facial skin treatment in winter Do not seriously take the view thatthe cold preserves the beauty. Frost and wind are severe tests for our skin. Constant temperature changes, dry air in the premises lead to overdrying and, consequently, to dehydration of the skin. Violated metabolism, nourishment of the skin, lost elasticity. Often the skin becomes flaccid, unnaturally pale, irritation and peeling occur. Facial skin care in winter should be especially thorough and sparing.

Cleansing the skin

Do not wash your face with soap, it driesskin, draws moisture out of it. Replace soap with gel for washing. Do not wash with tap water, especially hot water. It causes vasodilation, which makes the skin flabby, flaccid, and increases its sensitivity to cold. In general, it is better not to wash in winter, but to cleanse the skin with special cosmetic products. Dry skin with cosmetic cream or milk. Normal and mixed skin is a make-up remover that does not contain oil. If you have oily skin, consider that you are lucky, because it is much frost-resistant than dry. But also it needs to be cleaned with more sparing cosmetic means - lotions, tonics and gels without the maintenance of alcohol.

Scrubs and peelings

In winter, under the influence of adverse factors,the skin becomes coarser, thicker, particles of dead cells of the epidermis accumulate. Once or twice a week, use a mild exfoliating cream or a scrub specially selected for your skin type. If you have dry sensitive skin, scrubs and peelings apply very carefully! You can use a ready-made scrub, or you can do it yourself.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream with 1 teaspoonfula spoonful of shallow salt. Light circular movements spread the mixture over your face, massage for a few minutes. After removing the scrub, apply a nourishing cream on the skin. With the regular application of this peeling, the skin will be refreshed, pigmented spots and freckles will lighten, the skin will become smooth and soft.
  • Take 1 tablespoon ground almonds,dried milk, ground oatmeal and a little olive oil. On a clean face, apply a small amount of the mixture and rub it lightly in a circular motion. This procedure will help to get rid of peeling, clean the pores, start the process of cell regeneration, prevent the appearance of pimples.

Moisturizing the skin

Proper skin care in winter will help avoidsuch troubles as peeling, excessive dryness, swelling, redness, the appearance of small cracks, loss of elasticity. 70% of our skin consists of water. In the cold season, most of the time we spend in heated rooms, resulting in our skin overdrying. Without moisturizing creams can not do. But there is one rule: any cosmetic products containing water are applied to the skin 40-60 minutes before going out. Otherwise, you risk frostbite your cheeks, as a result your skin will hurt, will begin to peel off. It is better to use intensive moisturizers in the evening, when you no longer need to go out. For skin care in winter, choose moisturizing creams with a denser texture than for summer. It is desirable that they include almond oil, aloe, azulene, walnut extract, D-panthenol. They moisturize, soothe, reduce the redness of the skin. Apply the cream to a cleaned face, remove excess with a napkin. During the heating season, the facial skin literally dries and becomes rough. To avoid dry skin, you should increase the level of humidity inside the room - get an air humidifier. Several times a day, lightly sprinkle your face with boiled water from a spray gun. The makeup will not spoil it, but the skin will receive an additional portion of moisture. skin care in winter

Skin Nutrition

In the cold season, the skin needs not onlyhumidification, but also in nutrition. Before going outside, for 30-40 minutes, apply a fatty nourishing cream on your face. But do not put it on the skin around the eyes - this gentle area requires special care. After 5 minutes, remove the cream remover with a tissue. Then apply a foundation and powder. A good foundation provides protective properties.

Protection from the sun in the winter months

Skin care in winter involves not only protectionfrom frosts, but also from the sun. Cosmetologists recommend using a cream with a degree of protection SPF-15. Apply it as a base under a day cream or under make-up. On sale there are moisturizing and nutritious products, which already contain the SPF-filter.

Masks for moody skin

To stay young and beautiful in winter, do notlazy, 1-2 times a week, make nourishing masks. This is especially true for those who have a "capricious" skin and do not tolerate a cold wind and a low temperature. The best time for cosmetic care is from 21 to 23 hours.

  • Preheat olive, sea-buckthorn or peeledsunflower oil. Dip a napkin into it and put it on your face and neck. This mask will help to get rid of peeling and irritation of the skin, small cracks will heal.
  • 1 tablespoon of ground green teamix with 3 tablespoons of yogurt. Apply mask to cleansed face for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Perfect for dry and sensitive skin.
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed pour 2glasses of cold water, cook until a mushy condition. Remove the hot mucous mass and apply another 20 minutes to the face on warm face. Rinse with warm water and apply cream. Warm linseed decoction will remove ecdysis and irritation. They can lubricate and lips.

Chapped lips

Usually in winter, lips suffer the most. The skin on the lips is very susceptible to low temperatures, it is sensitive and thin. Lips crack and flake, lose their elasticity and shine. In winter, use greasy lipsticks, which include mink oil, jojoba oil, shea, avocado, vitamin E. But it is better not to use lip gloss. Every girl in the cosmetic bag has hygienic lipstick. It can be used as an independent cosmetic means and used as a basis for decorative lipstick. If your lips crack, massage your lips.

  • Soft toothbrush, moistened with coldboiled water, massage lips for 1 minute. Then put on them almond oil with one drop of essential oil of lavender. After that, massage the forefinger first with the upper lip, then the lower lip. This procedure will increase blood circulation and give juiciness to even faded lips.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Take care of the skin around the eyes. It is very delicate, tender, there are practically no sebaceous glands, therefore it requires the most careful attitude to itself. Eye care in the winter means the use of special cosmetics. Their main task is to effectively remove swelling, strengthen blood vessels, moisturize and nourish the skin, make it more elastic, slow the aging process. They should not be too greasy, otherwise they can provoke swelling, redness, swelling and even allergies. Do not forget to take vitamin and mineral complexes in winter. Especially important for maintaining beauty vitamins A, C, E. Drink mineral water, juices, broths of wild rose and other herbs, in which you can add a spoonful of honey. We wish you to spend the winter beautiful and healthy. "Be strong, people. Summer is coming soon". We advise you to read:

