cryotherapy Mankind has long noticed that the cold in reasonabledoses have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. That is why those who want to be healthy and stay young for a long time begin to apply various systems of hardening and winter swimming. And what about those who simply do not physically have time to devote themselves to such procedures, or because of some other objective reasons, can not engage in hardening regularly? Specialists in the field of cosmetology will come here to help.

What is "cold treatment"?

Cryotherapy - cold treatment, cryo-cold. In general, this effect on the human body at extremely low temperatures (up to - 160 degrees) with the help of various specialized procedures. Cold has a short-term, but shock, effect on the body, and results in a sharp cooling. The consequences of "shock" can be called increased metabolism, purification of blood vessels and acceleration of blood circulation, muscle tone, strengthening of the nervous system. Still our distant ancestors took ice baths, thus striving to prolong their youth. In our time, the effectiveness of such procedures has been scientifically proven: the immune system is activated. Cryotherapy in cosmetology is used to obtain the effect of skin rejuvenation, smoothing of fine wrinkles on the neck and face. To date, "cold therapy" is not only the usual hypothermic effect (cold compresses, winter swimming, etc.), but also exposure to air cooled to a temperature of minus 190 degrees. Exposure to an inert gas, such as nitrogen, also applies to this type of procedure.

Types of procedures

Cryotherapy can be of several types: general, local, private.

  • For the general procedure, a speciala cryocamera in which the skin will experience temperature stress within only 2-3 minutes. The surface of the skin is cooled to 0 degrees, and a sharp contrast of temperatures stimulates the body's protective functions and metabolic processes. Damage to the skin does not occur. Preventive course 10-15 sessions. In general, the number of procedures for cryotherapy depends on the objectives pursued.
  • Speaking about the local procedure, it should be said,that it provides for a partial or complete immersion in a gas environment (temperature -110-160 degrees) of a naked body. To avoid frostbite of the respiratory organs and distal limbs in the process of cryotherapy, they are protected with a cotton-gauze dressing and woolen gloves and socks. Rejuvenating effect is on the whole body.

Methods of local cryotherapy Depending on the chosen method of cryotherapy, there is a different effect on the tissue.

  • Cryotherapy, causing destruction and deathtissues. This method is used in those cases when deep freezing of the removed tumor is required. The duration of the procedure is more than 30 seconds, during which the applicator, tightly fixed above the required area, has its beneficial effect under low pressure.

Cryotherapy of surface effect,causing a vascular reaction. The procedure is short -10-15 seconds in the form of a massage. A stick with a cotton swab dipped in liquid nitrogen is led directly over the area that requires the procedure. The skin does not touch the tampon. The procedure stimulates metabolic processes in tissues. Private, or cryotherapy at home. Such procedures assume that any type of cold will be used, but at home. Most often such "tools" are ice or cold water. Such procedures do not require special supervision, but, nevertheless, do not ignore the recommendations of specialists. The basic procedures are ice compresses, cold showers and baths, as well as wrapping. They will help to remove puffiness and fatigue of muscles, increase skin tone, etc. The necessary zone and slightly above it are ground with a cellophane bag of ice for several minutes (from 2 to 5), but no more. However, do not overdo it, doing cryotherapy at home, because such procedures are only useful in moderation.

Application of liquid nitrogen

Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen provides foruse of an applicator that has the appearance of a wooden stick 25-30 cm long and with a tightly fixed cotton swab at the end. The dimensions of the tampon are always slightly larger than the area that will be subjected to the procedure. In addition, instead of the applicator in cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, a cryoapplicator can be used, which has the form of a reservoir tube into which liquid nitrogen is placed, with a replaceable metal tip (the shape of the tip may be different). The lesion and the skin must be treated with 70 degree alcohol before the procedure. Liquid nitrogen itself is a clear liquid, which has neither color nor smell, its boiling temperature is -195.8 degrees (under normal atmospheric pressure). Liquid nitrogen does not explode and is non-flammable. This gas has a high therapeutic capacity, and at the heart of the therapeutic effect lies its low temperature. One liter of liquid nitrogen during evaporation forms about 700 liters of gaseous. For cryotherapy in cosmetology in a simple cosmetology room it is allowed to store nitrogen in a simple (food) thermos, whose capacity is from 0.5 to 2 liters. The flask must be made of stainless steel. Everything is based on changes in the activity of blood vessels. First, small arteries spasmodize, and after - significantly expand, which causes active flushing during the next few hours (from 1 to 3). As a result, there is increased heat formation, improves nutrition of tissues of internal organs and skin, vascular and heart work is stimulated, venous outflow is facilitated. It is the enhanced heat exchange that explains that cryotherapy for weight loss is no less effective than other cosmetic methods. During 1 session about 2 000 calories are lost.

"Cold" beauty of your figure

cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen Such a procedure, like cryotherapy, does notonly to rejuvenate the skin, but also is an excellent tool in combating obesity and cellulite. Procedure: You are immersed for several minutes in a special chamber, which is filled with gas. The temperature regime in the chamber is approximately -130 degrees (+/- 20 depending on individual perception). As mentioned above, during cryotherapy for weight loss, when a person is immersed in a cold environment entirely and completely, it is necessary to protect the limbs. During the dive, the body temperature immediately drops to 2 degrees, but only the surface layer of the skin cools. From those who wanted to achieve weight loss, such cryotherapy reviews leave extremely enthusiastic - the loss of calories in a few minutes of the procedure is equivalent to losing them during an hour and a half active training in the gym. In just a few procedures, the condition of the skin improves, and the extra pounds begin to melt before our eyes. Please note that after cryotherapy, serious appetite may be played out, but experts advise - it is worth to refrain from eating food, which the body will have to spend enough energy, which was supposed to rejuvenate the body. If the feeling of hunger is too intrusive, eat fruits or vegetables, but refuse from dense food.

"Cold" care of the skin of the face

Facial cryotherapy is a local procedure,used in the form of cryomassage, which promotes the activation of the blood supply to the skin and the metabolism in it. During the cryotherapy procedure, an applicator is used, which is preliminarily immersed in liquid nitrogen (-80 degrees). Rapid movements of the applicator problem areas of the skin are processed within only 10-15 seconds. The resulting sensations change in stages: first a burning sensation appears, then the skin burns like after a walk in the frost. As a result, fine wrinkles begin to smooth out, and a healthy blush appears on the cheeks. When the person is cryotherapy, the actual effect is super-cold, dried air. The mechanism of action is the following: low temperatures affect the heat receptors and blood vessels. Under the influence of cold, they narrow, and after -reflexively persistently expand for a long time, which leads to improved skin nutrition. Cryotherapy is capable of two, if not more, times the effect of most cosmetic procedures, if they will be performed immediately after cryomassage. About such cryotherapy reviews in many cases refer to the recommendation regarding sunburn - this should not be done, in order to avoid pigmentation, for several months.

Healthy and shiny hair

Hair Cryotherapy is a procedure that allowsstrengthen the weakened hair and help them to recover. The effect on the scalp proves to be short-lived, but strong, and not systematic, as one might suppose. Only the upper layer of the scalp is involved. The skin on the problem areas during the cryotherapy of the hair is cooled to 0 degrees. As a result, there is an increase in blood circulation, which stimulates the strengthening and growth of hair. The procedure is completely safe.

Cryotherapy of warts

Cryotherapy can save us not only fromproblems with hair, but also to cleanse our body of little pleasant growths such as, for example, warts. Cryotherapy of warts is based on the phased treatment of each affected area separately. The applicator moistened in liquid nitrogen is quickly applied with a slight pressure perpendicular to the wart. The duration of "cold therapy" depends on the size of the site, but on average it is 10-30 seconds. As soon as the liquid nitrogen evaporates (about 20 seconds), moisten the tampon and perform the procedure again. It is mandatory to monitor the compliance of the applicator and the depth of freezing. An indispensable condition for achieving the effectiveness of the procedure is a 1 to 1.5 mm perforation around the local site. With the use of cryotherapy, the wart pales, after it becomes dense and white, a characteristic sign of sufficient exposure is a white corolla around the periphery. Tingling, pain and burning can be felt. In 40-60 seconds. after the cryotherapy has been applied the wart will swallow, within the next 24 hours an epidermal bladder will form, which will last from 5 to 7 days. Later, in the place of the bubble, a crust is formed, rather dense, the rejection of which will occur after 12 days. The pink speck left as a result will be barely noticeable. The number of procedures is determined by a specialist based on the number of damaged sites.

Indications for procedures

Cryotherapy indications in the following cases:

  • Excess weight and cellulite;
  • With early skin aging;
  • Presence of skin diseases;
  • The presence of gynecological diseases (menopause, infertility);
  • Pre-preparation for pregnancy;
  • The presence of neurological diseases (pain syndromes, migraines, etc);
  • Presence of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Prescription as recovery procedures after injuries and surgeries;
  • Exhaustion, insomnia, fatigue.


Cryotherapy of contraindication provides for:

  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • A pronounced disease of the vascular system;
  • Presence of open wounds;
  • Presence of ARVI and other inflammatory processes;
  • Diseases of the blood;
  • The presence of mental illness;
  • Presence of claustrophobia (other phobias are possible);

Individual intolerances: Cryotherapy during pregnancy is also contraindicated, it is applied only or after this process. In total cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen reviews about itself leaves, as a procedure with a lot of opportunities, both cosmetic and therapeutic. Cryotherapy perfectly influences the skin, promotes the stimulation of hair growth and eliminates unpleasant growths on the skin. In strictly defined doses, the cold prolongs youth not only visually, but also internal - physiological. But it should be remembered that it is not necessary to abuse the number of procedures such as cryotherapy, in order to avoid the appearance of already negative effects, such as frostbite, etc. Cryotherapy at home should also be normalized, because the excessive use of cold compresses can cause hypothermia and, as a consequence, a cold. Take care of your beauty should be, without forgetting about health. Be beautiful in health! We advise you to read:

