day makeup Every modern beautiful womanhalf of humanity is constantly doing everything possible to look "one hundred percent". Today, many "assistants" in this regard, but the main thing is decorative cosmetics. Correctly chosen colors and shades are the main component of success. And constantly to be attractive will help day makeup, about the rules of which every self-respecting lady should know. In our time, the ability of a girl to follow her figure and dress fashionably is appreciated much more than beauty from nature. Thanks to great advances in modern technologies, it is possible to become attractive without having special data. It is only necessary to work hard on the image that will suit you specifically.

Some basic rules of daytime make-up

Variants of a day make-up. To make a daytime eye makeup, you do not have to run to a beauty salon. You can arrange everything yourself at home. And the question of how to make a proper make-up right is relevant at all times. For the beginning it is necessary to put a voice-frequency cream or powder. This will help to hide some skin imperfections, for example, pimples, if any. Evenly distribute the cream with a brush under the eyes and apply soft movements from the center of the eyes to the temples. If the cream turned out to be too much, blot it with a napkin, because it will be unprofitable to allocate mimic wrinkles. Daytime makeup for the eyes requires special, tremulous attention. It is characterized by gentle, translucent tones with a predominance of light pastel colors. The main emphasis is on the eyes. In order to beautifully distinguish the view, you need to lightly apply a small stroke of light shadows on the inner corner of the upper eyelid.

The main technique of applying daytime makeup

  • Carefully, completely on the eyelid, apply the most basic shadows (first from the inside of the eye to the outer corner, and then from the base to the fold).
  • Under the eyebrow should be applied shadows of light tones, while on the wrinkle of the eyes, shades are darkened.
  • To feather with a brush is best fordirection up, so that the view is not too heavy. Now let's look at the most relevant daytime make-up, which is called "smoky eyes". To do this, you need to prepare mascara, a pencil and shadows of several shades.
  • Fully along the contours, draw your eyes with a pencil (preferably black). Begin with the top edge, and closer to the corners of the eyes make the line thicker.
  • Shadows of the darkest shade, draw along the bottom line and darken the mobile eyelid. In shadows, brighten up half of the upper eyelid.
  • Apply a light tone to the other half of the still eyelid (from the top of the eyebrow to the corner). Use a brush to shade the shadows. Remove their excess using a soft, clean brush.
  • Using black mascara, carefully make up eyelashes. It is best to do this several times so that the eyelashes do not stick together and look brighter.
  • All is ready!

day eye makeup

Daytime make-up in the style of Nude look

The secret of the success of this lady is beautifuleyes, soft skin and a charming smile. Fashion designers all over the world agreed that the best decoration is a natural make-up. Of course, it's not worth to give up cosmetics, but the choice can be limited only by several means. Makeup in the style of Nude look should not have any color accents. It must be performed in one color, preferably beige. Selecting a foundation, see that it accurately repeats the shade of your skin. Shadows can be beige or any other light tones. Lipstick or lip gloss can either match the color of your lips, or be slightly more saturated. Blush in the makeup Nu can not use.

Makeup for the brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls usually have a brightappearance, therefore, creating a light daily make-up, it is worth using the minimum amount of cosmetics. Initially, it is necessary to take care of the skin of the face, and this is a very important aspect, because in the daylight every defect is visible.

  • First, apply a tonal foundation with a thin layer, not forgetting about the neck.
  • If you want to select eyebrows, you can slightly correct them with a pencil or shadows. The main thing is that they are not too bright.
  • In order to make the look seem softer, it is better to use silver-beige, beige-pink or pinkish-brown hues.
  • Brown-eyed girls with fair-haired hair are standingdo the main emphasis on the eyes. For them, gray, chocolate, golden brown, gray-blue, sand, olive and beige shades are best for them. But it's better to forget about bright colors.
  • Brown-haired brown-haired women should pay attention to golden, brown and pink shadows. Do not match them with blue and salad tones.
  • Blondes should choose pastel, metallic, light lilac and light brown shades.

You can use the pencil or shadows for the daytime makeup of the eyes. But remember that the shadows give a more natural line. The best colors for the liner will be gray and brown.

Daytime make-up for green eyes

It is believed that green-eyed girlsthey are constantly trying to find a life harmony. There are several shades of green eyes, and each of them requires a special approach; but makeup artists distinguish several features that are inherent in each type:

  • The main thing that is worth remembering: the daily makeup for any color of the eyes does not match with the shadows that repeat the color of the iris.
  • Green-eyed girls are best suited for warm shades, for example, pink or brown. Of the bright orange is allowed.
  • Black eyeliner is better not to use, choose a better dark brown color, which will give the eyes expressiveness. Mascara should be selected by the same principle.
  • The ideal variant of a day make-up - smoky, which was described above.

Love for retro style has returned us an incrediblethe relevance of the arrows. They give coquettishness and openness to the look. They should be drawn closer to the eyelashes, but do not make them too thick. Also remember that cold and too bright colors of shadows are not suitable for green-eyed beauties. easy daily make-up

Daytime make-up for gray eyes

The peculiarity of gray eyes is that theywith ease can be transformed into a completely different color, if properly applied makeup. For example, using pastel colors for the upper eyelids and mascara of blue color, you can give them a blue tint.

  • To slightly emphasize the eyes, you can use blue, violet and green hues, but they need to be well shaded.
  • The main rule for gray-eyed ladies: to choose the color of the shadows is the color of the skin. That is, for light it is better to use gentle shades, for dark - blue, blue or metallic.
  • For all skin types, pink shadows are the best option.

Gray-eyed lover of black carcass is betterpurchase and blue. Daytime makeup will become more expressive if the lower cilia are tinted in blue. The same effect can be achieved if you use the same pencil.

Daytime make-up for blue eyes

Make-up for blue-eyed beauties shouldemphasize the beautiful color and hide the skin imperfections. It is best to use light light colors, forgetting about the contrast. The saturation of makeup usually depends on age.

  • Tonal cream or powder should choose the most approximate color to your skin tone.
  • Best for blue eyes are pearly, lavender, pale pink, sandy, gray-brown, peachy shadows. Daytime eye makeup with gray-blue shadows looks very refined.
  • Mascara for a blue-eyed lady fits perfectly any, which means that you should not worry about this.

Doing makeup for this color of the eyes, it is worth rememberingthat cosmetics should be a minimum amount, because it should hide shortcomings and emphasize your dignity, but not catch your eye. Makeup for a woman played an important role at all times. Remember, as soon as women began to think about their appearance, their beauty, immediately appeared the means for their transformation. But if before women could not boast of a variety of shades of powder and shadows, today the palette of colors is infinite, and thanks to this we can delight and surprise others with their bold images. But in order to make experiments in make-up even relevant, you need to know some secrets and rules from the world of make-up, which we told you about today. We advise you to read:

