Beautiful and healthy hair - a dream practicallyevery woman. However, alas, not always these dreams come true. When hair suffers from a lack of moisture, the nutrition of the hair follicles and tips is disturbed. It's much easier to damage the hair structure than you think. Bathing in salted sea water or in a swimming pool with chlorinated water, winter cold, fixing agents, perm and ironing is not a complete list of reasons provoking problems with hair. The dry ends of the hair break easily and split, which makes your hair look untidy. However, they can be cured, even if the strands look very damaged and lifeless.
General recommendations for the care of dried tips
Treatment of head of hair must begin withthe correct definition of the type of scalp. Wash your hair, dry it in a convenient way. After three or four hours, pat dry the skin with a paper towel. If the paper is oiled, your hair can be called fat. Normal type will leave slight traces of cutaneous secretion on a napkin, and contact of dry scalp with a napkin in general will pass without a trace. Dry hair ends are a sign of improper care. Hair reacts sensitively to the change of shampoo, staining and regular drying with a hair dryer. So that they always remain healthy and shiny, observe some rules of hair care.
- External factors
Protect your hair from frost and exposureultraviolet rays. They thin out the cortex, which causes moisture to evaporate faster from the pores. In winter, wear hats, and in the summer heat, wear a panama or cap and collect the strands in the tail. By the way, do not tighten the hair bands very tight - so you break the process of supplying the tips with nutrients.
- Hair Styling
Use a hairdryer as rarely as possible - a maximum of 2-3once a week. A hot jet "lifts" the scales and increases the porosity of the hair. The high temperature of the air flow can make your head feel stiff and unruly. Before drying, divide the strands into sectors to facilitate and accelerate the achievement of the desired result. Dry each air stream at room temperature, keeping the hair dryer at a distance of 20-25 cm. If there is time, you can just blot out the hair periodically with a towel until the hair is completely dried. Do not scratch the wet curls with metal brushes and plastic combs. Use a comb or a flat brush made of natural wood. So you minimize the damage to the hair. After washing the cuticles are "steamed" and you can easily pull out a whole bunch without even noticing. An excellent alternative to a wooden comb, if you do not have it, will be your own fingers - carefully separate the strands from each other and lightly comb them. Lay your hair in a safe way. For example, soft waves will be obtained if you simply squeeze the strands with your hands during drying. Straightening curls can be using a flat wide brush and a hair dryer with a hub-concentrator. If you still can not do without ironing and nippers, be sure to get a thermal protective agent. Usually it comes in the form of a spray or liquid. Scrub the damp hair from the spray gun, lightly dry it, and then begin to lay.
- Diet
Eat right. Reduce the consumption of flour, fatty and sweet foods. Replace the butter with olive, and cakes and pastries - dried fruits. Breakfast oatmeal - it not only improves the condition of very dry hair, but also improves the complexion. Every day, drink a glass of milk or eat a couple of slices of cheese: proper care for dry tips means replenishing the lack of calcium in the body.
- Fluid consumption
Moisturizing hair care should not beonly cosmetic - it is very important to consume a sufficient amount of liquid. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily to cure hair from overdrying. It is very useful for restoring the structure of the follicles and normalizing the fat balance of the scalp with hot water and lemon, soaking on an empty stomach. Pour two slices of lemon with a glass of boiling water, insist 5-6 minutes, then drink slowly. Do not be lazy to make such an infusion every morning - this is the best folk remedy for the "inner" healthy hairstyle.
- A haircut
With lifeless tips you can not cope withoutregular haircuts. Use the services of a hairdresser at least once a month and a half. If you want to quickly return your hair look attractive, each time shear about 1 cm of hair - and so until the complete cure. Ideal option - "hot scissors". The tips touched and dried by cosmetics and irons during the haircut are "sealed", so that moisture is retained longer. If you grow your hair and do not want to part with even a couple of centimeters, ask the master to cut off the exceptionally damaged ends. This is done very simply: the hair is divided into sectors, and those in turn - into thin strands. Everyone is twisted into a tight spiral - all "crawled out" while the tips are cut.
Washing of hair, suffering from dry ends
The moisture in the ends of hair is sorely lacking? Stop washing your hair everyday! Too often cleansing traumatizes the hair and disrupts the normal operation of the sebaceous glands. Here are the general rules of washing your head:
- Preliminary preparation
Home treatment of dry hair tips is necessarystart with the proper preparation for washing your hair. If you do "mini-masks" 5-10 minutes before using shampoo, you will forget about split and dried ends. Apply the scalp to the scalp and rub it with massaging movements until evenly distributed. Take a comb with sparse teeth and gently comb the strands to allow oil to reach the ends of the hair. In a few minutes you can start cleaning your hair.
- Choice of shampoo
Choose a shampoo with neutral ph and moisturizingcomponents in the composition. Pay attention to the packaging: if it says that the composition of the product includes Shea butter, silk proteins, amino acids, keratin, lecithin - it suits you. No need for fanaticism: from the fact that you pour half a bottle of shampoo on your head, the treatment will not give immediate results, no matter how miraculous it is. Apply a little shampoo on the hair, massage the scalp gently with the pads of your fingers, rinse with warm water. Hot water will only aggravate the condition of your hair. In addition, it washes away useful substances from them. At home, it's easy to prepare shampoo for washing hair, prone to cross-section and dryness. The best folk remedy for the treatment of damaged tips is a fresh chicken egg. The proteins contained in its composition "fill" the damaged pores and "glue" the tips. To prepare shampoo, use only the yolk. The more saturated its color, the more useful substances it contains. Before mixing it with other ingredients, thoroughly clean the yolk from white "foil" and connective tissues. Otherwise, after washing your head, they will remain in your hair, and you will have to scrub them scrupulously.
- Therapeutic mask
To "solder" dry ends, take 2 chickenyolk, 2 tbsp. cognac or vodka and 1 tbsp. yogurt. Stir ingredients, use instead of the purchased shampoo. After a few applications, the hair will become shiny and smooth. Hair that regularly undergoes staining will benefit from a shampoo of yolk and black bread. Soak 200 gr. dry crusts of black bread for a day in warm water. Squeeze the resulting mass through gauze, add 1 egg yolk to it, mix thoroughly. Distribute the home shampoo over the entire length of the hair, massage the skin with your fingers and rinse the mixture with warm water.
Fighting fatty roots
Moisturizing care for very dry hair canBe problematic if you have fatty roots. It would seem - why fatty epidermis moisturizing, when he already suffers from an overabundance of fat? Hair addiction to rapid contamination and increased production of skin secretion - signs of a lack of moisture. By producing a large amount of fat, the skin "tries" to help you cope with the dryness. To cure fatty roots and dry hair on the tips, you need to prepare a lemon shampoo. Rub a piece of "Children's" soap on a large grater. Take 150 gr. soap shavings, add 100 gr. boiling water and mix well. Zest of two lemons finely chop, pour 250 gr. cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 4-6 minutes. Cool, mix with a soap base. Keep the shampoo in the fridge and use it to wash your hair 1-2 times a week. It regulates the fat content of the roots without damaging even very dry tips.
Rinsing hair
Care of dry tips involvesUse moisturizing and softening masks and balms. These drugs help to strengthen the hair shaft and cortex, prevent excessive opening of the scales and cross section. In addition, they facilitate combing, make the hair docile and give brightness to the colored hair. To treat the hair gave positive results, use a balm rinse after each wash, and an intensive mask - once a week.
- Herbal infusion
As a hand-made balm for hair, you canuse herbal infusions. They strengthen hair, promote moisture retention in them and stimulate growth - after all, the faster your curls grow, the sooner you will get rid of split ends. Take 3-4 tablespoons. camomile chamomile, calendula flowers, coltsfoot or plantain leaves and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours. Rinse the shampoo from the hair with the resulting decoction, previously diluted it with 2 liters. warm water.
- Apple vinegar
To soften the chlorinated water used to rinse hair, you can also use apple cider vinegar. Add it at the rate of 1 tbsp. essences for 1 liter. liquid.
- Tinted rinse aid
Brown-haired and brunettes can cookrinser, giving hair a beautiful rusty shade. To achieve it, you need to cook 200 gr. onion husk in 2 liters. water and wash off this decoction of shampoo. Blondes and dark-blond girls like the clarifying balm-rinse. It can be prepared by adding to 3 liters. warm water ½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Healing Masks
Masks for dry ends of hair come in two types. The first are applied before washing - as a rule, these are fatty and rich compounds for moistening and strengthening the strands, which are not so easy to wash off (so you need to use shampoo). Treatment with masks of the second type is aimed precisely at healing the damaged tips. Use masks saturated with sea salt, hammamelis extract, aloe vera gel or cocoa butter. These funds are applied solely to the hair itself, avoiding the roots - otherwise the scalp will become oily and the hair will have to be washed a few hours after using the mask.
- Oil Masks
Home hair care, the tips of whichare prone to cross-section and dryness, should not rule out the use of various oils. It is the vegetable oil that can replace the first type of mask, bought in stores. Use any oil that you have at hand: olive, burdock, mustard, sesame, pumpkin, coconut or hemp. Mustard oil slightly burns the scalp, so it excellently stimulates hair growth. Pumpkin oil contains vitamins E and D, so necessary for the treatment of dry tips. Sesame oil restores the damaged structure of the painted hair in just a few applications. Coconut oil in tropical countries is used instead of hair care sprays - they just smear them with strands several times a day. The longer the oil compress will stay on the hair, and especially on the tips, the better. Therefore, make a mask only when you have a couple of spare hours in stock and you are in no hurry. The ideal option - to apply an oil mask for the night. If you provide such care to your hair, you will very quickly achieve good results. Coconut oil is quite expensive. If you do not want to spend money, you can prepare it yourself. Buy in the store 2 coconuts. When buying, pay special attention to the integrity of the shell - it should not have cracks and chips. At home, cut the coconut with a knife, drain the coconut milk. Thoroughly peel the pulp of the coconut from the shell. Does not work? Take the pulp from the walnut, scooping up with a tablespoon. Grind the mass in the blender. Pour the resulting chips into a plastic bowl and fill it with 0.5 liters. warm water. Put it in a cool place for a day. For 24 hours on the surface of water a thick layer of finished oil is formed, which you need to carefully assemble. Heat the oil in a saucepan to about 60-70 degrees, pour into a glass jar and store in a refrigerator. Coconut oil of own preparation or any other oil put or render on hair. Comb them so that the oil gets to not only on the roots, but also on the tips. Wrap the head with cellophane tape or put on a bathing cap. Leave the mask overnight. In the morning, wash it off by washing your hair with shampoo twice to get rid of the residual oil.
- Mask for dandruff
You are concerned not only with dry tips, but also withpermanent itching combined with dandruff? To get rid of the obsessive fungus it is possible, making masks with burdock oil. Preheat 100 gr. oil on a water bath or in a microwave. Add a few drops of essential oil of tea tree, eucalyptus or rosemary. Apply to the scalp for 1-2 hours, then rinse.
- Mask with yogurt
On dry tips, henna acts beneficially. Take 50 gr. colorless henna, add 1 duck yolk (duck eggs are directly "overcrowded" with lecithin), 2 tablespoons yoghurt and 0.5 tbsp. medical alcohol. Stir all the ingredients, apply the mixture to the ends of the hair and leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash your hair with plenty of water to get rid of henna balls.
- Onion mask
If you are not embarrassed by such a "fragrant" care,prepare a mask based on onion juice. Rub 2 large onions on the grater, squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth. Add 2 tablespoons. liquid honey (can be heated on a water bath candied) and 3 tablespoons. decoction of nettle. Stir, distribute to the hair. After 20 minutes you can wash off the composition with running water.
- Milk masks
Milk proteins are also very useful fordamaged ends. Use kefir, fatty milk or fermented milk to make a mask. 200 gr. dairy product warm it over low heat, add 1 tsp. dry instant yeast. Apply the composition to the hair, avoiding the roots. A similar result is given by a mayonnaise mask. 150 gr. Mayonnaise spread over the hair with a wooden or plastic comb. Wash off after 30 minutes. cool water. Have enough patience to cure damaged and weakened hair - care should be regular. Get rid of the bad habit of fiddling with strands, when you are nervous, less often dye your hair or use natural dyes, give up complex laying that requires the use of fixatives - only so you will forever get rid of dry tips! We advise you to read: