The sacrament of conception remains today one of thethe greatest mysteries of mankind. It is clear that He will be born, or She - the third is not given. But how to find out: a boy or a girl. Some parents treat the prospect calmly: whoever is born, they will be happy for him, will be perceived as given. But there is another category of parents who are simply obsessed with wanting to give birth to a child of a certain sex. Such parents at all costs try to predict the sex of their heir. They are looking for all sorts of guidance on how to conceive a boy or girl. And strangely enough, they find. Because there are theories that help determine the sex of the unborn child. Of course, these are not scientific theories and they have no "smart" rationale. But, which is noteworthy, in practice they justify themselves. So if you are determined to conceive and give birth to a boy or a girl, you need to be puzzled with prediction beforehand. After all, changing the sex of the already "mortgaged" child will be completely impossible. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the so-called techniques that may seem incredible. But, as it is not surprising, they are checked already hundreds of times, and each time worked really.
Dietary forecasting
Many future mothers have heard about her many times. Yes, there really is a method of adherence to a certain diet, which future parents must adhere to, so that the son or daughter is conceived. In some countries, even doctors recommend a certain diet, which must be followed by the wife and husband for three to four weeks before the conception of the child. Then after the onset of pregnancy, this diet should be respected only by the future mother (in fact: daddy, then there is no need) for two months. I will have a son If you are going to conceive a boy, then you need to adhere to the "boyish" diet.
- meat and poultry, offal, sausages (men, as is known meat-eaters);
- vegetables in all types, including salted and canned;
- beer and wine (naturally, in moderation).
According to this technique, parents whoconceive a boy, do not use all kinds of dairy products, sweets and nuts. I will have a daughter. Have you decided to give birth to a girl? Then for you the "girl" diet:
- milk and sour cream, kefir and yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese (in a word, all dairy products);
- Nuts, honey (as well as other sweets in moderation);
- all kinds of fresh fruits and berries without restrictions, as well as dried fruits and jam.
Well, a very explicable division: for the conception of the daughter is exclusively women's food, for the conception of the son - the men's favorite dishes. You, in any case, do not risk anything: eat for health and pleasure. And what if it really helps? But to hope only for the miracle of dietary forecasting is not worth it. Try to determine who will be born: a boy or a girl, by arithmetic calculations.
Mathematics of child conception
This method of planning the sex of the future babyideal only for those women who have a menstrual cycle for several months is stable. For example, as practice shows, if the conception occurs 11-12 days before the start of menstruation, then there will be a boy. If you need a girl, then you need to have sex 13-14 days before menstruation. True, the boundaries of these days are very unsteady, and conception itself can occur not on the planned day. However, if you decide to try this method in practice, then try it. A day later, the day before, but only on your own experience, you can see whether the calculation was correctly done or not.
Mathematics of the Parent Age
A pretty bold theory of computing the sex of the futurechild. According to her, you can calculate the sex of the child by the number (even or odd) of the woman's years spent. Adherents of this theory believe that the correct calculation will give the expected result. Pregnancy can be planned according to the following scheme:
- If the woman is an even number of years, the conception of the girl will occur in the even months: February (2), April (4), June (6), August (8), October (10) and December (12)
- If the woman is an odd number of years, the boy's conception will take place in odd months: January (1), March (3), May (5), July (7), September (9) and November (11).
And also, on the contrary: with an odd number of years spent women, the boy will be conceived in even months, and the girl - in odd. This phenomenon can not be explained so far, no one can, but it works 100%. You can check.
The zodiac method
According to this astrological theory,who will be born: a boy or a girl, will help the Moon. Astrologers believe that the sex of the future child depends on finding the moon in a certain zodiacal sign. Even zodiacal signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Odd signs - female: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo. Using such an astrological calculation, bear in mind that the Moon passes one sign in two or two and a half days. After that, it goes into the opposite sign. Therefore, deliberately planning the moment of conception, remember that fertilization may occur later than the act of love.
Theory of "renewal" of blood
This folk way of computing the sex of the futurethe child has actual confirmation. Try to calculate by this method the moment when you were conceived, your brothers and sisters - surely coincide! It is believed that the blood is "renewed" through certain cycles, and in men and women these cycles are different. So, the child inherits the sex of the parent whose blood is younger. How do you know who will be born by such counts? In women, the blood is renewed every three years, in men - four. Mommies with young blood are women aged 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36 (and so on) years. Daddies with young blood are men aged 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 years old. Therefore, if the wife is twenty-one years old, and her husband is twenty-three, then they will have a girl, and if the mother and father are twenty, they will have a boy. If the years of "renewal" at the parents coincide, then one should look at the birth months and determine by them which blood is younger.
Folk signs
By the way, our ancestors also triedplan the sex of your child. Not for nothing that up to now, various signs have come down, on which this floor can be predicted. Believe them or not believe it, it's up to you. But here for an example some signs on which there is a conception of the girl. If during a love act:
- it's raining;
- the man is dressed in free lingerie;
- a woman lies head to the south;
- under the pillow is a pink bow;
- under the bed lies a wooden spoon;
- man is more active.
Accordingly, if all this does not happen, then"Get" the boy. But our "pr-pra" only these signs did not stop. Even after conception, they tried to find out who had "turned out" after all. And I must say, the signs, by which they tried to find out who is in the stomach, often "worked". Imagine only. They put you (pregnant) on the floor and look at which hand you will prop up. On the left - there will be a girl, on the right - there will be a boy. Or they ask you to show your hands. If you show them with your palms up, then you wear a girl, if you palms down - a boy. If you already have a big belly, but you can not see from the back - you will bear a son. And if you are suffering from toxicosis, you will become the mother of the girl. "Who will I be born?" - women were guessing before the invention of ultrasound and took seriously all these signs. We are fortunate to guess fortunately: they will enlighten, they will look and tell, and they will also make a portrait for memory. And we ... Yes we are! Just waiting. And we already love. And already we are worried about our child. And by and large we do not care what kind of sex this child is. It is important that he was healthy. And to be happy - we will try! We advise you to read: