crack on heel treatment Female legs. They are worshiped, admired, worshiped. Therefore it is very important that the feet are always in perfect condition. However, unfortunately, the female legs are constantly in wait for various misfortunes. And one of these troubles is cracks. At first glance, this phenomenon may seem like a mere trifle. However, this is not so - if a woman has a crack on the heel, the treatment should be started as soon as possible. First, these cracks look extremely untidy and unaesthetic, spoil the whole impression even from the most beautiful legs. Secondly, even the smallest crack provides a sick person with a lot of unpleasant pain. And thirdly, cracks on the heels can become an entrance gate for infection. Let's try to understand why these same cracks appear on the heels and whether it is possible to get rid of the misfortune.

Causes of development of cracks on the heels

There are several main reasons that leadto the development of cracks on the heels. It is very important to identify these causes and eliminate them - otherwise the treatment is unlikely to be successful and you will just waste your time and energy. So:

  • Fungal infection

In the event that a woman has a fungal disease of the skin on her legs, the appearance of cracks on the heels is a matter of time. In this case, it is simply impossible without special antifungal therapy.

  • Skin diseases

Significantly increases the risk of cracking on the heels of the presence of skin diseases such as dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

  • Diabetes

Cracks on the heels, developing against the background of diabetes mellitus - a phenomenon that occurs very often. Moreover - these fissures heal extremely badly, and systematic relapse is not uncommon.

  • Thyroid problems

In the event that a woman suffers from thyroid diseases, in particular, from hypothyroidism, cracks on the heels can also become her constant companion.

  • Vascular diseases of the legs

Often, the cause of development of cracks on the heels are vascular diseases of the lower extremities, such as varicose veins, arteritis, vasculitis.

  • Problems with the digestive tract

Another factor of increased risk is the disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

  • Wrong choice of hosiery and shoes

In the event that a woman preferssynthetic socks and pantyhose and shoes made of synthetic materials, she runs the risk of encountering cracks on the heels. The same applies to open shoes. For sure, many noticed that the most rough skin becomes in the summer, when the most relevant shoes are slippers.

  • Inadequate and unsystematic foot care.
  • Deficiency in the body of vitamins E and A.

Sometimes cracks can appear as a consequence of any one of the above reasons, and sometimes - several at once. how to heal the heels from cracks

Treating cracks on the heels

The first thing to do when faced withsuch an unpleasant phenomenon as a crack on the heel - this is to seek help from a doctor. To which doctor - depends on the cause of the cracks. Therefore, to begin with, you should consult a dermatologist. In the event that the cause is a fungal infection or some other skin diseases, the doctor will choose the treatment that is right for you. If necessary, the doctor will refer you to other specialists. In the same case, if cracks on the heels are just a consequence of improper care, coping with the problem is not so difficult. Systematic skin care for heels will forever forget about this problem. Do not expect an immediate result - one day you will not be able to get rid of cracks on the heels. You will need at least two or even three weeks. The essence of the main care for the skin of the heels is in three basic procedures: the baths, thorough cleansing and nutrition. For these purposes, you can use special medicinal creams and other means, or you can refer to traditional medicine. Especially because the recipes of traditional medicine, with which you can quickly get rid of cracks on the heels, quite a lot.

Foot baths

To begin with it is necessary as it is necessary to steam outthick and rough skin on the heels. For this purpose, foot baths are ideal. The duration of such a bath is not less than 15 minutes, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved. The water should be hot enough, but not burning. The water level should be such that the water reaches the ankles. After the bath, be sure to wipe your feet with a towel.

  • Baths with peat oxide

Peat oxide is sold in any pharmacy, soYou can buy it without difficulty. It is recommended to use it for the treatment of cracks on the heels - the solution should be very saturated. The course of treatment is not less than 14 days. Ideally, it is also necessary to conduct a course of treatment with cream with a high content of vitamin A or E.

  • Soap and soda baths

The most accessible means for trays is usualsoap and baking soda. It is advisable to use baby soap. Rub soap on the grater - you should get three tablespoons of soap chips, place in a basin, add three tablespoons of baking soda and pour three liters of hot water, mix thoroughly so that the soap and soda dissolve. The course of treatment is not less than 14 days.

  • Starch solution

If the cracks on the heels are very deep, hasmeaning to resort to the help of trays with starch. To do this, dissolve in five liters of hot water five tablespoons of potato starch, stir well. The duration of such a bath is at least 30 minutes. The course of treatment is until the cracks are fully healed.

  • Trays with milk whey

No less useful and a tray with milk whey. Mix the serum with water in a ratio of 1 to 1, heat to a temperature of 38 degrees. The duration of the bath is 10 minutes, the course of treatment is 7 days. treatment of heels from cracks

Compresses for heels

Approximately 5 minutes after the bath,when the skin slightly dry, pumice gently rub the heels to remove the keratinized layer of skin, which softens in warm water. But do not overdo it - you need to do this very carefully, so as not to remove excess skin. Otherwise, the skin will begin to recover actively and in the end you will get even rougher heels.

  • Oils

After the bath, you need to soften and moisten the skinheels. To do this, you can use almost any oil - olive, corn, sea buckthorn oil or dogrose, castor oil. A small amount of oil is applied to the heels and carefully massaged for 5 minutes.

  • Apple blend

On a small grater, grate one sweet applemedium size, mix with half a glass of any light beer and three tablespoons of butter. Stir the mixture thoroughly so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply it in a thick layer on the skin of the heels, top with a plastic wrap and leave for 30 minutes. The average duration of treatment is 14 days. During this time, as a rule, even the strongest cracks heal.

  • Applesauce

One large apple peel, cutcubes, place in an enamel saucepan, pour one glass of milk and cook for 30 minutes. After that, fork with a fork, mash the apple in a mash, cool a little and apply a thick layer on the skin of the heels. Leave the mass for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and grease with any vegetable oil. The course of treatment is 21 days.

  • Cottage cheese compresses

Very effectively stimulates the healing of crackson the stains of cottage cheese. Just apply after the foot baths on the heels of a thick layer of fresh cottage cheese. Top cover with a gauze napkin, plastic wrap and put on cotton socks, leave overnight. The duration of treatment is 14 days.

  • Ammonia compresses

For the preparation of this compress you will need10% ammonia solution and glycerin. Mix them in a glass container, in the proportion of 1 to 1. Before going to bed, after the foot bath, apply a thick layer on the heels, cover with a plastic wrap. Wear cotton socks and leave overnight. The duration of treatment is 14 days. Glycerin has a softening effect on the skin, and ammonia heals cracks.

  • Celery

Pass the greens of celery through the meat grinder - atyou should get five tablespoons. Mix greens with butter in a proportion of 1 to 1. The resulting mixture lubricate the skin on the heels at any convenient opportunity, but at least three times a day.

  • The acetic-glycerin mixture

Take 2 teaspoons of liquid glycerin, 1a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, carefully mix these ingredients in a glass container - you should get a homogeneous mass. This mass should be lubricated at least three times a day. Thus it is necessary to heal the heels for two weeks.

  • Beans

And you know that cracks on the heels can be treatedwith the most ordinary beans? Fry 100 grams of dry beans in a hot frying pan without oil, until a dark brown color is obtained. After the bean has cooled, use a coffee grinder to grind it to a powder. After that, add honey and any vegetable oil to the bean flour, mix thoroughly - you should get a dough. Roll it out and apply at night to cracks on the heels. Top with a plastic wrap and put on cotton socks. The average course duration is 14 days. But, of course, to treat cracks in this way is necessary until full recovery. There are a lot of ways of treatment - you probably can find the right one. But remember that the main secret of the success of cracks treatment on the heel is systematic. And let your legs be the most beautiful, and the gait - flying and unconstrained. We advise you to read:

