poultry milk cake at home Another legacy of the recent Soviet past -Cake pigeon's milk". And if in that wonderful country under the name of the USSR there were the same laws as in capitalist society, then the inventors of this cake would become billionaires. But, alas, and ah! They did not become a billionaires, although they received a patent for their invention. And the cake invented by them all the same became a legend of the Soviet cookery (along with cakes "Prague" and "Kiev"). It should be noted that for the legend this cake is not so old: they invented it in the late seventies of the last century in the confectionery "laboratory" of the Moscow restaurant "Prague". "Bird's milk" made a furor as a new confectionery invention, those who wanted to buy it were lined up in kilometer queues. Naturally, this culinary masterpiece tried to reproduce and at home kitchens. However, not everyone was able to repeat what professionals could create. As a result of such attempts, a famous recipe for the cake "Bird's Milk" was born everywhere (in the USSR) on a manga. Strictly speaking, it was this recipe of this cake that became its home version. However, some mistresses managed to understand the principle of preparing the most delicate cream soufflé. That's why they could cook a real cake "Bird's Milk" at home. Then the secret of this legendary cake was declassified by the famous confectioner Alexander Seleznev in his book with recipes for Soviet cakes and pastries and, in general, the secret to be stopped. Today's housewives prepare almost indistinguishable from Gosty's "Bird Milk", and recipes are generously divided into various forums and social networks. We suggest you join those who wish to recreate the legend of the Soviet pastry past and bake the famous cake "Bird Milk" at home.

"Bird's milk" on a manga

It is for this (or a similar) recipe bakehome "Bird's Milk" mom and grandmother of Soviet schoolgirls. So even if this trot is far from the original, it is still known and popular as a "cake from childhood". Ingredients:

  • A glass of flour;
  • A glass of sugar (for dough);
  • One and a half glasses of sugar (for cream);
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar (for glaze);
  • 150 g of butter (for dough);
  • 300 g of butter (for cream);
  • 2 cups of milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • A teaspoon of hydrated soda;
  • 3 tablespoons mango;
  • 3 teaspoons of cocoa powder (for dough);
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa (for glaze);
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Preparation: Butter is melted in a saucepan, slightly cooled and rubbed with sugar. Then add the eggs to this mixture and mix it thoroughly with a mixer. Then a teaspoon of soda is extinguished in two tablespoons of water, acidified with vinegar or lemon, and poured into the mixture. Once again, everything is mixed and, continuing to stir, gradually pour a glass of flour. Now we need to divide the resulting dough into two parts and add cocoa powder to one of them. Next, we grease the baking dish with vegetable oil, sprinkle with flour or breadcrumbs and bake two biscuits alternately. We need about ten minutes to bake each of them. When the cakes cool down, cut them in half and promazhem cream. Cream for this cake is cooked with semolina porridge, which we cook from a glass of fresh fresh milk and three tablespoons of mango. After the porridge has completely cooled, it is necessary to add a half grated on a fine grater or crushed in a blender lemon and beat the porridge with a mixer. Then it is necessary to grind soft butter with sugar, add it to semolina porridge and once again well to drive in the cream. Now we are preparing the icing, which we will pour the cake from above. We spread two tablespoons of sour cream into the saucepan, add cocoa powder and sugar. All carefully mix, put on the fire and give a boil. After that, put in a glaze a tablespoon of butter and boil a little more until the glaze begins to thicken. So, ready cakes we collect in a cake, alternating chocolate and white layers and promazyvaya their cream. We do not apply cream over the top of the cake, but we pour it with a warm glaze. After that we remove the cake in the fridge, and after a couple of hours we enjoy the forgotten taste of the home-made cake "Bird Milk". delicious cake of bird's milk at home

"Bird's milk" almost in accordance with GOST

Cake, as close as possible to composition,appearance and taste for this "Bird Milk", behind which queues were built. To make such a cake at home, you will need a round, detachable baking dish and the following ingredients:

  • A glass of flour;
  • A glass of sugar (for dough);
  • 2 cups of sugar (for cream);
  • Half a glass of sugar (for glaze)
  • 4 eggs (for the test);
  • 10 eggs (for cream);
  • A glass of milk (for cream);
  • 3 tablespoons milk (for glaze);
  • 300 g of butter;
  • 40 g of gelatin;
  • 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • A bag of vanillin.

Preparation: First we make a biscuit dough for the cake. We break eggs into a bowl, pour sugar in the same place and carefully beat it all with a mixer for at least ten minutes. Then add flour, stir, pour the dough into oiled and flour-filled form and bake for about half an hour. We check the readiness for a dry match. Finished biscuit is allowed to cool completely and divide it into two cakes for our cake. Then proceed to prepare the cream. Cream, I must say, in this cake is really unusual! And it is prepared in several stages.

  • Fill the gelatin with warm water (incomplete glass) andleave it to swell. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and remove them into the refrigerator. Mix the yolks with a glass of sugar and beat with a mixer or blender in a white lush mass, so that the sugar is completely dissolved in the yolks. Now in a saucepan with this gogol-mogol pour out the milk and put it on a water bath. Stirring the cream, we wait for the appearance of bubbles and its increase in volume. We cool the custard base of the cream and proceed to the second stage.
  • Soft butter slightly beaten with a mixerand, whilst continuing to beat, we begin to gradually add to it a custard base. The custard in the butter is poured literally on a tablespoon, we wait, when the mixer blades well mix it with butter, and only then add a new portion. In general, as soon as the whole custard mixes with the oil, we get a delicate and delicious oil cream. Even in this form, he will turn any biscuit into a masterpiece. But we will make of this cream soufflé - that notorious bird's milk.
  • Gelatin put on a water bath and heated totransparency. Note! Do not let gelatin boil, otherwise it will lose its gelling properties. Leave the gelatin to cool and take up proteins. Beat them first in a strong foam, and then, gradually pouring sugar, whip the meringue (until hard peaks). Now gently pour into the squirrels cooled gelatin and mix everything well.
  • It remains only to combine the oil cream and meringue with gelatin. We add the oil cream to the proteins (and by no means vice versa) by parts, each time whipping the soufflé to homogeneity. The cream is ready!
  • Put the first biscuit back into the splitform (already washed and dried), lightly moistened with sugar syrup with rum or brandy and spread on it a cream. We put another cake on top, press it lightly, put it in the refrigerator and wait for the full hardening of the souffle cream. After that, take out the cake and water it with a warm glaze. For the glaze mix sugar with cocoa, pour milk and boil in a water bath, until the sugar completely dissolves. cake avian milk at home recipe

    Recipe from the book "Soviet cakes and pastries"

    The author of this book is the famous Russian confectionerand culinary expert Alexander Seleznev. So we will consider this recipe for the cake "Bird's Milk" as a recipe for domestic couturiers from high culinary fashion. Ingredients:

    • 140 g of sifted flour;
    • 105 g of butter;
    • One and a half eggs;
    • A teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

    For cream:

    • 308 g of sugar;
    • 20 g of gelatin;
    • 200 g of butter;
    • 95 g of condensed milk;
    • 2 egg whites;
    • 3 g of vanillin;
    • 2 g of citric acid.

    For glaze:

    • 10 g of vegetable oil;
    • 100 g of chocolate.

    Preparation: We beat the butter with sugar. We break eggs into a bowl and add vanillin to them, then mix eggs with butter and sugar and whisk all for twenty minutes. Next, add the flour to this mixture and knead the dough, from which we then form two balls for the cakes. Bake cakes alternately in a form with removable sides (oven temperature - 220 ° C). Now proceed to prepare a soufflé cream. To do this, firstly soak gelatin in cold water for half an hour, and then heat it in a water bath, not allowing to boil. After that, whisk butter with condensed milk, and egg whites with sugar. Then add whipped gelatin and whipped with condensed milk to whipped proteins. In the form with the sides (previously washed and dried) we put one cake, cover it with half of the souffle cream, put the second cake on top and spread the remaining cream on it. We spread the souffle over the surface of the cake and remove everything in the refrigerator. Waiting for the souffle to cool, cook the glaze. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath and mix it with vegetable oil. The cake is taken out of the refrigerator, we take off the sides of the mold and fill it with a cooled glaze. Again, remove our "Bird's Milk" in the refrigerator, so that the chocolate glaze froze. That's the way you can prepare a legendary Soviet cake at home. And let him not exactly repeat those scarce cakes that were sold in the culinary and shops of the USSR, but it will still be that cake. Try yourself in the role of the keeper of the legends: the recipe for the cake "Bird's Milk" will help you in this! We advise you to read:

