way or another, but sometimes gynecologists have to face vaginal tears and even cervical lesions. By the way, pay special attention to spotting after the first sexual intercourse. Normally, they should not be abundant. And they should stop completely in about an hour. If this does not happen, be sure to seek medical help. In this case it is better to be safe than to miss any complication.

Psychological aspects

Talking about the first sex and its consequences, you can notnot to mention the psychological side of the issue. As a rule, the first sexual contact remains in the memory of the girl for the rest of her life. Strictly speaking, it is he who predetermines the woman's further attitude to sex. It's great if the first sexual contact happens to a beloved man. Well, or at least with a pretty girl a young man, and in normal conditions. Bathroom, bed, tenderness, patience and affection - a more suitable entourage for the first sexual experience than any party, toilet and alcoholic intoxication. There are no pleasant feelings and positive emotions in this situation. The only thing that can end such a sexual experience is a great disappointment. And this is at best. At worst, unwanted pregnancy and / or venereal diseases can occur. And such negative emotions in the future will serve a woman very poorly. After all, there is a very high probability that the attitude towards sex will form the most negative - and there and before frigidity is a stone's throw away. And this can cause a number of problems - in particular, not the existing family life, dissatisfaction with itself. And it will be very difficult to change this situation independently. And sometimes without the serious help of specialists is completely impossible. But why so often does this happen? Unfortunately, the main reason is banal stupidity. Unwillingness to differ from her friends, to lag behind them, remaining a virgin. But it is worth considering that the desire to be like your girlfriends is not worth such a high price. And do not forget that not all that the girlfriends say is reality. And, in the end, remember that your life is your life. We advise you to read:

