tilde dolls Doll Tilda - the fruit of imagination and skillNorwegian needlewoman Tony Finanger. Probably, when the Norwegian sewed her first doll, she could not imagine what made this the beginning of the so-called "tildomania". The Tilda dolls sewn in this technique (or even in this particular style) quickly gained admiration worldwide after the release of the books by Tone Finanger "Tilda Christmas" and "Tilda Eastera". And then the term Tilda began to be called not only dolls, but all other toys: angels, rabbits, ballerinas, seals, bear cubs, flowers and their ilk. What was so special about this primitive doll? Why did it become so popular and fashionable? Is it easy to sew a doll Tilda own hands? Let's try to find answers to all these questions.

The Secret of the Birth of Tilda

Tilda doll The creator of this primitive charmer is still quiteyoung girl. She says that the inspiration for her was the work in the store, where handmade goods were sold. Tone Filanger's first impulse was to write books for children and create cartoons. However, the world of needlework so captured the artist that she came up with Tilda. The source of inspiration for Tone (according to her) was Scandinavian folklore and childhood memories. Shortly thereafter (in 1999), Tone wrote a book about her hobby, signed an agreement for its publication and opened her first store. And the following year, Panduro Hobby started to produce products under the brand name "Tilda". The tremendous success of books and goods for needlework made the famous and Tone Phonanger and her dolls Tilda. The incredible popularity of Tilda resulted in a real design concept, according to which several styles are combined when decorating interiors, and the doll of Tilda herself from an unpretentious toy turned into an interior doll.

The secret of Tilda's fascination

Tone Phonanger says that she herself adoresTilda for her extraordinary femininity and intentional impeccability. In her presentation, Tilda will easily leave the house, dressed up in a ball gown and rubber boots. Tilda will put roses in an old cracked jug, and in a crystal vase - a bouquet of weeds. Tilda has a special idea of ​​beauty, in her world, a serious view of life is impossible. All dolls are distinguished by their individuality. Each individual Tilda has a wayward character. Tilda is the ornament of life and the flight from the gray everyday life. What is the secret of the charm of the Tilda dolls? Apparently in the deliberate primitiveness of the performance, in a shy blush and little eyes-beads. The appearance of these dolls causes a feeling of warmth, tenderness and coziness. Therefore, these unique dolls become the keepers of the home and fashionable elements of the interior.

The secret of making Tilda

tilde dolls Tilda is very simple to manufacture. And this is one of the reasons for her deafening success. Sewing dolls by hand or using a sewing machine for this is not a matter of principle. Although the manual work, oddly enough, looks neater. When creating tildikov (as they were christened in Russia) use natural cotton, linen or woolen fabrics. For dolls-ladies, as well as for animal dolls, flannel, fleece, coarse calico, flax, and cotton are well suited. These tissues are used to make dolls for making a body, which is worn in clothes already from any fabric (cotton, silk, knitwear - to whom one likes). The fabric for clothing can be anything, but necessarily small. Stuff toys mostly sinteponom or holofayberom. Some individual details of the trunk can be filled with trimming fabrics or very finely chopped capron tights (golf). For weighting the figure, you can use burnt buckwheat. The legs of dolls-young ladies are sometimes stitched along the line of the knees - such legs will bend, and their owners will be able to sit even with their legs crossed. But it is important to remember that the legs in the thigh area do not need to be stuffed tightly, otherwise they will not bend in the knees! After packing, the unshielded parts are sewn with a hidden seam. The hair of the Tilda doll is made from yarn. For a typical Tildov hairstyle, a plush yarn is suitable. But also from any other yarn you will get a perfect hairstyle for Tilda's hairdress (especially if it's pigtails). The whiskers of seals, dogs and rabbits are made of fine wire, wrapping it with threads of mulina. Tildikov's eyes are embroidered with French knots, or sew small dark beads, or paint with acrylic paints. Mandatory for these dolls blush is also applied with paints, either by usual dry rouge, or by the slate powder of colored pencils. Another feature of Tilde is the color of the "skin". The real Tilda should look like a sunburnt girl. To do this, use fabrics of suitable color, or specially colored. Color Tilde body fabric can be ordinary tea brewing or instant coffee. A piece of cloth that will go to the doll's body is boiled for ten minutes in a dye and dried. Sometimes they paint a ready-made toy. Then the solution of tea (coffee) is made more thickly, and for fixing I add a little glue of PVA to it. But in this case, all sewing details, eyes, ornaments, you need to sew after dyeing the doll. Another solution for coloring Tilda: 1 liter of water, 50 g. instant coffee, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. In this solution, the fabric should be stirred constantly, after a light rinse in cool water. Dry the colored fabric carefully, without bending, pulling at one end.

The secret of the multitude of Tilda

From birth to todayTilda changed a lot. Its appearance was influenced by artists from different countries. Today Tilda is not only an elegant young lady. In the technique of Tilda dolls, charming fatties, funny kids, and all kinds of animals (up to kangaroos and dragons) are made. There are tildics in the form of gingerbread, flowers, Christmas candies, snowmen ... In short, the appearance of Tilda can be given absolutely any souvenir or toy. They are all very different. But at the same time they can not be confused with any other textile toy. Particular proportions and combination of fabrics give a typical Tildov look to absolutely all products made in technology, invented by Tone Finanger. Very cute, having extremely positive energy, dolls enliven our house (and our life) with fresh colors and good emotions.

Pattern of Tilda Santa Claus

how to sew a tilde doll You can sew many original, beautiful andnice toys Tilda. But we have prepared for you a pattern of toys for the New Year. Santa Claus with a deer, which you can sew for yourself, and as a gift to your loved ones. To translate the pattern on the fabric, the photo of the puppet pattern must be enlarged and printed. Do not forget to lay small allowances - 4-5 mm. pattern tilde doll A beard with hair can be made from fur, whitesynthetic thread or disheveled twine. For clothes and felt boots it is better to use felt. The nose of a deer is embroidered with pink threads of a mulina. The legs for Santa are scraped together with the shoes. The bottom of the leg is cut from the brown fabric for the boots, the upper part of the leg is made of striped fabric. In the region of the hips, after the knee joint, no need to fill the legs. We advise you to read:

