Dry skin of the face, what to do Dry and very dry skin of the face is, as a rule,thin and delicate skin, with imperceptible pores, not prone to acne eruptions and other unpleasant manifestations, from which the owners of oily skin suffer. In other words, it's beautiful skin. But each medal has two sides: beauty is accompanied by early wrinkles, sensitivity, tightening sensations, giving serious discomfort, and peeling. What to do? Provide a thorough and competent care, which provides, in the first place, the necessary nutrition and deep hydration. Due to this, you can keep the beauty and youth of dry skin for many years.

What causes dry skin

It should be noted that the skin condition dependsfrom a variety of reasons and is not a constant value, changing depending on the age, lifestyle, nature of nutrition, the influence of the environment and other factors. Insufficient secretion of sebum leads to loss of elasticity, appearance, cracks, irritations, redness and flaking spots. If we talk about internal causes that provoke dryness, then they are referred to:

  • problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract
  • lack of essential vitamins and microelements
  • endocrine disorders
  • stress

External factors that lead to a reduction in fat production are:

  • superfluous insolation
  • exposure to sea water
  • atmospheric influences (frost, wind)
  • improper care (cleansing, nutrition)

In case you learn how to properly care for your skin, responding to all changes in its condition in a timely manner, then you will not experience any special skin problems. very dry skin of the face what to do

Proper cleansing of dry skin

Owners of dry skin should clearly understand,that they are contraindicated with care products that contain alcohols. Especially cautiously it is necessary to approach to a choice of means for skin cleansing, choosing the most soft and neutral - milk, cream, gels. Soap it is desirable not to use. For washing, it is better to use soft cool water. Neither too warm water nor too cold do not fit. The fact is that cold water causes a spasm of blood vessels, and this is harmful to the skin, and hot, on the contrary, dilates them, which can cause the appearance of a vascular reticulum, the formation of which is very prone to dry skin. Before taking a bath or shower, it is desirable to apply to the skin a fat cream for dry skin or olive oil, because (as strange as it may sound), such procedures help to increase dryness.

Cleansing very dry skin

Such skin is especially vulnerable, it is easily irritated and does not tolerate even ordinary water. Therefore, purification requires special care.

  • As an option, you can use for heating the warmed vegetable oil - optimally olive. Very dry skin reacts well to coconut oil - it's also better to warm it up a little.
  • Oat broth perfectly cleanses sensitive skin. To make it, you need 2-3 spoons of oatmeal, which must be poured with boiling water. When this mixture is infused and cooled, decoct the broth through a sieve and use as directed. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.
  • Use a starch solution for washing - half a teaspoon of starch per cup of water (brew).
  • If you want to wash with water, you should use only melt water (it is very soft), and as a cleanser, you can use a yolk mixed with olive oil.
  • To soften hard water, you can use soda, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
  • For sensitive skin well suited herbal decoctions, in particular a decoction of chamomile. Azulene, contained in this plant, perfectly soothes irritated skin.
  • On sale now there are very sparing tools forcleansing dry sensitive skin. You can try to find something suitable. Preference should be given to the products of well-known manufacturers who produce high-quality cosmetics. very dry skin of the face

    Tips for the care and protection of dry skin

    Proper care for any skin (dry notexception) involves qualitative cleansing, nutrition and hydration. But in relation to dry skin, you must also use protection. How to do it, we'll talk just below. For care, you need creams - moisturizing and nourishing. Humidification is a necessary component in the care of dry skin. We already talked about cleansing. Now we will talk about nutrition. For dry skin it is very important to choose a cream that will solve the problems in the complex. Sometimes you have to sort through a dozen creams before you find one that fits optimally. Day care It is desirable to have two different creams - for morning care and for evening. Day cream should be more easily, as a rule, in such creams the main emphasis is on moisturizing. It is applied after 15-20 minutes after washing with gentle massage movements until completely absorbed. Than it is necessary to be guided, choosing a day time cream for a dry skin? Of course, it should moisturize and nourish the skin in such a way that during the day there is not the slightest discomfort, but this cream should perform another very important function: it must protect the skin. Protection is very important in the care of dry and very dry sensitive skin. Modern day creams, as a rule, contain all the necessary protective factors, protecting the skin from the influence of ultraviolet, protecting against frost and wind. It is clear that when choosing a day cream, you must take into account the seasonal factor. For the summer it is important to have a high protection against solar radiation, and in the winter the face should be protected from such unpleasant influences as frost and wind that have a destructive effect on the state of sensitive skin. Night Care Now about the cream for evening (night) care. This cream provides the skin with adequate nutrition and, of course, moisturizing. Today, the moisturizing factor is included in all quality creams intended for the care of dry skin. An important component of the nutritious cream is the presence in it of vitamins and microelements that provide health and a beautiful look of our skin. Particularly useful for the skin are vitamins A and E, which are not in vain called vitamins of youth. Nourishing night cream is applied to the cleansed skin with light massage movements on massage lines. If the skin has flaky areas, it is better to apply the cream with a cotton pad, which is preliminarily dipped in salted water. Thus, you can quickly bring the irritated areas into a normal state. Night cream should be applied for a couple of hours before bedtime, and always remove the remnants of a cosmetic napkin. This will avoid edema. Additional care As an additional care for dry skin, you can recommend a variety of masks. To achieve a good effect, it is better to do a course of procedures - this is usually 10-15 sessions, which are held at intervals of one to two days. After such a course to maintain the result, it is desirable to do the mask once a week. For dry skin it is always an excellent therapy that helps to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as constriction, peeling. Now the market of cosmetic products offers a huge selection of ready-made masks from the most famous manufacturers. And the recipes for home masks, too, should not be abandoned. To make them simply, the components are always at hand, in addition, these masks are effective enough and help to effectively solve the problems of dry skin. We advise you to read:

