1 Every mom knows about the benefits of daily walksfor the health and proper development of your child. Long stay outdoors increases appetite, promotes sound healthy sleep, and also strengthens immunity. Walking is necessary for children of any age and regardless of the current season and the weather outside the window. However, that they were really useful - it is important to take care of the wardrobe for the child in advance. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of demi-season things, because the spring and autumn sun is deceptive - looking out from behind the clouds, it's pretty hot, but it's worthwhile to hide, as a warm, seemingly fine day quickly becomes cold and sometimes cloudy. So how is it right to get a child out for a walk in the off-season?

Layering in children's clothing

This is perhaps the most important principle thatit is worth sticking to, preparing the child to go out into the streets at any time of the year, including in the off-season. Rule multilayered states: one thick thing is better to prefer two less warm. This will allow you at any time to remove from the child one of the jackets, if it becomes hot, thereby protecting it from overheating. After all, this state of the body is not less dangerous than hypothermia, and threatens to turn around for the child with fever, weakness, lethargy and even nausea. The presence of several layers in clothing is especially important if your child goes to a kindergarten. After all, the road to the kindergarten can take quite a long time, and the children's day is waited by a walk with active games and running, because of which the child can sweat and, steamed, quickly "catch" a cold. If you took care of your child and instead of one thick woolen sweater put on him two lighter little muffs, then, going out for a walk, one of them the child can leave in the group. Thus, a smaller amount of clothes will allow the baby not to overheat and provide greater convenience for movement. By the way, stylish and quality cardigans, sweatshirts and jumpers can be found in the online store "Prikinder" , which sells children's clothing. Here you will find demi-season products for girls and boys of all ages.

Poddev and thermal underwear

The beginning of spring and the last autumn month are truefriends frosty winter. During these periods the street is rather cold, the temperatures are low, precipitation falls from the sky in the form of rain or snow. Therefore, again remembering the multilayered clothing, moms should take care of buying underwear for her child, the choice of which largely depends on the child's age. If the baby is very small, and yet does not go on his own legs, then the best option for such a crumb will be soft cotton things - body with legs and sleeves, sliders, T-shirts and caps. These products perfectly preserve body heat, and also protect the child's delicate skin from irritation with "prickly" woolen things. T-shirts made of cotton material, t-shirts and pantyhose are also good for older children. However, it is better for mums already adults, active and independent fidgets to pay attention to thermal underwear. Unlike cotton, it does not absorb moisture, but rather pulls it away from the body. Agree, more harm than good from walking in a sweat-soaked clothes on a cold day. However, putting on a child thermosilos, turtlenecks or thermo-fiber shirts, do not overdo it with the amount and thickness of subsequent layers of clothing, so that the child is not too hot.

Outerwear and warm accessories

Upper children's clothing in the off-season can bevery diverse in the models, as well as made of different materials and heaters. But the most protection in such a weather-unstable time of the year will be provided by jackets, coats and overalls made from modern waterproof and non-blown fabrics - polyurethane, with membrane impregnation or Teflon coating. A nice bonus for the mother is that such products are easy to clean - they need a rare washing, and any contamination can be removed by simply wiping the thing with a wet cloth. And of course, what kind of walk on a cool day can do without a headdress, a bright scarf and a pair of gloves or mittens? Secure protection of your favorite small pens will provide , bright, decorated with funny imagesanimals, cars, flowers and cartoon characters. While on the street, ask the child more often if he feels well - he does not freeze or sweat. And if you know that your mischief can say anything, just to not go home without having to measure the depth of all the puddles in the yard, then take note of this - the children's nose and ears are never deceived. If they are cold, then there is a risk of hypothermia, and too hot cheeks and a child's neck are a sign of an approaching overheating. If these parts of the child's body are only a little cool (which is quite natural for staying on a cool street), then, rest assured, you have no reason to be alarmed.

