Cystitis is a very annoying, painful disease,which occurs in women quite often. If you have overcooled the day before and suddenly felt pain while urinating, the urge to it increased, this is one of the main and first signs of cystitis. In this case, do not engage in self-medication, trying to bring down the inflammatory process and drown out the symptoms. Independently choosing drugs in the pharmacy or on the recommendations of friends, you run the risk of transferring the disease into a chronic form, which will be extremely difficult to cure. Here are the signs of acute cystitis during inflammation:
- itching during urination;
- night desires;
- frequent urination with minimal amount of excreted urine;
- temperature increase up to 38 ° С;
- nausea, vomiting, chills;
- general weakness;
- in the urine appears blood;
- burning with urination.
Serious complication of cystitis in women may bePyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys, which easily passes into a chronic process. If we take into account that such a woman can expect with every hypothermia, which is not always avoided, the disease simply needs to be treated immediately, as soon as it appeared for the first time, and not by folk remedies, but by modern ones designed to treat this unpleasant disease. Without drugs such as antibiotics, there is no way. If you start treatment on time and correctly, the signs of cystitis are already in 7-14 days, and relief of the condition - after 2-3 days.
Actions when a disease is detected
Of course, contact a specialist. It is the urologist who will choose the antibiotic treatment that is most suitable for you in this case. After all, only a specialist can professionally select antibiotics. Sometimes the cause of the disease can be a violation of the vaginal microflora, so the examination will need to be done in a complex: both for the urologist and for the gynecologist (a smear for studying the flora of the vagina - for women). Diagnosis includes, in the first place, urinalysis and a smear. To exclude the presence of a tumor or stones in the bladder, you need to undergo cystoscopy (the bladder is examined from the inside with a special instrument inserted through the urethra), as well as cystography (X-ray examination), ultrasound. The procedures are not complicated, but they allow you to see the full picture of the disease and correctly prescribe the treatment. Also, the doctor will choose the most suitable form of medication, there will be tablets or injections. After treatment with tablets is sometimes more long-term, and it is necessary to take into account the effect of the drug on the gastrointestinal tract. In the event that the pathogen is a disorder of the microflora and when the microbes are detected, it is also necessary to examine the sexual partner. Often with this disease, both patients have to undergo treatment, otherwise a second inflammatory process is possible. Physiological feature in women - a short urethra, therefore, cystitis in women is several times more common than in men, because the infection quickly enters the bladder. The treatment of cystitis in pregnant women takes into account the specific composition of the drugs and their concentration. Care should be taken with antibiotics. The form of inflammation is divided into:
- acute or chronic;
- primary or secondary;
- focal, diffuse;
- infectious, allergic, radiation;
- catarrhal, ulcerative, haemorrhagic, gangrenous and the like.
In addition to the above reasons for the disease inwomen, it is worth noting factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, in which the mobility of the diaphragm of the small pelvis deteriorates, there are shifts in the location of the bladder, leading to a disruption in its work; physical overwork, malnutrition; delays in the emptying of the bladder - it is not recommended to tolerate and for a long time not respond to the urge; impaired personal hygiene, stagnant processes of the small pelvis. The first thing that a woman with cystitis needs to consider is a mandatory bed rest, a diet (sharp and salty dishes, spices, alcohol are excluded), copious drinking, limiting sexual intercourse. Of drinking, cranberry juice is a very good remedy. Cranberry is a wonderful anti-inflammatory drug. There is no such thing as a cure for cystitis. Treatment includes a set of measures that should include:
- antimicrobials (antibiotics, etc., at the doctor's discretion);
- Physiotherapy (baths) and heat to the bottom of the abdomen;
- auxiliary influence of folk remedies (tinctures and herbal medicinal herbs, berries, fruits);
- immunomodulating drugs.
As for drug treatment, modern pharmaceuticals offer a wide choice. We will consider some preparations below.
Essential medicines against cystitis
- Monural (powder) - highly effectiveantimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug. Preparations based on fosfomycin trometamol perfectly cope with infectious agents, concentrate in the bladder and, therefore, have a long-lasting effect.
- Phytolysin (ointment) is a preparation made onvegetable base (birch leaves, parsley root, sage oil, mint, orange and pine, onion husks, etc.). It is a diuretic, antispasmodic drug that will remove painful manifestations of cystitis.
- Faspik (tablets) - anti-inflammatory drug, very quickly relieving pain and carefully relating to the stomach.
- Monorel Previcyst (tablets) - activeanti-inflammatory drug, aimed specifically at the treatment of inflammatory urological diseases. Struggles with an infectious agent through the destruction of the cell wall. The advantage of it is that it increases immunity and is well tolerated.
- Furazolidone (tablets) is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial.
Immunomodulating drug is also prescribed at the discretion of the attending physician.
Aids against cystitis
From the auxiliary means of traditional medicine, you can choose one of the following options.
- Cranberry. We have already mentioned it and put it first in the strength of the impact. It contains an acid that makes the flora of the urinary system unsuitable for bacteria.
- Flax seeds. A decoction of seeds removes symptoms.
- Rowan. From the berries is prepared a decoction, which quickly enough eliminates discomfort. More than three days of broth is not worth drinking.
- Lime honey. It is the most healing of varieties of honey, removes inflammation and has an antibacterial effect.
- Celandine. From it is prepared infusion. Only use it should be done with caution, in small dosages, since the celandine is a fairly poisonous plant.
And again: the choice of medicine for cystitis can only be done by a doctor, including in the treatment of a whole health complex to prevent the recurrence of the disease. After the treatment, do not forget that the lack of hypothermia and hygiene will not give an unpleasant disease more trouble for you!