Diet Anna Semenovich Speaking at the presentation of the song "Bird-the-Wind", AnnaSemyonovich struck her audience - she lost a lot of weight and looked like an elegant fragile statuette. When she stepped onto the stage in a small dress - bustier, the hall froze in admiration. What is the secret of such a rapid metamorphosis? As Anna told, in order to quickly and effectively lose weight, she starves for several days, drinking two or three glasses a day of fresh juice from celery and carrots and a few cups of green tea. In addition, these days Semyonovich visits a bath and a massage therapist, dropping, thus, up to three kilograms a day. This regime, according to Anna, you need to adhere to a few days, and at other times eat moderately. The food should be separate: proteins with carbohydrates do not mix. Women and girls, prone to fullness, Anna recommends an apple-shrimp diet, designed for three days. Adhering to this diet, in three days you can lose weight by two or three kilograms. The diet contains two dietary products - shrimp and apples. To starve with such a diet is not necessary, you can eat as much as you like, but only shrimp, boiled in slightly salted water and apples, some of which can be baked. It is advisable to prepare a fruit and shrimp salad of 50 grams of shrimp, one apple, one grapefruit, one banana, in which you need to pour a hundred grams of mayonnaise and ketchup. To drink follows tea, coffee, juices without sugar, simple and mineral water and dry wine. Since such a diet does not provide for fasting, excess weight, after its loss, does not return as quickly as when hungry diets. However, after you exit the diet should limit the diet of fatty foods and sweets. We advise you to read:

