How subtly noticed the Polish artist and writerYanina Ipokhorskaya: "The look of one woman on the other resembles the control of luggage at the customs." She's right ... A slender, smart figure is almost every woman's dream. Even the one who will assure you that he feels very comfortable in his respectable weight, and quote "folk wisdom": "men are not dogs, they do not throw dice at the bone." Most likely, it's just self-defense and the recognition that the war has already been lost. Perhaps the most important thing in the battle with extra pounds is the right choice of weapons. One of the weapons is diet. What kind of diet is not invented! And each promises a "miraculous deliverance" of hated kilograms. True, not all fulfill this promise. But some, after all, you can believe. Today we will talk about one of them - the "Roller Coaster" diet. This diet was developed more than 30 years ago by an American psychologist and nutritionist Martin Katan. What is it different from others? Its principle. Despite the fact that the diet is designed by a man, it is intended, first of all, for women. The problem is that the female body is prone to "accumulation". So we were satisfied with nature. Whether we want it or not, our body strives to create a kind of "inviolable stock", which in an extreme situation will help us survive. With this and that, we are fighting the whole conscious life. But the body - the creature is very tricky and easily adapts to almost any conditions. Probably everyone knows the situation - you continue to observe all the restrictions of a particular diet, and the weight ceases to decrease. The stubborn arrow of the weights indicates everything for the same division. Why does this happen? Just because of this ability to "fit." The body adapts and begins to "save". Well, and when the diet term ends, he greedily makes up for lost time and, taught by bitter experience, tries to "put aside" even more fat. Suddenly you again come to mind starving him? The result is known to everybody - the dropped kilograms return to their seats with surprising speed. The diet of Martin Katan is a way to outwit nature. What is the essence? The fact that throughout the diet you will change the number of calories consumed. Thus, the body will not have time to adjust and will consume the maximum number of them. So, you will lose weight. It's tempting, is not it? But before you go to the "Roller Coaster" menu, you need to talk about all the difficulties that you will have to face. First, this diet is quite tough. And before you try it on yourself, it is better to consult a doctor. Of course, a thin waist is very good. But only on condition that this goal is achieved without losing health. The second. "Sitting" on this diet is quite difficult. Especially the first three days. Here you will need all the willpower - you will constantly be hungry. Thirdly, the diet recommends almost eliminating fats from the diet. On the one hand, this, of course, is correct - why consume what you want to get rid of. But, on the other hand, the lack of fats can lead to problems with the skin and hair. They need fats! Therefore, the main thing here is not to overdo it. Do not completely exclude fats from the menu - it is enough just to reduce their number. Well, the last moment. If you want to achieve impressive results, then you can not do without regular and quite intense physical exertion. After all, what is the essence of diets? The fact that the body spends more calories than it receives. And why should he spend calories if you sit on the couch all day? Of course, even without training, you will be able to throw three or four kilograms. But it is unlikely that such a result will satisfy you after three weeks of "deprivation". With loads, the effect will be more tangible - you can lose up to 7 kg per week.
How it works?
The food program is designed for three weeks. Clearly developed menu for this diet does not exist - and this is undoubtedly a big plus. You can eat anything, but in a strictly defined quantity, scrupulously counting up each calorie. The scheme is simple. The first three days are the most "tough". In a day you can afford no more than 600 calories. The next four days a little easier - 900 kcal. Then seven days - 1200 kcal per day. And then again three days for 600, and four again - 900 kcal. After this, you can gradually return to your normal diet. Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on food, it is not worthwhile to "recruit" these very kilocalories from buns and Coca-Cola. The menu may look something like this. Ration for 600 kcal:
- In the morning - unsweetened tea and a small piece of rye bread.
- In the afternoon - about 100 grams of beef and boiled rice. Salad of cucumbers and radish without dressing.
- At night - an egg and a glass of low-fat kefir.
Diet for 900 kcal:
- In the morning - a green apple, black tea and grain bread. You can take a piece of sugar for tea.
- At lunch - fish cooked for a couple. To her on the side dish - vegetable salad and pasta. Not more than 100 grams. Tea with one piece of sugar.
- Before going to bed - boiled egg, 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and a small banana.
Approximate menu for 1200 kcal:
- For breakfast - 200 grams of oatmeal cooked on the water, rye bread, a cup of tea with one spoonful of sugar.
- Lunch - 200 grams of boiled chicken, 100 grams of buckwheat porridge. You can add a small piece of butter.
- Dinner - fruit salad - grapes, pineapples, apples, banana. These days, between the main meals can "snack" - a glass of yogurt or a banana will do.
These are the "roller coaster" - down - up. The main advantage of this diet is that, according to its author, it will be very, very, very soon not to return to it. In fact the received result remains for a long time. Lose weight and no longer gain weight - what else is necessary for happiness? We advise you to read: