anti-wrinkle cream In youth, you think that using creamsnot necessarily. The skin is young, healthy, but this is an erroneous opinion. It's better, as they say, to prevent the disease, than to treat it later. Therefore, buying cosmetics for the face is not only possible, but it is necessary in 25, and 30, and even more so after 35 years.

Why you need a wrinkle cream

From the older generation of women you can often hear: "We did not have wrinkle creams! And everyone looked great. So why let the money go to the wind? ». Allow me to disagree. Modern ecology, the water we wash, and the food we use, are far from ideal. In addition, the current rhythm of life, our busyness, lack of sleep, stress - all this affects the condition of the skin of the face. To look good and feel great, every woman is simply obliged to buy a protective cream. At the same time run after him to the store should not in the first days after the appearance of a reticular round the eyes, and in advance - from a young age. If you regularly apply special cosmetic means on the face, then the process of appearance of such wrinkles so unpleasant to us can be postponed for about ten years. In addition, the use of special wrinkle creams allows not only to get rid of these, but also makes the face skin more fresh, elastic, and also protects from harmful environmental factors and from sunlight.

How effective is the anti-wrinkle cream

Do not expect that special anti-wrinkle creamwill make you 25 years younger. This is not a panacea for all ills, but only an opportunity to delay and slow down the aging processes, which, unfortunately, occur in every organism. In addition, the skin of the face is an indicator of health, and if you want to look young, visit medical institutions on a regular basis, and take a look at specialists. And one more important point: lead a healthy lifestyle. Forget about cigarettes (or reduce their use), diversify your diet with fruits and vegetables, eat right, do not miss the opportunity to sleep for eight hours, and, of course, play sports. And then the cream of wrinkles will have to buy much later.

Variety of cosmetics

Remedies for wrinkles today are produced by almost all cosmetic companies. Consider the main types:

  • Creams that protect against the harmful effects of environmental factors. In the composition of wrinkle creams there are antioxidants based on vitamins C, E and selenium.
  • cream, which have the effect of peeling. In general, the main components of such products are fruit acids, which purify and brighten the skin of the face.
  • cream from deep wrinkles with retinol and vitamin A. They are considered the most effective in the struggle for youth.
  • moisturizing and nourishing cream with hyaluronic acid.

To choose a cosmetic cream follows independing on the type of skin and the result you want to get. To protect against contamination, use a cream with vitamins C, E and selenium, to cleanse the skin and lighten it, select a cream with fruit acids. With regard to retinol-based drugs, their use is recommended for women after 35 years. They are not always well tolerated by the skin, so you should be careful. cream for wrinkles

How to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream

After twenty-five years of age in the bodywomen are slowing down the processes of accumulation of collagen and elastin - the main components of an elastic, even skin. As a result, the first signs of future wrinkles appear on the face. At 40 years, the reduction of protein synthesis occurs at 1-3% per year, and after the onset of menopause, the woman's skin loses up to 30% of the collagen. By the age of 50, age changes are very noticeable: a tarnished complexion, dark circles under the eyes, flabby skin, wrinkles. To avoid this, start using a special cream from a youth. The first cream is designed to fight with only the impending signs of aging, its main task is to moisten and protect. Choose a means, based on the molecules of hyaluronic acid, responsible for nourishing the skin. For more mature age (somewhere from 35 years old), the remedy for wrinkles should include retinol and vitamin A. These ingredients help to cope with deep wrinkles, make them less visible, refresh the complexion and "tighten" its contours. When choosing a cosmetic product, take into account the type of your skin. If it is prone to dryness and peeling, the cream must contain sun protecting components, as well as vitamin C, which favors the production of collagen. If you have oily skin of the face, focus on the means containing ingredients that can get rid of greasy shine, clean and protect from ultraviolet light. The main problem of combined skin is the fat middle part of the face and dryness in other areas. Women with this type are not recommended to use funds that contain glycolic, fructose or lactic acids. Choose products with sunscreens against free radicals.

Advice of specialists

Experts recommend the use of variousmeans, based on the time of day: apply antioxidant cream on the face in the morning, and at night - cosmetics for active skin restoration, which includes retinol. When you just start using the cream, it perfectly moisturizes, protects and nourishes the skin, as a result, the face has a fresh and healthy appearance. But over time, its effect is weakened, so experts advise changing cosmetics every six months. Choose a cream with a protective factor of not less than 15. You can also try moisturizing fluids - a new-fashioned cosmetics that fights with the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin of the face. Use it separately or apply under a day and night cream. To use anti-wrinkle agents, use them regularly. Keep the beautician away from the sun and watch for the shelf life of the cream, because the use of overdue products will adversely affect your skin. creams against wrinkles

Folk methods of preserving youth

Thanks to the existing cosmeticmeans, to struggle with signs of aging of women it became much easier. I went to the pharmacy, bought a cream, smeared my face - and expect the effect. But you can use popular methods. We offer you prescription creams from deep wrinkles, cooked at home. For the oil phase, take:

  • 2 tablespoons chopped beeswax
  • a tablespoon of shea butter
  • almond oil - 1 tablespoon
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil

Water phase:

  • a teaspoon of rose water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • half a tablespoon of vitamin E (in ampoules)
  • 2 drops of rosemary oil (ethereal)

Cooking method: Make a steam bath and melt the wax on it, add karite (if you do not have it, use shea butter), almond and coconut oil, stir constantly. In a separate vessel, heat to a liquid consistency of honey and pour pink water into it - hold it on low heat for 15 seconds. The resulting mixture is added to the oil phase, stirring gently. Home cream is almost ready. Remove it from a water bath, cool it a bit, add rosemary oil and vitamin E. Mix well so that there are no lumps, and pour into jars (pre-sterilized). As for essential oils, check them for tolerability. To do this, drip some oil on the arm and watch the reaction. Another remedy from the arsenal of our grandmothers: dry the skin around the eyes with an egg yolk and hold the mask for 15 minutes, then remove with a damp cotton pad. If you have shallow wrinkles under the eyes, you can mix the egg yolk with vegetable oil in a one to one ratio. The resulting mixture regularly put under your eyes for half an hour. Whatever means you use - people's councils or modern creams, the main thing is not to forget about a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy food, sleep well, smile more often, and the face skin will be fresh, elastic and young much longer. We advise you to read:

