useful buckwheat diet Buckwheat diet is now quite popular. But at the beginning of the article, let's talk about the useful properties of this cereal, why it is used to quickly get rid of excess fat. Buckwheat is a plant belonging to the buckwheat family. Only seeds are used for food, and cushions are stuffed with husks. Buckwheat began to be cultivated in India about five thousand years ago, and to us it was brought by the Greeks in the 7th century from Byzantium. From there, this groat got its name. Aristocrats buckwheat did not taste, they nicknamed it "black rice." They did not want to take it for food, so as not to defile their tender stomachs with the rough porridge of the poor. But in our country this crop is very loved. Western peoples even called the Slavs "buckwheat."

Useful substances contained in buckwheat

Buckwheat is one of the cereals that containsvery useful substances. It combines the perfect balance of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Buckwheat is the leader in the content of vitamins from group B: B9, B2, B1, E and PP. It belongs to the category of the most useful cereals and did not in vain wear the proud title of "queen of croups" in the 20th century. In European countries, the cost of buckwheat is much higher than other cereals. Because of these vitamins, a person has an excellent sleep, our skin cells are constantly updated, nails and hair are strengthened, their growth accelerates. Also buckwheat contains iron (not too much), magnesium, calcium and potassium, phosphorus, manganese. In its composition, 14% of fats, 67% of starch and 3% of vegetable fats. And it does not surprise that buckwheat is endowed with medicinal properties. With its help, the body gets rid of cholesterol, harmful particles of heavy metals, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. For this reason, this groat is contained in the diet menu of diabetics. at a diet buckwheat groats are boiled without salt and other additions

The Benefits

The main advantage of buckwheat is thatin it a large amount of routine. This substance, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, stopping bleeding and healing veins. That's it for this reason, buckwheat is especially important and useful for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Routine in buckwheat is so much that this groat is used in the manufacture of medicines. And of course, because of the mass of useful properties, this rump included in their diet and women seeking to build. It is this diet that is used by Tibetan monks for fasting and during meditation. The pluses of buckwheat groats can be attributed to the fact that its only one can not be genetically modified, it is always natural. Buckwheat diet for weight loss is almost ideal. It is, of course, harsh, but very simple. Here you need to show all the willpower and sustain it. Because it is a mono-diet that does not accept any deviation. But the result is pleasant - for seven days you can part with 10 kg. The essence of such a diet is simple and concise. Seven days or more to eat only buckwheat, without anything (no oil, salt and other additives), drink it with kefir 1% (only to a liter during the day). Water and green tea are not subject to restrictions. To make porridge, do not brew, you just need to fill it with hot water, close the lid and leave it overnight. results of buckwheat diet can be observed after 2 weeks

Several variants of the diet on buckwheat

  • Classic diet The whole day nothingis used for food, except for buckwheat, which is cooked on water. The norm of a diet is one glass of buckwheat. It should be divided into small portions. If you feel that you are not enough, you can eat more. This diet is strict, but also to the most effective. You can drink as much green tea, clean water without gases, for a snack even a glass of juice is allowed.
  • The second method is the combination of a diet on buckwheat withkefir (a glass of buckwheat can add 0.5-1 liter of kefir) A frequent question that is asked dieticians: how can this diet and yogurt combine? Can. The first and best known method is to combine both diets, kefir and buckwheat, that is, add 1 liter of kefir with the lowest fat content to the daily ration. So you can expand your menu for weight loss. Why is kefir so useful? Dairy products contain protein and calcium, and even from kefir you can get vitamins A, B2 and B12. Kefir is recommended for many diseases, it helps to improve digestion. Helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body. Bacteria contained in milk, fight with putrefactive processes in the intestinal tract. As a result, buckwheat diet + kefir improves and normalizes the work of the intestine. And because the body gets rid of toxins, the surface of the skin is cleared, the manifestation of dermatitis decreases, the liver is cleared. But, of course, for the correct fast weight loss you should not mix kefir and buckwheat. This is a classic example of inseparable irrational malnutrition, from which there is absolutely no benefit. If you really want the diet to give positive results, you need to separate buckwheat from kefir in intervals of one to two hours. And we advise: if the buckwheat in its pure form does not accept the body, you can add a good soy sauce without the content of salt - it will give buckwheat porridge piquancy. Just do not overdo it, so as not to develop heartburn.
  • The third way, according to many reviews, is the best -this buckwheat diet + dried fruits These two types of products perfectly combine with each other and help to extend the diet. In the day you can eat the same one or two glasses of buckwheat and 150 g of dried fruits. Apathy, a sense of fatigue is due to a lack of sugars. Unfortunately, the buckwheat diet causes such signs. Just in this case, and help dried fruit. They can be eaten with buckwheat, and separately. They will give strength and will reduce appetite.
  • Buckwheat diet + dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots,raisins) - the most balanced diet for the body. It brings visible results, the weight melts before our eyes. Just do not replace the buckwheat diet with a diet with dry fruits, where buckwheat - extra food. It's all about different things. When dieting on buckwheat, six berries of dried apricots are sufficient daily. It is necessary to chew them well to a mushy state - so the hunger disappears more quickly. eating should be at the same time

    Tips for a successful buckwheat diet

    Do not limit yourself to eating, if you do notcan bear the feeling of hunger. Even the most strict diet with a small number of calories is calculated for a certain time, then you need to return to the normal diet. For this reason fanaticism is not welcomed, because no one can live all the time only on one porridge of buckwheat, however beloved. So during the diet buckwheat can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Anyway, the monotonous reception of buckwheat on the third day will cut portions. For this reason, in the first two days, you can eat buckwheat in any quantity to get rid of depression and a hunger-rending hunger. In the early days the buckwheat diet helps to lose weight very quickly, but later this process slows down. Maximum on such a diet can be held for 7 to 14 days. Do not overdo it - it's dangerous for health. After completion, a return to the normal diet should be cautious and gradual, to avoid unpleasant consequences with the gastrointestinal tract. Medical workers warn that buckwheat diet for weight loss is strictly contraindicated for people who have a sick stomach, pregnant and lactating women. During the diet, you need to take a break and eat a balanced diet, the most saturated with vitamins and beneficial microelements. Nutritionists say that buckwheat diet, like other diets, when used for weight loss, should not "shock" the body with a sharp decrease in food intake. To begin with, it is better to try to use this diet as a day of rest. During this time, you should evaluate your feelings, look at it, lose weight or not. If everything is good, then you can use this diet further. In buckwheat fasting day you can eat only buckwheat, cooked or steamed on the water. It is allowed to add to the buckwheat slightly fried on vegetable oil onion (not more than one tablespoon of oil). Next time you can add one teaspoon of honey to the porridge. You can drink water (as long as you want), tea without sugar and compote of dried fruits without sugar (but a little). This unloading day helps to cleanse the intestine, removes excess water from the body, which causes the appearance of edema that does not add beauty to man. Reviews of the diet with buckwheat from those who sat on it, only positive. Many buckwheat diet helped to restore the excellent form and permanently keep the result achieved.

