middle age crisis in men Have you noticed that recently your husband has becomesomehow strange: irritated by trifles, falls into melancholy and despondency, pondering over philosophical questions: "What have I achieved? Why do I live in this world? ". Not that nothing like this happened before, but earlier this state did not look like an obsession. Did you recognize him in this description? We sympathize, because you are facing a crisis of middle age men.

Causes of the crisis of middle age

Cши C д Cши Cши Cши Cши Cши д Cшиши Cши C Cши C C C C C This is a turning point, thanks to which the process of growth and development of our body and personality is carried out. The sensations of being in it, of course, are inexpressible, since the death of something "passed" occurs right now, and some useful new growth appears. Simply put, the habitual models of the world's behavior and perception of the world are collapsing, and new ones are emerging from this empty space. However, if we talk about the crisis of middle age in a man, then here we are talking about quite specific reasons. Age from thirty to forty years is, frankly, a milestone signaling the passage of half of life. It is quite natural that a person has an inner need to sum up and compare the ideas about life that were formed in twenty years with reality. And here it is covered with sadness. The man analyzes his life's path, looks down on his failures and achievements and understands that, with relative external well-being, his personality is far from ideal. On the one hand, he could do much more than any useful business, achieve better results - how much effort and time wasted! At the same time, there comes an understanding that all this is "worldly", external, and what is inside? And inside there is a reassessment of values. It becomes unclear where to move on, and there are doubts in the direction already chosen: is my work good? Worthy wife? Did I bring up the children correctly? All this is complicated by involvement in public life. If at twenty years a man could behave as his soul likes, then at forty it does not work anymore. A man constantly has to justify expectations from the outside and show his own achievements to the society. He must create some really significant material or spiritual product, otherwise the question arises about whether it is necessary - maybe it is worthwhile to call someone younger and more energetic in his place? The crisis of middle age in men is also due to the presence of aging and aging processes. Become more and more perceptible small bodily "breakdowns." The appearance changes: wrinkles are more noticeable, as are the various fat deposits. But the hardest thing for experiencing is a decrease in sexual activity. Many men even begin treatment of this completely natural process, driving themselves and their body. Thus, at the heart of the crisis of middle age there are many reasons that make this phenomenon particularly difficult and unpleasant for a man. middle age crisis in men what to do

How does the midlife crisis manifest itself?

This event in a man's life simply can notpass for you unnoticed. You, of course, have faced certain problems before, but to make the habitual and familiar husband at once turn into a completely different person ?! Let's try to describe the picture of this state entirely.

  • Changes in behavior A man begins to do things,which I had never done before. If he was characterized by isolation and shyness, he suddenly becomes a jovial and "the soul of the company." Or vice versa: an active and purposeful man turns into a sloth, whom you can not drive out from the sofa.
  • Work becomes a burden As a rule, it is connectedwith the fact that in youth, every man had a dream: to become a pilot, racer, president or rescuer. He compares this with reality and understands that he turned into the most ordinary office clerk. If earlier this work brought him joy and satisfaction, now he perceives it as something that distracts him from the "true destiny". It is with this that mass layoffs and downshifting are associated among men of thirty-forty years.
  • In connection with all of the above, the moodyour man also undergoes unpleasant metamorphosis. He becomes whiny, angry and irritable. The state of chronic depression is now his constant companion. There may be laziness and apathy, manifested in the reluctance to do anything. Oh yeah, we must not forget about the sharp mood jumps: only you are used to his new status, as one fine morning he jumps out of bed in an elevated-manic state and seeks to prove himself in an incredible way, for example, to build a country house. Unfortunately, the fuse is enough for a few days, and then he, as if nothing had happened, lays down on his sofa.
  • Deterioration of physical well-being, whichis associated with both natural physiological changes and with psychological unsettledness. The husband begins to complain to his wife about constant headaches, aches in the joints, colic in the heart and shortness of breath. In this case, treatment is usually not necessary, although in some cases it takes the form of constant circulation by doctors. He can even get carried away by oriental medicine and "magic potions" - if only not to lose the "male" strength.
  • Multiple fears If before you knew yourhusband as a self-confident and fearless advocate, then you are surprised to find that your spouse is afraid of aging and death. Sometimes it even takes a very startled form when a man switches to raw food or stops flying because of fear of air strikes.
  • Global Discontent The crisis of middle ageher husband threatens his wife with constant complaints and quibbles, and for the most insignificant reasons. It turns out that you disgustingly cook, you can not keep clean in the house, you do not have time, you do not talk well with children, and even as a woman is not very attractive. Of course, I really want to hit his frying pan for such words, but it will be wrong.

It is perfectly logical to be interested in how muchthis state lasts. Unfortunately, there is no single and truthful answer to this question. Someone in six months has time to live the crisis of middle age and get out of it renewed, and someone slips into unsuccessful attempts to cope with it and remains at this stage of development.

Typical mistakes of a "crisis" man

None of us ever learned at universitya science called "life." And it's a pity, because it could save a lot of men from the typical mistakes experienced by the crisis of middle age. Ideally, this period becomes a springboard for new beginnings and ups. Even if nothing global changes in the life of your man, the very understanding of the correctness of his path and the introduction of necessary changes into it (for example, rejection of bad habits) are also useful neoplasms of the midlife crisis. In general, the reassessment is an inevitable stage in the life of each of us, and the result must be positive. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Oh, how many mistakes men make in trying to survive the crisis! The most typical of them is a deliberate exaggeration of one's own youthfulness. It looks, of course, funny when a gray-haired man suddenly begins to dress young, dresses, tattooed, inserts an earring and spends all his free time in clubs with younger children. And it's not the attempts to preserve youth, but their artificiality, that grieve here. Approximately the same tendency makes a man seek love "on the side." To the man's desire to prove to himself and the society that he is still full of love, dissatisfaction with his wife is added, which, oddly enough, is the same for many years of living together. If the crisis of middle age coincides with the family, then be trouble, I mean divorce. Zhenya, it is unclear why she once began to find fault with her once loving husband. And the children of their father's sudden despotism are perceived only with bayonets, which is fraught with the cooling of the child-parent relationship. Many men characteristically change the pattern of behavior. Even if he did not find a company of young guys, peers remain, in communication with whom predominantly demonstrative "typically male" conversations, boiling down to attempts to simulate the macho image: about football, women's breasts, cars, etc. ... Naturally, this leads not to personal growth, but to the growth of the beer belly and the need for alcohol. By the way, about alcohol. It is not uncommon for men in the mid-crisis period to start "pawning a collar" often. First, drinking is used as a means of fighting depression, helping to cheer up and cheer. Gradually, her number increases in the life of a man, and within a few years he turns into an alcoholic, finally losing health, property, career, family and friends. Naturally, the treatment of this process in the advanced stage becomes practically impossible. Some men come close to realizing the "old" dream, albeit from the last forces. Unfortunately, quite often they do this without any logical comprehension, which leads to unfortunate mistakes. For example, a man in a state of excitement makes himself a tattoo like a young guy on the beach, and later it turns out her ridiculous or even hard-hitting value. Or begins to "suffer" by jumping from the parachute and other extreme sports, despite the contraindications for health. All these things from a normal hobby are distinguished by their obsession: the desire to engage in such a thing is not from the soul, but solely from the desire to put a tick in the list of personal achievements. Naturally, such movements do not end with a joyful outcome. what is the middle age crisis in men

How to help your man?

What should a wife do if her husband has an average crisis?age? Strangely enough, but on your behavior in this situation a lot depends. Of course, you can not take this difficult period for a man. But you can choose a line of behavior that will help him get out of it with honor and a correct understanding of what is happening.

  • It is not necessary to emphasize the man's attention,That he has a crisis now. Most likely, he is perfectly aware of what is happening without you. Yes, and understanding this fact can be very painful for him - he thought that his similar problem would not concern him.
  • Do not put pressure on his emotions and feelings. Now yourthe man is in a very vulnerable state, and quarrels with you do not add strength to him. On the contrary, the tension in his life will be so strong that he will have a desire to rid himself of his source - guess where this can lead? To various reckless and rash acts, for example, a break with you.
  • Listen to your man He must feel,that you are ready to support and accept him, no matter what he has done. It should be understood that it will not be the same - do not be offended by it for it. You can hint to him that there is a possibility to seek help from specialists, but do not insist on it. Men are radically different from us: they are used to independently overcome their own difficulties, and talking to another person about their problems for them is a sign of weakness. It is better to show him how much he is dear to you and how you do not want to lose him. The sense of one's own worth is able to perform miracles with a strong gender.
  • Emphasize your own attractionThe man in this period begins to doubt whether he made the right choice in his youth, and if he sees an asexual creature next to him in a tattered robe, this will not add to you points. Start to go to the gym and call him with you after a while. If you look great, he will be proud of it and try to match you.
  • Fill your life with joy Now on yourshoulders will lay down a heavy burden of organizing leisure in your pair. Diversify your life by numerous campaigns in the cinema, theater and restaurants. Order a sauna for you two or for a large company with your friends - you will see, he will be very happy about it. Organize a trip to some distant and interesting country - this will help your husband realize that life is still full of joys and new impressions, and it's never too late to receive them.
  • Sex for men - an indicator of its viabilityDo not be shy to express a man's admiration for his success in bed. But you yourself do not step back. Think about how you can diversify your sex life: lacy underwear, new poses, sexual experiments - all this will show your husband that you are the best and that you should not change you to a younger "copy."
  • Show female wisdom. It is expressed inpatience, ability to wait and forgive. It is possible that your man will do such things that will cause you severe pain. But this is primarily due to his emotional throws, and not to the desire to hurt you. Yes, perhaps he doubts. But admit: did you never doubt the correctness of your choice? Even if you learned about adultery, maybe you should find strength and forgive your husband, because you are now able to understand the value of your relationship. But leave hysterics and rash acts for him, at least for a while.
  • Help him Because of the difficult condition of a manoften can not encompass all the wide range of opportunities that opens before them. In this difficult period it is very important for him to find and maintain love for his work. If your husband left work and can not find himself - help him: throw up options, discuss them with him, but do not press him. What seems ideal to you, he may not like. Therefore, be calm and reasonable - now this is what is required of you to a greater extent.
  • The midlife crisis is a difficult time not onlyfor your man, but for you. Nobody said that it would be easy. But any difficulties can be experienced if between loving each other people remains respected and understanding. It is possible that you will at some point seem that they have disappeared. Remember that this is temporary. And the darkest hour always comes before dawn. We advise you to read:

