Burdock oil as a strengthening agent forweak hair has been used for a very long time. Many of our grandmothers and moms rinsed the hair with a decoction of burdock roots and had an excellent head of hair! But burdock oil is nothing but an infusion of burdock in vegetable oil. Yes, it's that burdock that grows everywhere and everywhere. It is suitable for all types of hair, it is inexpensive and you can find it in any pharmacy. Used burdock oil from hair loss and not only: against split ends, to eliminate dandruff and moisturize the scalp, to restore shine and general health of hair. And did you know that using burdock oil as a preventive measure will allow men to delay baldness for 15-20 years?
Burdock oil - the best medicine for the hair
The most valuable component of burdock oil for hairIs a natural inulin. It promotes the activation of metabolism and ensures the vitality of the hair bulb. Inulin perfectly moisturizes and softens the scalp, makes the hair shiny and obedient. Therefore, it is a part of many balms and conditioners for hair. Fatty acids also benefit greatly, which nourish the scalp and the hair follicle and prevent the latter from dying off; vitamins A, B, C, P and E and flavonoids that support the correct acid-base balance and provide rapid growth and hair restoration by improving blood circulation; well, mineral salts, which are absorbed into the very base of the hair and saturate it with useful elements. All this provides a complete nutrition of the hair bulb. The scalp and hair are healed and hair loss is significantly slowed down. So if your hair falls out, then run for burdock oil! Regardless of the cause of your illness - the application of this miracle remedy is absolutely necessary! The earlier you apply it, the better. It is important to immediately stop the symptoms of the disease, and then the process of recovery will proceed much faster. Of course, do not wait for the appearance of the mane like a lion after the first application, you need to use the oil regularly and success will not keep you waiting! To restore the hair mask mask with burdock oil should be applied 1 or 2 times a week, for at least a couple of months. Oil mixed with yolk (so it will be easier to wash off), apply massaging movements on the scalp and clean hair for 15 minutes. After wrapping a towel and after an hour carefully washed off with shampoo. You can rinse your hair with diluted vinegar. But before using, make sure that you are not allergic to this product. To do this, apply a drop of oil on the inner part of the wrist and wait for 10 minutes. If there is no reaction, then use it safely!
How to prepare burdock oil yourself?
Such oils can be stored for no more than 2 months,because gradually they lose their healing properties. If all these ways of self-cooking oil do not suit you, then get it in the pharmacy. Burdock oil - a commodity running and like to fake it in our country. Carefully read the composition and expiration date. Even if the manufacturer writes that it can be stored for millennia, after two months from the production date, we throw out boldly: there is no trace of useful vitamins.
Masks from burdock oil for hair
Burdock oil can be used both in cleanform, and in combination with other ingredients. In particular, it is well combined with honey, yolk and pepper. Such masks are most effective. Mask "vitamin" To maintain the hair after a perm or color, use a mask with yolk. It is very good with strong hair loss. In the 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons burdock oil add two yolks and 1 tsp. cocoa. Massaging movements rub into the scalp, wrap with polyethylene and a towel, do not rinse for an hour. This mask is good to use as a preventive measure, because it is easier to prevent loss than to heal! Mask "honey" To make a mask with honey, mix 2 tbsp. l honey, lemon juice and burdock oil. We heat this liquid until the honey dissolves. We put a warm mask on the hair along the entire length and wrap it for one hour. After wash off. The result of this mask is immediately visible! Mask "vegetable mix" If your hair is weakened, a panacea for them will serve as a mix of vegetable oils. In a tablespoon of thistle oil, add a teaspoon of olive or almond, jojoba oil and the contents of one capsule of vitamins E and A. The mask is slightly heated and evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. Slightly held and washed off with shampoo. Peppermask Against hair loss, a mask of burdock oil and pepper will help. We take 1 tbsp. l. oil and alcohol tincture of bitter red pepper, add the yolk, mix thoroughly and apply to the hair and scalp for an hour. If you feel a slight burning sensation - it's okay. And if it will increase, then immediately wash off. This mask enhances blood circulation and actively stimulates the growth of your hair. Mask with nettles To accelerate hair growth, stop falling out and give them a live silky look, try a mask with nettles. For this, fill a small amount of nettle leaves with boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then strain and add burdock oil. Stir thoroughly and apply on hair. Wrap it for half an hour. Mask "chic" Well, finally, the recipe for the most delicious mask: rub the egg yolk, add the juice of lemon and onions for 1 tsp. and ч.л. cognac and some burdock oil. We rub the mask into the roots of the hair, hold the hour, then carefully rinse. It would be nice to rinse with a nettle decoction. This mask and hair loss will slow down and overall appearance of the head of hair improves.
General tips and recommendations for the use of burdock oil
It is necessary to understand that the mask of burdock oil is not a one-time procedure, but a long-term course therapy, especially in the case of very poor condition of the hairline.
- The oil acts better in the heated state and it needs to be heated in a water bath. In any case, do not boil;
- You need to apply both to the scalp and the entire length of the hair;
- Keep on his head need at least an hour (in the form of an exception, half an hour is allowed);
- the head with the applied oil must be wrapped;
- to carry out the procedure should be at least 1 time per week for at least 2-3 months, depending on neglect;
- wash thoroughly with shampoo;
- with oily scalp oil should be applied for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise it clogs the pores and the effect will be directly opposite;
- buy it should only be in the pharmacy and not use more than two months.
And finally one more piece of advice. If you really have hair loss (not three dropped hair in the morning on the pillow, and a bunch), then you must consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem of their illness lies much deeper. And do not forget what difficulties would fall on us, we should always be beautiful!