A saturated and intense way of life is oftenleads to various abnormalities in the body. We constantly run somewhere, do not get enough sleep, eat fast food. First of all, all this is reflected on our face: premature wrinkles appear, the skin looks gray and lifeless, "decorated" with blackheads and other eruptions. And no modern anti-aging products will not help to put a person in order, if there is no thorough preparation. This preparation consists in cleaning the skin of dirt, not only superficial, which can be removed by any cleaning means, but deeply hidden. Modern facial cleansing is a deep impact on the upper layers of the epidermis, the purpose of this procedure is not only cleansing, but also reducing the pores of the skin, in which, in fact, and clogged with dust and dirt. Every woman needs this procedure periodically. Today there are several ways to clean the face, let's look at them in more detail, and then you can easily choose the method that suits you.
Ultrasonic Cleaning
The procedure is carried out with the help of a specialapparatus, under the influence of which the face is cleaned, skin fat is removed. Directly before the procedure, the specialist applies a tonic for moisturizing, which is selected according to the type of skin. Ultrasonic cleaning passes painlessly without trauma, so this method is recommended for women with sensitive skin. The procedure includes the following steps:
- Removal of make-up if required;
- Application of scrub in case of severe contamination;
- Application of a gel to open the pores;
- Next comes the cleaning itself;
- Now a soothing, irritating mask is applied;
- And the last step is applying a cream that matches the type of skin.
Ultrasonic cleaning will not only allow your skinfree to breathe, but also strengthen the layers of the epidermis, improve the structure of the skin, activate the recovery process. The procedure is indicated for women with fading skin, skin prone to fat and the appearance of acne, as well as for the face with enlarged pores. However, there are contraindications:
- Heart problems;
- Pregnancy and the period of feeding;
- Severe skin inflammation;
- Oncological diseases.
Clear restrictions on the number of proceduresno. Here experts advise to start from exactly the type of your skin. Dry and sensitive - every three months; combined or oily - every two months. The entire procedure lasts no more than an hour, and its main advantage is that afterwards the skin does not need time to recover. Therefore, you can safely do such cleaning immediately before any important event.
Mechanical cleaning
Another way to clean the face of contaminants,clogged pores and blackheads. This method can be used more often than ultrasonic, especially for people who have oily skin. They are recommended to undergo the procedure at least once every two weeks. Mechanical cleaning is suitable for you if:
- Your skin is prone to acne eruptions;
- Has a fat and porous structure;
- It is predisposed to the appearance of adipose;
- Has a lowered tone.
This method is divided into two types: manual (manual) and using special brushes (brossage). Manual cleaning is performed without the use of any tools. The specialist applies only the vaporizer, which helps open the pores. Further the cosmetician starts cleaning, soft movements of hands relieving your face from lacks. Then apply a soothing mask. It should be said that the procedure is rather painful, but it is the best procedure for removing blackheads and blackheads. Brossage is carried out with a device equipped with moving brushes in different directions and at different speeds. The procedure allows to completely clear the face of sebum and dead cells. Do not use too dry and sensitive skin.
Vacuum cleaning
Such skin cleansing is indicated ifclogged pores, sebaceous plugs and bumpy skin. The procedure is carried out by a special device with several nozzles - all the contaminants are drawn in by vacuum. This method gives some more positive effects:
- Restores blood circulation and metabolism;
- Aligns the texture of the skin and narrows the pores;
- Stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;
- Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
Such a vacuum massage is useful even withoutexpressed acne diseases, because it helps slow the aging of the skin, restores her healthy appearance and tone. Immediately before the procedure, the skin is stripped to make the contaminations easier to remove. After the massage, a soothing and nourishing mask is applied. Vacuum cleaning also has its own contraindications:
- Too dry, thin and sensitive skin;
- Skin with dilated vessels;
- Skin with acute inflammatory processes.
Cleaning "Holy Land" (Holy Land)
This procedure is carried out on the basis of effectivecosmetic products created by the Israeli company of the same name. Their use minimizes injuries during the procedure. What is still good for this method of cleaning?
- Reduces pores;
- Improves general skin condition;
- Aligns the texture and complexion;
- Can be used for any type of skin, at any time of the year and at any age.
The Israeli method implies a thoroughpreparation of a person for purification. It is on how this preparation will pass and the future effect depends. The use of the necessary cosmetics (pilling) allows you to open the pores without mechanical interference. Only those parts of the skin that really need to be cleansed are treated. As a result - the skin immediately looks perfect, it does not need time to restore it.
Folk methods of deep cleaning
Now let's consider the means of the people'smedicine, which are used to clean the face at home. After all, not all women (each for their own personal reasons) can afford procedures in beauty salons. Of course, such a strong effect, as from the salon procedures will not be. But nevertheless it is possible to clear, support and heal problem skin with folk remedies. Milk shake for the face Dairy products perfectly clean and brighten the skin. You can use, like milk, and curdled milk, and yogurt. Suitable "milkshakes" for any type, most importantly remember: oily skin - necessarily sour-milk products; dry - you can use regular milk. How to cleanse? Simply moisten the wadded disks in milk (kefir) and wipe the face. Each next disc should be more impregnated than the previous one. So we act until all the skin is nourished. Remove the remains of milk with the same wadded disk (dry). With dry skin, the face can tingle a little, it's okay - just wash with warm water without soap. But if the skin is too fat, you can leave a layer of yogurt for the night, and in the morning rinse and lubricate the face with cream. A mixture of bran Fat, acne prone skin cleanses bran well. They can be from any variety of cereal crops: oat, wheat and even rice. To prepare this "mug" for the face, you need to mix a glass of bran with a spoon of baking soda. The mixture is stored in a glass container. Before washing, take a tablespoon of the mixture, dilute it with milk and mix. Kashitsu put on the face for 15-20 minutes, then wash with warm water. You can still rinse your face with a little salted water at room temperature. There are many methods of purification, and, unlike cosmetic procedures, they can, even need to be used 2-3 times a week. So the effect will be much more noticeable - the face will become purer and lighter, disappearing hated acne and acne. It takes care of the skin regularly. Never miss the planned procedures, and then you very soon get used to them, will be treated as something ordinary and compulsory. Yes, the problem skin will remain, but will not cause you so much inconvenience. And remember, your health and beauty is only in your hands!