the child is afraid of dogs Your pet allows himself to show aggression overrelation to the baby, as a result of which the child is afraid of dogs? However, often the fact that the child was bitten by a dog, parents are to blame. It is not enough simply to decide what kind of dog you can have for a child. First, it is necessary to explain to the child how to behave with a dog. It is unacceptable to interfere with a dog while eating or sleeping, making the dog hurt. Secondly, if a dog bites a child, carefully examine all the circumstances of the incident. Understand what this preceded? Very often parents confuse bites with teeth. As a rule, before biting a child, the dog repeatedly warns him about the undesirability of any action. Biting the child, most often the animal does not pursue the goal to harm it, but only suppresses the undesirable action. However, this should not become a rule. If the dog once bit a child, it is necessary to severely punish the animal, and the child to explain the inadmissibility of such behavior. In the event that the dog has attacked the child again, alas, will have to part with it. If you do not, it can be irreparable. Do not tempt destiny and play Russian roulette. Those dogs that love children will never allow themselves to be aggressive towards them. If the stray dog ​​attacked your child, your actions should be as follows:

  • Drive away the dog from the child. Do not try to drag the dog or the baby, it can lead to deep ragged wounds. The dog can be driven away with a loud cry or with another sharp sound. In addition, do not hesitate to ask for help from passers-by, although most often people without interventions interfere with the situation.
  • Try to calm the child and calm yourself, in order to soberly assess the consequences of how much the child bitten the dog.
  • In any case, if there is even a slight damage to the skin, you need to see a doctor, since there is a risk of getting infected with rabies.

Bite of a dog can lead to the fact that inthe consequence of the child will be to avoid dogs. Such childish psychological traumas can affect even in adulthood. That is why, if your child is afraid of dogs panicky, and you can not cope with this fear yourself, you need to contact a child psychologist. However, most often, if the injuries were insignificant, the kid quickly forgets about them and, after a while, begins to want the dog, like all his peers.

The child asks the dog

"I want a dog!". Sooner or later, all parents face this request. Someone, without hesitation, buys a four-footed friend, and someone gives a categorical refusal. If you read these lines, then you are still thinking about buying a dog. However, for the dog to bring your family only boundless joy, one should not be guided by a momentary impulse and immediately buy a dog. It is necessary to carefully study all the nuances and possible difficulties that may arise in connection with the appearance of a shaggy friend. So, your child wants a dog. The first thing that parents should understand is that even if your child is already an independent person 7-10 years old, who gives you oath promises to take care of a dog, raising a dog, feeding, bathing, walking in any weather and time, including in the morning of January 1 , will lie solely on your shoulders. It is especially necessary to weigh the decision if the family has a baby. After all, both the dog and the baby require care and care, which takes a lot of time and effort. And in the event that the baby and the dog are entrusted to the care of one mother, she will become very tired.

If the dog still does

child bitten by a dog If you agree to this, you are faced withsecond, no less important question: which dog to buy a child? When choosing a dog, it is very important to take into account that the dog will contact all members of the family, and not just with his small host. Mom, Dad, little brother or little sister, an old grandmother - they will all become for the dog favorite family members. That is why, when deciding which dog to choose for a child, it is necessary to take into account not only that the child very much wants a dog of a certain breed, but also to take into account the opinion of all people living together. In the future, this will help to avoid many problems and misunderstandings. Of course, it is very important what kind of dog to have for a child. A dog must have a good psyche and a good temper, that's why it is important to study information about the breeds of dogs that love children. Next are the tips of a specialist - a cynologist on how to choose a dog for a child, so that it is comfortable for the dog and for all members of the family.

  • There is a very common opinion thata small dog for the baby will be the most optimal option. This is fundamentally wrong opinion, refuted by a number of objective reasons. If your child is younger than 4 - 5 years old, buying a small dog for a child can turn into a big headache for the whole family. Small breeds of dogs for children require care not less than big dogs. Often small dogs have a large number of health problems. Such a dog itself for life claims to be the favorite child in the family and is not always ready to put up with the second roles. In addition, a small representative of the canine world can hardly become a full-fledged companion during active physical games, because of its size is constantly exposed to the risk of physical damage. A large dog will not even notice that the young adorable owner accidentally stood on his paw, and for a small dog it can turn into a fracture.
  • Analyzing what kind of dog is suitable for children,one can not help but mention the temperament of the dog. A dog for a child is, first of all, a companion for games, so the temperament and the child and the dog should fit together. If your child loves long mobile walks, the labrador will become his faithful companion, but if the child is a homely, the labrador quickly gets bored and, getting rid of unnecessary unrealized energy, can begin to mess around at home: gnawing shoes or spoiling furniture.
  • In addition, talking about which dog is betterit is suitable for children, it is necessary to talk separately about such a group of dogs, as service and hunting dogs. For example, a sheep-dog can not be called an aggressive dog, but unless you are going to train yourself, do not buy it as a dog for a child. The same applies to hunting dogs that are idle, quickly bored and begin to dig holes in your carpet.
  • Deciding which dog to choose forchild, you should also focus on the financial capabilities of your family. Fashion trends relate not only to clothing or music, but also breeds of dogs. If the breed is at the peak of fashion, the price for it can reach sky highs. Do not give in to the temptation to buy a puppy on the market and without a pedigree, but several times cheaper. It can turn into a real tragedy. But more details will be given below.

"He does not bark, he does not bite ..."

First of all, you need to decide on the breedthe alleged dog. The question of what breeds of dogs love children is very controversial. Fans of German shepherds say that it is the sheepdog - the best friend of the child, and the owners, for example, spaniels, say the same about their breed. But can we still say if there is a better breed of dogs for children? Of course, you can. Based on numerous long-term observations of what dogs love children more than others, cynologists have identified breeds suitable for children. The main advantages and possible disadvantages of the best breeds of dogs that are optimal for children are described below. The representatives of the three leaders listed below are positioned as the best dogs for children.

  • Collie. This dog is boundlessly loyal and devoted to its masters, loyal to children, rather unpretentious in content. However, the collie is a long-haired dog, so it needs a daily comb. In addition, the collie is quite unfriendly and distrustful to outsiders, even if he sees them regularly. This should be taken into account for families in which the arrival of guests is quite frequent. Otherwise, the dog that grows behind a closed door can become a strong irritant.
  • Labrador. Adores everyone around, including children. Inefficient activity is both a virtue and a disadvantage. If you are not ready to spend a few hours a day walking, be prepared for the fact that your home will be turned into a gaming ground. In addition, during the walk and during games with the child at home, one must constantly be on the alert - while playing, the Labrador does not show special tact and caution, so it is possible to systematically knock the child off his feet, especially if the child is small.
  • St. Bernard. Imposing powerful philosopher. He does not have to worry about cats, or bark cars. On a walk, he will march majestically next to you, without even turning his head to the side. It is very interesting to observe the St. Bernard during a walk with young children. While the child is playing calmly, a deceptive sensation may arise that St. Bernard is asleep. However, this is far from the case, it's worth the little sign of anxiety for the baby, and St. Bernard will immediately be there. In addition, St. Bernard will never allow your child to fall behind you or step aside. He will immediately be turned on the right course by tactful cautious nudging.

The history of one family or "so that's what you are, St. Bernard!"

the dog attacked the child Interested in the breed "St. Bernard", weasked to talk about the peculiarities of the relationship between St. Bernards and children, the mother of two toddlers, who also has two St. Bernards. "The first St. Bernard appeared in our house before the birth of the eldest son. Quite frankly, I was very worried that problems might arise. After all, a newborn child and a dog can not always coexist peacefully. I have repeatedly heard complaints about the fact that the dog begins to show a feeling of jealousy and protest against the appearance of another member of the family. For example, to spoil things of the baby or the owners, expressing protest. In addition, even if there is no jealousy, other problems may arise: for example, barking a dog can wake a baby. However, my fears were completely in vain, when a newborn child appeared in our family, our dog turned into a real nanny. Her constant place was the place near the crib, no groaning of the baby escaped the attention of the dog. If the son woke up, and I was not in the room at that moment, the dog immediately ran up to me and pushed me towards the bed. When the son began to grow up, Alya (the dog) became for the son and a shock absorber between the booty and the floor, and the walkers (the son kept walking for her fur), and a companion for games, and a caring, but at the same time strict nanny, who closely watched every step of it. Soon my daughter was born, and again no problems arose. The dog has already become a nanny for two children. But, as they say, "better than St. Bernard there can be only two St. Bernards", and in our family there was a St. Bernard puppy. And here I was faced with the problem of "a dog and a small child." If the elder Saint Bernard persistently demolished all "manifestations of love" in the form of dragging his ears and other delights, the puppy simply began to "cry", because, in fact, he is the same baby. I had to explain to my daughter how to treat the dog, because a small dog for a child should not just become a toy. By the way, a dog can become a fine example for a small child of how to treat weaker beings. In addition, the child develops and develops a sense of responsibility, if you regularly involve the baby in caring for the dog. However, this should happen in a game form, otherwise you can forever resist the desire to help you. Summarizing, I can say: for our family, the answer to the question of which dog to buy a child is unambiguous. St. Bernard, of course. After all, St. Bernard is the best dog for children. Finally I would like to give advice to parents. Choosing a dog for a child, it is not enough to take into account what breeds of dogs children love. It is very important to learn about the needs and care for the chosen breed and to really assess its strength. "

How to choose the right puppy?

So, finally, the choice is made, and yougo to a meeting with a dream, that is, a puppy. The first thing you should pay attention to is the one from whom you acquire the dog. It is not necessary to buy a puppy from second-hand dealers, most often the documents in such dogs are fake, and the prices are much higher. It is much safer to buy a dog in a specialized nursery. As a rule, you will be given the opportunity to see the mom of the puppies, his brothers and sisters, give all the necessary recommendations for care and education. Most nurseries and in the future are happy to help with the growing of the puppy they bought. Pay attention to how active the puppy is, on the condition of his hair and ears. Puppy should be active and healthy, do not take the baby, if his condition does not inspire confidence. Some people believe that the pedigree is necessary only for participation in dog shows. However, this is a wrong opinion. Surely everyone has heard about the cases when a child has been bitten by a domestic dog and nobody wants to admit such a situation. The presence of a pedigree in the animal significantly increases the guarantee that the dog you acquire will have a stable psyche. We hope that the information on how to choose the right dog for the baby will help you choose the dog that loves children and will become a true friend for your whole family. After all, a dog is a wool on carpets, on clothes, drooling on new trousers and dirty paws on a light sofa. And most importantly, it is a whole sea of ​​selfless surrender, boundless love and eternal devotion! We advise you to read:

