cracks in the labia Cracking on the genitals is a violationthe integrity of the skin of the mucosa caused by various internal or external factors and accompanied by various unpleasant sensations when touched and urinating. The location of the cracks is usually radial. The main characteristic symptoms are: painful sensations, burning sensation, itching and hyperemia (blood vessels overflowing). Other manifestations are also possible. Cracks in the large and small labia are not a separate disease, but a painful condition that indicates the presence of any external aggressors or disturbances in the body. With the timely access to a doctor and the prompt start of treatment, the beneficial effect of therapy, as a rule, becomes noticeable quickly enough. With a prolonged existence, if the patient does not want to go to the doctor, the edges of the cracks can be susceptible to calligraphy, and then it will be more difficult to treat them.

Types of microcracks of the labia

Microcracks of the mucous membranes of the labiaconditionally divided into acute and chronic. Acute microcracks are relatively recent lesions that cause intense pain of equal character in a small area (mainly during a touch). Chronic microcracks are old, numb microcracks, with densified or thickened margins, causing prolonged pain even without touch, arising mainly in a sitting position. Plus such neoplasms look very unattractive. crack on the labia

Causes of cracks in the labia

Cracks in the mucous membrane of the labia mayarise due to the impact of various external or internal factors. External factors include: mechanical damage, violations of personal hygiene rules and the use of substandard underwear. Internal factors affecting the formation of microcracks on the mucous membranes, is the intake of medications and various diseases. External factors As mentioned above, sometimes the cause of painful cracks on the labia becomes aggressive external influences. Accordingly, in case of their elimination, the problem is quickly resolved without medical assistance. For example:

  • Microcracks due to violation of basic hygiene standards

Various pollution: intensive sweating, abundant discharge from the vagina and drops of urine - can cause microcracks on the labia. In this case, the fair sex can cope with them through careful care of the body. Excessive enthusiasm for "bathing" procedures can lead to the same result as insufficient self-care. In this case, we mean, above all, excessive infatuation with cosmetic means: soap, shower gels, foam or bath salt, aromatic wet napkins, powder, deodorants, etc. Accordingly, to eliminate cracks in the mucous membranes, it may be sufficient to simply abandon the use of cosmetics and household chemicals.

  • Microcracks due to the use of synthetic underwear

In some cases, cracks in large genitallips can be provoked by a toe of substandard underwear (nylon, chemically treated, etc.). Inflammation occurs due to a breach of the skin's breathing. Microcracks are a consequence of this inflammation. Thus, the rejection of synthetic materials in favor of high-quality natural unpainted fabrics will help quickly get rid of the problem. Nowadays in specialized stores you can find a lot of quality and beautiful underwear, which in its form will not be inferior to synthetic underpants. But in the future, no problems with health in the fan of natural things just will not be.

  • Mechanical damage

Sometimes microcracks on the external genitaliaappear after sex. The reason for this may be an allergic reaction to latex, any lubricants, etc. The alternation of anal and vaginal sex in one sexual act can also provoke the formation of cracks. The reason for this - microorganisms, penetrated from the intestine. Another example of mechanical damage is ruptures during labor. To prevent the formation of cracks in the external genitalia after delivery, as early as the ninth month of pregnancy, women are advised to start doing perineal massage. It allows you to slightly stretch and strengthen the skin and muscles, thus preventing mechanical damage. But remember that this is preliminary agreed with the doctor. Internal factors Cracks in the genitals, caused by internal factors, require medical intervention and longer treatment. In order to get rid of such microtraumas, it is necessary to diagnose and eliminate the main cause of their appearance: stop taking "harmful" medications, stop the inflammatory process or cure the disease.

  • Cracks resulting from the use of medicines

Cracks in the labia mucosa sometimesappear as a result of oral administration of drugs, the use of drugs of local action. Ointments and gels for external use can cause an acute allergic reaction and cause the formation of microcracks. Ingestion of some hormonal and antibacterial drugs, medicines for the treatment of the human papilloma virus, as well as other medicines or plant extracts (for example, active use of tea tree oil) can all cause cracks in the labia. Stopping the use of medicines or changing them can help get rid of painful cracks in the woman's genitals.

  • Cracks in the genitals, caused by diseases

Hormonal disorders are considered the most frequentcause the formation of cracks in the mucous of the genital organs. For example, lack of estrogen (often observed during menopause) provokes excessive dryness of the skin, as a result of which microtraumas are formed. The cause of the formation of microcracks on the labia may be lichen. It is localized on various parts of the body, but most often affects the hands, feet and groin. The formation of microcracks on the skin and mucous membranes is one of the characteristic symptoms of this disease. The cause of the formation of microcracks on the labia may be a disease of the endocrine system. For example, one of the symptoms of diabetes is an intolerable itch in the genital area, which, in turn, contributes to the appearance of microcracks. Another cause of microcracks on the labia may be thrush. Candidiasis is a disease that develops against the backdrop of the active vital activity of the fungus, which primarily affects the mucous membranes of the external genitalia. Other common causes of this phenomenon include: other fungal and infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency, helminthic invasion, eczema, allergies, etc.

  • Physiology

It is worth mentioning also naturalphysiological processes that provoke cracks in the genital organs of the lady. For example, the increase in the number of candida fungi contributing to the disruption of the integrity of mucous membranes, is activated during hormonal adjustment: during pregnancy or just during menstruation. And therefore it is at this period that cracks in the labia may appear. fissure crack

Diagnosis of the disease: what caused the cracks

Diagnosis of microcracks in mucous membranesincludes an external examination of the patient, listening to complaints for the presentation of the disease and various laboratory tests: sowing from the vagina, examination for urogenital infections, a blood test (general blood test, as well as an HIV test, hepatitis, blood sugar), a study feces on eggs worm, etc.

Drug treatment of the disease

Medical treatment of microcracks is aimed atrelief of symptoms and elimination of underlying pathology. As a rule, treatment with conservative methods is sufficient. In complicated cases, an operation can be prescribed (this can be an operation with minimally invasive methods, without anesthesia and hospital stay or a classical operation under general anesthesia). crack between labia

Treatment of a crack on the genitals with folk remedies

Without prior medical consultationget rid of cracks in the home can be extremely difficult. Obviously, without eliminating the underlying cause of the disease, treatment of its manifestations is ineffective, and the risk of relapse is extremely high. However, even before going to a specialist, you can take some measures in order to relieve the pain. For example, to reduce the pain associated with the formation of cracks in the labia, will help softening the ointment, antiseptic and analgesic (such medicines can be bought in any city pharmacy). A good therapeutic effect is also provided by sedentary warm baths (including therapeutic baths with chamomile, string, etc.). Conservative treatment of fresh cracks includes:

  • General strengthening of immunity to enhance the protective forces of the body
  • Compliance with hygiene standards
  • Elimination of unpleasant, sharp odor
  • Lubrication of affected areas with Bormenthol Ointment
  • Medical compresses, lapping and lotions on the basis of novocaine, as well as broths of chamomile and calendula.

Tincture of calendula is the most popular"Folk" remedy against microcracks of the mucous membranes. Recipe for calendula infusion To prepare tincture of calendula, one teaspoon of flower buds or marigold extract and 70 milliliters of boiled water will be needed. The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water and evaporated over low heat until the volume is reduced by half. Then the solution is filtered and cooled. Lotions and lapping of the affected areas of the skin are done once a day. A good therapeutic effect also gives an infusion of dandelion and yarrow root. Dandelion Prescription Recipe The dried and ground dandelion root (one teaspoon) is mixed with yarrow broth (proportions: one teaspoon yarrow per cup of boiling water). The resulting mixture is taken twice a day for half an hour before meals. Beforehand, do not forget to check if there is an allergy to the remedy. In order to prevent infection of microcracks, experts recommend treating the affected areas with a solution of 2% chlorhexidine. Some time after processing it is possible to grease cracks with a fat hypoallergenic cream. The therapeutic diet can be appropriate for any disease of the skin and mucous membranes. It consists, first of all, in the saturation of the body with vitamins and microelements, necessary for increasing the body's defenses. Food should be rational and balanced. It is important to remember that at a neglected stage of the disease no means of traditional medicine will help. If the pain does not go away for several days or, moreover, increases daily, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a specialist. The doctor will relieve the pain with an anesthetizing Novocaine blockade and prescribe an appropriate, effective treatment. In severe cases, when treatment with conservative methods is impossible, surgery can be prescribed: under anesthesia, the doctor will cut the cracks and sew them. And remember that you should not bring the process to the extreme! After all, between a small inflammation and scars the difference is large.

