sunblock Despite the fact that the summer, unfortunately, alreadyhas come to an end, a sunblock may still come in handy. First, physicians from TV screens, from printed pages and on the radio regularly inform us about the dangers of ultraviolet radiation. Of course, the peak of the heat, and therefore the negative effect that sun rays have on your skin, has already passed, but this does not mean that you need to put the protective equipment in the farthest corner - you will need them both in the autumn and in the winter. After all, you need to take care of your health and beauty all year round. In addition, there is such a thing as a vacation, which can be spent abroad, enjoying rest and swimming in the pool. Therefore, even if in the yard in September, information about what is needed for a sunburn cream, continues to be relevant. About this, in fact, we will tell you.

The benefits of sunscreen

Sunbathe in the open sun, without hidinghat, or kerchief, or a thin tunic, can only be in his youth. And then because of ignorance and disorder. Modern physicians repeatedly remind about the harm of ultraviolet radiation - this is a long-proven fact that many, for some reason, still do not attach special importance. If you still continue to take "light" baths without using sunscreen, it's time to think! First, you risk "earn" burns, and secondly - skin diseases. Such an unjustified disregard for one's health not only increases the likelihood of the appearance of cancers in the future, but also contributes to the rapid withering of the skin. To protect yourself and as long as possible to preserve your youth and beauty, one hat with wide margins and dark glasses is clearly not enough - you need to buy special cosmetics. Under the influence of the sun, the skin loses its elasticity, elasticity, becomes drier and grows old early. However, nature took care of man, giving it a melanin - a special pigment, which is contained in the upper integument and performs a protective function. Therefore, for example, the darker the girl, the less she burns - she is not so much susceptible to the appearance of burns, as a white person. However, to date, if you recall the solar storms, ecology and other negative environmental factors, natural protection is not enough. In this case, modern cosmetology comes to the rescue - sunscreen products containing special filters that not only absorb most of the ultraviolet, but also contribute to the formation of melanin. But how to choose the right product and which one to give preference to? the right sunblock

Sunscreen cosmetics: varieties

Sun protection means, which are full of todaysupermarket counters, are the most diverse: it's cream, and oils, and sprays. Which of them to give preference to - your business. And our task is to tell what they differ and what is the peculiarity of each. So, the anti-tanning cream: it forms a thin invisible film on the body, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Thus, with it you get an even, dark shade without such unpleasant consequences as burns. The surface of the face is more gentle than in other areas, and therefore requires more protection. For this purpose special sunscreens are designed - they not only protect from ultraviolet, but also moisturize, soften the skin, tone up, and also saturate with much needed vitamins. To stay beautiful for many years, put them not only during rest, basking on the beach, but before going out on the street (under daily make-up). Suntan oil performs the same functions, but its effect is slightly weaker than that of the cream. There are also sunscreens that are responsible for your skin after sunbathing. They have a moisturizing and soothing effect - they remove redness and irritation caused by exposure to the sun. Such products are available in the form of lotions, sprays and creams. In the event that you stayed too long on the beach, forgot about the necessary protection and burned, you will need cosmetics for burns, which will reduce pain, remove redness and accelerate the recovery processes of the skin.

What is SPF?

Today, the choice of sunscreen products is huge. They are useful to everyone without exception, regardless of age, color and sex. Everyone who wants to sunbathe is healthy and healthy, should, when appearing on the beach or going out into the street, apply a special cream. Thus, this person will not only save his beauty, but also protect the body from possible harm. Such cosmetics differ in the level of protection from ultraviolet rays. Often, the value of its effectiveness, the manufacturer indicates on the packaging means in the form of an index SPF (in the full meaning of Sun Protective Factor, ie, the Factor of Protection from the Sun), which can range from two to sixty. It shows how many times the ultraviolet radiation decreases after application of the agent. The higher the SPF, the more confident you can feel, as this cream protects the skin better. The safest time, during which you can be in the sun, is ten minutes. Therefore, if you use, for example, a cream with SPF-12 protection level, then you can luxuriate on the beach for the whole two hours (the calculation formula is 10 x 12 = 120 minutes). In this case, do not forget that sunbathing for more than one hour is inappropriate. The fact is that the body ceases to produce melanin, which is responsible for the swarthiness of a person, precisely after the expiration of this time. Let us dwell a little more on the significance of the protective factor. As we have already mentioned, it can be in the range of two to fifty (and even more) units. So, funds with SPF from two to six provide basic protection, from eight to twelve - the average, the highest is considered from fifteen to twenty-five. If you want to take more care of your skin, take a remedy, the SPF of which is from thirty to fifty units or more. The most popular and sold today are creams with a level of protection from ten to fifteen - they are suitable for most. However, those who have just arrived at sea and still do not have time to get tanned, it is better to give preference to cosmetics with high SPF - twenty-five or more. And white girls with red hair and natural blondes are not recommended to use less powerful means, since they are more prone to burns. Also in the risk zone are the kids. This is due to the fact that the children's body produces the necessary pigment more slowly than the adult's body, so they burn faster. In this case, the ideal option - sunscreen with SPF is not less than thirty. Also, when buying cosmetics, pay attention to the additional natural ingredients that make up the cream, for example: hibiscus, green tea, vitamin E, edelweiss extract, as well as beta-carotene and aloe. They not only reflect ultraviolet rays, like a mirror, but also take care of the skin, moisturizing and toning it.

What is your phototype: choosing a cream

In order to properly choose a cream,it is necessary to take into account not only the level of protection, but also your phototype. The first, which is called Scandinavian (or Celtic), are blondes with blue eyes, as well as red-haired with white skin. They are "afraid" of the sun, immediately after a short stay on it burned and covered with red spots. If you belong to this category of people, then, even not being on the beach, and just walking around the city on a hot day, be sure to use a sunscreen with SPF at least thirty. Representatives of the European (or German) phototype - white (often with freckles) people with brown, green or light gray eyes and light brown or light chestnut hair. They can stay in the sun, not being afraid to burn, no more than fifteen minutes. In the first days of rest, it is preferable to apply cream with SPF from twenty to thirty, and after - with a lower level of protection (from eight to ten). To the mixed type belong swarthy brown-eyed people with chestnut or dark blond hair. Such people love the sun, so they can sunbathe without danger to health for about thirty minutes. They will use cream with SPF 15 - in the first three or four days of rest, and in the future - from six to eight. Representatives of the Mediterranean phototype - dark-eyed brunettes with bronze skin. They can sunbathe quite calm for more than half an hour, since burns for them are very rare. In this case, a cream with a level of protection from six to ten (at the initial stage) is suitable. Most lucky black. If you belong to this type, then you should not use sunscreen means - you simply do not need them. To get rid of the feeling of dryness, take a normal moisturizer. As for children, they should choose a special cosmetics with a high level of protection, adapted to the delicate skin. SPF 30 is usually recommended. Also, such funds should be used by those who plan active holidays in the mountains, on snowy peaks or intensified water sports. Products from sunburn are issued in different forms: creams, oils or emulsions, sprays. The advantage of the latter is a convenient and quick method of application - they are sprayed throughout the body. Whichever means you choose, the main thing is to do it in accordance with your phototype. In this case, consider the conditions in which you are going to rest. good sunblock

A few rules of even tanning

If you do not want to grow old prematurely,use sunscreen. Apply them to clean, dry skin fifteen to twenty minutes before going to the beach. Pay proper attention to those parts of the body that are most prominent, that is, the eyelids, nose, cheekbones, shoulders, legs and chest. They burn most quickly. Do not forget also about the armpits, neck and ear lobes. By the way, cosmetics for the face should be with an increased level of protection. Apply the cream in a circular motion, evenly distributed throughout the body. It is a mistake to assume that the thicker the layer, the better. The main thing here is that after a few (three or four) swimsuits they should be smeared again. If you have purchased a waterproofing agent, the time after each application is somewhat greater, since in this case the protective film is washed off more slowly. The most gentle sun in the morning (up to ten hours) and in the evening (after four). In order not to burn, go to the beach at this time. If you belong to the third and fourth phototype of the skin, then in "safe" hours you can do without cream at all or use a low SPF up to six units. To your face does not acquire the color of ripe tomato, before going out to the hot sun, cover it with a thin layer of day cream and powder. Going to the beach, it is better to forget about perfumes, lotions based on alcohol, deodorants. These products in combination with sunscreen cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction. Agree, the rash and pimples are a bad companion on vacation. Increase the time in the sun gradually, starting from five to ten minutes. If you just came to rest and your body is white, like milk, put the cream on the tan - it will protect the skin and prevent burning out. After the dangerous period passes and you get a slightly dark tint, you can use a tanning agent that will help to become evenly bronzed. It is not recommended to be very fond of oil, because under the influence of the sun it heats up and brings not always pleasant sensations in the form of burning. Also, do not smear with a moisturizing cream that contains hormones. If your skin is prone to frequent inflammation, acne and the appearance of acne, then it is better to buy a sunscreen gel - it has fewer oils and other components that irritate the skin. On return from the beach, take a shower and then apply the lotion after the tan all over the body and a special cream on the face (this should be two different products). They will help to remove redness, and also will have a moisturizing and toning effect. We advise you to read:

