Flowers of the genus Hibiscus belong to the familyMalvaceous plants. In total there are about 250 species in the genus. They grow in the tropics: in India, China and Asia. For room keeping, only one plant of this species is suitable: Chinese rose (or hibiscus chinese). Even at the beginning of the XIX century, hibiscus became popular in Europe, and eventually appeared in Russia. The plant served as an ornament of the most famous botanical gardens. And in Hawaii, for example, the flower was (and still is) a symbol of femininity. Local girls often decorate themselves with its buds, which are very feminine and spectacular in the hair. In its native land, the Chinese rose is known not only for its beauty. Her flowers are used in medicine, they are made from them natural paint for fabrics and even for drinks. Hibiscus - a plant rather unpretentious and does not need any special care. The rose quickly grows and in six months after the cuttings can throw out the amazing beauty of the buds. In terms of home content, you can find red, yellow, pink and white flowers-bells. In nature, however, the colors of this plant exist many times more. Today, we will not talk about the beauty of hibiscus, but the troubles that await the growers who grow it. After all, any houseplant can get sick, and a Chinese rose is no exception. The fact that the flower is dissatisfied with something, you can learn from the state of its leaves. And first of all it is necessary to find out why he fell ill, to find the reason, which influenced him not in the best way.
Why do the leaves of the Chinese rose yellow?
It must be said that, having no information aboutthe contents of the rose, it is impossible to state with certainty the cause of her illness. Below we have collected the basic facts telling why hibiscus yellow and fall leaves. Having studied them all, you will certainly help your plant restore its former beauty.
- Insufficient watering
If the air temperature is quite high,Chinese rose needs a lot of water. And if it's too hot and windy, watering can be daily and even two-fold. Plants that are in the open air, can help the system of automatic drip irrigation.
- Excessive watering
If the leaves turn yellow and fall off in the cool season, there may be an excess of moisture in the soil. A Chinese rose loves water, but does not tolerate a cold swamp in the root area.
- Very high air temperature
In the continuation of the topic of watering. If the plant does not have enough moisture in the hot season, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off. Why is this happening? Here everything is simple - the plant "includes" a kind of protective mechanism that allows it to reduce the need for water.
- Low ambient temperature
Do not forget that the Chinese rose is a planttropical, which means it loves warmth. In order for the flower to be comfortable, the air temperature should be 18-30 degrees. Change is fraught with disease. For example, if in winter the plant is too close to the glass, it can react to a cold snap by dropping the leaves.
- Being in direct sunlight
Yes, hibiscuses love warmth, but that does not mean thatYou need to expose them to direct sunlight. Excess ultraviolet light can lead to burns, which in turn cause yellowing and massive dropping of leaves.
- Lack of lighting
For Chinese rose, lighting is the source of life. If it is not enough, the plant will start to discard the leaves, guided by the principle: fewer leaves - less need for lighting. The process will continue as long as there are as many leaves on the plant as enough to survive. Sometimes it can be just a few pieces.
- Spider mite
These insects are really dangerous for the Chineseroses. To begin with, they are found only with the help of a magnifying glass. With the naked eye, you can see only a thin and light spider web, which flattens leaves and still unblown buds. This cobweb is the cause of yellowing, twisting and falling off of leaves and flowers. The infected bush looks sick and can completely be bare, unless urgent measures are taken. Treatment is carried out with special preparations - insecticides, which can be purchased in a flower shop. It is worth noting that getting rid of spider mite is quite difficult. It is better to do preventive maintenance twice a year, spraying the plant than to restore it for a long time.
- The presence of drafts
You do not even guess what stress the draft causes to the draft. So try not to create "windy" weather in the house.
- Chlorosis - improper acidity of soil
There are several conditions of chlorosis. Depending on the severity of the disease, the leaves of the plant turn yellow differently. Sometimes the leaf can be green and yellow only in the place where the disease began to develop. If the yellowness does not extend further, we can conclude that the rose does not have enough nutrients. Perhaps there is a violation in the acidity of the soil or simply not applied for a long time. In our conditions, the acidity of the soil is most often disturbed by watering tap water, which is characterized by rigidity.
- Excessive use of pesticides
In principle, this problem is the rarest of allof the above. But, if you have used pesticides on a too hot day or have broken the dosage, this can lead to the fact that the leaves of the rose will turn yellow and fall off. Also, too frequent use of pesticides can provoke a problem.
How important are fertilizers?
Suppose you have studied all of the above facts andcould correctly determine the cause of the disease. And even have already eliminated this reason - the leaves ceased to fall off. Well, now is the time for good news: hibiscus will quickly build up a new green mass. Perhaps, if the branches of the plant were too long, there is a wash to cut them to form a beautiful bush. Pruning stimulates the appearance of lateral shoots. This is especially true if the plant has lost almost all the leaves. A Chinese rose does not like too much phosphorus. If there is an overabundance in the soil, the plant will suffer. But it will not remain silent - it will immediately show its displeasure with yellowed leaves. If you do not pay attention to it, the flower will die. Why? - you ask. Yes, because it can no longer consume other trace elements. All living organisms on earth need nitrogen and a Chinese rose is no exception. Plants use it in all their life processes. But too much nitrogen fertilizing can lead to so-called burns with fertilizers, because of which the tips of leaves begin to darken. Whichever fertilizer you use, notice the dry and darkened edges of the leaves, immediately stop making it. Further watering should be exceptionally clean water. Allow the plant to rest for a couple of weeks. When the time comes to renew the top dressing, apply a solution with a lower concentration. It is possible to find out the necessary concentration by experiment, gradually reducing the dosage, until the plant stops responding to fertilization with leaf burns. So we reviewed all the most common diseases of hibiscus. As you have already understood, practically for every disease the plant responds with yellowing and dropping foliage. Try not to bring the rose to a critical state, take care of it correctly. And it will thank you with a thick and lush crown, as well as frequent and plentiful flowering.