care of the neck at home The neck and decollete zone can be called real"A find for spies," since this area is completely incapable of keeping secrets. Even if you hide your passport with cherished numbers, it's still about your age will tell the skin. She will also tell you about the efforts that you have made to preserve her appearance. This article will tell you how to provide this area with proper care. The view that care for the neck should start after forty or even fifty years is erroneous. At this age it is worthwhile to apply already more radical methods of combating skin aging: different wrinkle serums, tightening procedures, medical methods of correction and so on. Typically, this is due to decent financial costs, so the earlier you start to care for the skin of the neck, the longer its form will be kept secret your real age. In this age of plastic surgery and other conservative cosmetic developments, it's much easier to keep your face young and fresh than anything else a decade ago. What can not be said about the neck, because it is quite difficult to protect it from the first age-related changes. The skin of this area loses its elasticity, because its main muscle - platism - consists of fine fibers that can not be developed, trained and inflated. However, there is hope: the tone of the epidermis itself is quite realistic. Therefore, care for the neck and décolletage zone should be started as soon as possible. According to cosmetologists, the first signs of skin aging begin to appear after twenty-five or thirty years. Of course, at first they are barely visible, but everyone knows and remembers the beautiful phrase: "Warned - means armed".

Why does the skin lose its tonus and how to deal with it?

If you are a fan of diets and periodicallysubjecting your body to "rolling on a roller coaster" - you lose weight, then you become fuller again, you need to be prepared for the fact that after such sharp weight fluctuations the thin skin of the neck will not thank you for it. Therefore, if you want to look young and attractive as long as possible, try to adhere to the principles of rational and proper nutrition, eating lots of vegetables and fruits, cereals, lean meat and sea fish. Thus, you will provide the skin cells with the intake of all the necessary vitamins, minerals and minerals from the inside. However, wrinkles on the neck appear not only through our fault. It turns out that even a wrong bite can help reduce the tone. Bad posture also plays against you: if the back is constantly in a twisted position, the formation of wrinkles in the neck and the second chin is provoked. But most of all we are affected by environmental factors: frost, sun, temperature changes and wind. As the researchers note, residents of the middle band have a more elastic skin than those who live in the south or north. And now it's time to turn to the simplest home care measures that you can take now, and not put them off in a long box. For them, your neck will certainly thank you for its tightened and fresh look. Firstly, you should not sleep on a high pillow, but it's better to do without it at all. It is harmful to keep your neck permanently closed. If there are already wrinkles, you do not need to hide them with scarves, scarves and clothes with a high throat, from this the skin will become even more dry and finally lose its tone. Secondly, your neck needs water physiotherapy. Therefore, with each hike in the shower, massage this zone, including the décolleté area, with a strong stream of water. After it you need to cheer up the contrast shower. It stimulates blood flow and improves skin condition. For such tender areas, you can not use the same cream as for the face. If you have oily skin, especially you should not succumb to such a temptation: the funds for this type of epidermis have a drying effect, and in fact the neck, on the contrary, needs additional moisturizing and nourishment. Many cosmetic brands have long been engaged in the production of special compounds that allow you to carefully care for precisely these "treacherous" zones. They are best not to be neglected, as usually instructions for massage and recommendations for application are attached to such creams. The majority of high-quality and effective means are developed in special cosmetic and medical laboratories, are tested and only after it get on the shelves of pharmacies and shops. care of the neck

Masks for the neck and décolleté zone

Very popular and natural compounds,allowing to carry out care of a neck and a decollete in comfortable house conditions. Usually this zone for women is always a little dry, so it needs moisture and nutrition. With the help of simple products you can without any special efforts prepare truly miraculous remedies, allowing for a long time to preserve the youth, beauty and elasticity of your delicate skin. So, what are the magic recipes you can use at home, so that the neck and décolletage region always look great?

  • Oatmeal mask. With a blender, you need to make oat flakes flour, then add a little cream or milk to it and a half teaspoon of vegetable oil - almond, apricot or olive. The mixture should be applied to the neck and décolleté zone, wrapped with a film and towel and left for twenty minutes.
  • Protein mask. You need to lightly beat the egg whites, you can add a little honey to it. Apply the mixture to the skin in several steps at intervals of five minutes. Then wait for the last layer to dry, and gently wash it off with water. In this case, the direction of the arms movement should be only from the bottom up. This mask perfectly helps before going out, because it acts instantly.
  • Egg mask. Lightly whisk a yolk of one egg with a teaspoon of honey, add a few drops of olive oil and a little rye flour. To make it convenient for you to apply a mask, achieve a thick consistency. Apply the resulting composition to the neck and neck and leave for about thirty minutes. After the specified exposure time, rinse with warm water. The mask will saturate your skin with vitamins and perfectly soften it.
  • Potato mask. It is necessary to grind two boiled potatoes, without allowing them to cool, add egg yolk of one egg, as well as glycerin, honey and olive oil - one teaspoonful. The mixture can be applied both as a mask directly on the neck skin, and as a warm compress using gauze. The exposure time is twenty minutes.
  • Rejuvenating paraffin mask. To achieve the effect, it should be done two to three times a week, the duration of the course is ten to fifteen procedures. It will be required to melt a piece of paraffin (cosmetic) in a water bath. To avoid skin burns, first, drip some mass onto the back of the hand. If the temperature is tolerant, you can safely apply paraffin on the neck with a brush.

The layer should be at least two centimeters, andThe exposure time is fifteen to twenty minutes. The frozen mask is easily removed with a medical spatula. However, this procedure has a number of important nuances. First, the paraffin mixture should not contain water, secondly, it should not be applied to sweated or damp skin, and thirdly, after removing the mask, you will be delayed with going out for at least half an hour.

  • Yeast mask for oily skin. It is necessary to dissolve ten grams of yeast in two tablespoons of warm milk, add six drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a little flour or starch for ease of application. Apply the mixture on the neck and neck, leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. If your skin is prone to dryness, replace lemon juice with olive oil.
  • Carrot mask. The value of this product, prepared at home, is that it saturates the epidermis with essential vitamins. So, you need to grate a small grater with a small carrot and mix it with either vegetable oil or sour cream. For what? Everything is very simple. The low digestibility of this vegetable by the gastrointestinal tract is also characteristic of our skin. In addition, vegetable oil contains vitamin E, very useful and necessary especially in winter. Rye flour or starch will help thicken the mask. The exposure time is thirty minutes, after which the composition should be washed off with warm water.

care of neck and decollete zone

Physiotherapy for the neck

Any cosmetologist will popularly explain to you thatmasks, creams and serums alone are not enough to keep the neck long and taut for a long time. Therefore, they must be supplemented with physical exercises and massage, which can also be carried out at home. You will need the desire, patience and persistence, because the procedure should be performed regularly. But this will only allow you to guess the secret of your age. It's tempting, is not it? Everyone known Brigitte Bardot said that she managed to keep her neck, because she liked to look at the stars. True or not, it is not known, but such exercises can actually help to increase the elasticity of the skin. They need to pay just a few minutes a day, and when they come to the mirror in ten years, you will not regret the time spent. So, here is a set of daily exercises for the neck.

  • Standing straight, you should make circular motionshead in a clockwise direction, then in the opposite direction. The chin needs to touch the chest, and the back of the head. In each direction, you need to do seven repetitions.
  • Hold a pen or pencil in your mouth and write out any words in the air with an outstretched neck.
  • Rest your chin in the palm of your hand and try to lower it down, while resisting your hand. This exercise takes about two minutes.
  • Place the palm of your right hand on your right cheek. Turn your head to the right, while giving the hand some resistance. Repeat five times for each side.
  • Fold your lips in a tube and with effort begin to pronounce the vowels "o", "y", "and". Keep your neck tight. This exercise perfectly trains the wide muscle.
  • Sit on a chair in front of a mirror, the fingers of one handPlace a little below the clavicle, and the other grasp the chin. Now pogrizmychayte, lowering the corners of the lips down, while straining your neck. If you perform the exercise correctly, your hands will feel it, and in the mirror you will see how the skin will rise slightly. As the epidermis in the neck and décolleté area is very tender, moisturizing creams should be carefully rubbed into it. Very good, if you try to combine this with a simple self-massage. The procedure does not take you much time, because it needs to be done before going to bed, finishing all water procedures and removing makeup. Apply the required amount of cream to the skin and proceed.
  • Start the massage with the strokes of the front of the neck. Perform them should be crossed in the face of the palms of the right and left hands in the direction from the bottom up.
  • Now tilt your head back and work the skin with spiral movements from the beginning of the cheekbones to the chin, then stroke your neck in these directions with your entire palm.
  • Finger pads "draw" several of the same spiral on the side of the neck, right hand - from left to right, and left - vice versa.
  • Make smooth vertical strokes of the problem area in the direction from the ear and up to the shoulder. The left palm should work with the right side of the neck and vice versa.
  • Remove the rest of the cream with a tissue, moisten a terry towel with ordinary salt water, and, stretching it, perform a series of pats on the problem area.
  • If you do not believe in the effectiveness of people'srecipes and prefer to entrust neck care to specialists, try the methods that offer beauty salons. Mesotherapy is very popular among them - introduction of cocktails from special medicines, which include vitamins A and E, antioxidants and minerals. You can also try biorevitalization - this is a course of several injections based on hyaluronic acid. Find your way of preserving youth. We advise you to read:

