Furuncles are such a muck that alwaysarises at the most inopportune moment, and even in prominent places - for example, on the face. And this is not a harmless pimple, which can be successfully masked with a foundation cream - you can not hide the boil. Conclusion? It must be treated, not only for aesthetic reasons. Furuncle is the strongest inflammatory process, capturing a hair bulb and nearby tissues. And if treatment is not started in a timely manner, there are chances of developing various complications, up to sepsis. And pay attention - the treatment of a furuncle is best entrusted to the doctor-dermatologist.
All about furuncle
Inflammatory process with furuncle proceedsvery roughly - if you look at the affected area, you can see the death of tissues, suppuration. A characteristic distinctive feature by which you can recognize the furuncle is a white dense rod inside. And he appears first - before all other signs of inflammation. To develop a boil, you need a reason. And this very cause is pathogenic bacteria - in particular, Staphylococcus aureus, which is very widespread: dirty fruits, handrails of public transport, household items, with which a person contacts each day. And if the virus gets on the skin, which has at least small lesions, the result is easy to predict - most likely, it will not be possible to avoid the inflammatory process. The chances of becoming a winner of a boil increase many times, if the state of the immune system leaves much to be desired, or if the heat in the street - at this time, staphylococcus feels much less voluntarily. So, the staphylococcus penetrated into the body, the furuncle begins to develop. First, there is just a slight reddening and swelling of the skin, which the person simply does not pay attention to - and very vain, because if you start treatment in the very first stages, you will have to spend much less energy. If treatment is not started, the swelling continues to increase, the very legendary white rod is formed, and then all the other signs of the boil are necrosis, suppuration. It is difficult to say why, but the most favorite place for the development of boils is the face. Doctors-dermatologists explain this by several factors - firstly, the skin on the face is much more vulnerable and has various damages - from shaving, careless washing, use of various cosmetics. And secondly, we touch the skin of the face much more often, which means that the risk of its infection with staphylococcus and other pathogenic bacteria increases.
Traditional treatment of boils
The most reasonable choice - at the first signsgo to a dermatologist. The only thing you can do yourself is to carefully work out the place of suppuration with alcoholic infusion or any other antiseptic in order not to aggravate the situation. The further tactics of treatment should be chosen by the doctor. Depending on the degree of inflammation, the treatment can be different:
- Gentle methods of therapy
If the furuncle is festered yet not very much,doctors prefer to do without an autopsy. Most often, it is possible to do with the help of physiotherapeutic treatment and various medications. As a rule, antibacterial - this is necessary in order to destroy pathogenic bacteria and prevent secondary infection. Independently to choose medicines in any case it is impossible, because you yourself can not assess their influence on the body.
- Surgical intervention
If a person asked for help very late,When the inflammatory process has gone far, it is unlikely to do without surgical intervention. As a rule, having heard about this, a person is very much frightened - and it is not surprising, after all, a scalpel is used. But in fact you do not have to worry about anything - before the procedure begins, the doctor will perform full anesthesia and you will not feel anything. The furuncle will be opened, its contents removed, and the wound treated with special medicines. As a rule, the incision is not stitched - it heals itself. With that rare exception, when the boil was of enormous size - in this case one shovchik will have to be applied. But even then you should not get upset - with proper care after healing visible traces on the skin, most likely, will not remain. As you can see, the most correct decision is the timely access to a doctor. Then you will manage to do "little blood". And if you delay - it's hard to say what this delay will turn out. In the best case, it is just the strongest inflammation, and at worst - you do not even want to represent it.
Treatment of boils with folk recipes
If you are a categorical opponenttraditional medicine or simply there is no opportunity to consult a doctor, you can try to get rid of a boil with the help of traditional medicine recipes. However, remember, as "Our Father" - if in two days after the begun treatment you do not notice improvement of the situation, throw everything and immediately to the doctor! Health is not something that you can experiment with. In addition, do not lose sight of the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction. Very many components that are part of the recipes of traditional medicine, can provoke the development of allergies. Therefore, if you are not sure at least one component, make a mini-test for allergies. To do this, apply a thin layer of the finished product to the skin either behind the ear or on the wrist. After about 10 minutes, evaluate the result - there should be no itching, no rashes, no redness.
- Healing Pellet
One of the most effective remedies for boils -a special way cooked flat cake. For its preparation you need the simplest ingredients: a teaspoon of natural honey - preferably lime, one egg yolk, butter and a little wheat flour. On a water bath, melt the butter and honey, cool, add the egg yolk, mix everything thoroughly, pour in the flour and knead the dough. The resulting test should be enough for about five procedures, most importantly - store it in the refrigerator. The treatment itself is carried out in the following way: from a piece of dough a cake of the necessary size is formed, which must be attached to the furuncle, tightly clamped and fastened - it is most convenient to do this with a plaster. This cake should be left at the time of the clock at 8, so it is most convenient to do the procedure in the evening. Approximately on the third day the furuncle will open - on this treatment with the aid of a cake comes to an end. Next, you need an ointment called "levomecol" - this is the only medicine that you can use without prescribing a doctor. This ointment should be applied to the dissected furuncle until the wound heals.
- Buckwheat cake
If the boil has only begun to develop, you cantry to reverse this process. And best for these purposes is a buckwheat cake. It is prepared as follows - heat a frying pan, fry on it 4 tablespoons of buckwheat, cool and grind to a powder state with a coffee grinder. The buckwheat flour can be kept long enough - the main thing is that the container is hermetically sealed. To make a cake, take a small amount of buckwheat flour, add apple cider vinegar and knead the dough. It does not make sense to prepare it for stock, since it will lose its healing properties very quickly - cook at a time. Ready cake on a boil and leave for an hour - this procedure should be repeated two or three times a day. Typically, this treatment prevents the maturation of the boil - it just disappears. However, in rare cases, you can observe the opposite effect - buckwheat flour can provoke rapid maturation and breakthrough furuncle. But this is also not bad, do not you think?
- Onion
Another well-provena remedy is a banal onion. For one procedure, you will need one medium sized onion head. Onions peel off the husks, place in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes - during this time the onion should become soft. After the bulb has cooled, cut it into two parts and attach it to a problematic place, leave it for two or three hours. This procedure should be repeated at least three times a day - otherwise you will not achieve the desired effect. The furuncle should be opened on the third day, after which the treatment with onion stops and the same "Levomekol" is used. It should be applied to the boil two to three times a day, preferably under a bandage.
- Laundry soap
This recipe for many people seems verystrange, but it really works, and very effectively. You will need only onions, water and the most common laundry soap, without any additives. Put onion in the oven for 15 minutes. At this time, soap grate on a fine grater, add a little water and melt in a water bath, stirring constantly. Onions, remove, peel and mash with a fork, mix with a cooled soapy mass. Everything, the facility is ready - we proceed to treatment. The resulting mixture is applied thickly on the furuncle, cover with a plastic wrap and fix with a plaster adhesive. Such a soapy compress should remain on the boil for at least five hours. Those who tried this treatment in practice, say that the boil is opened about the third day. It goes without saying that after the abscess breaks through, it is necessary to begin treatment with "Levomekol" ointment.
- Crude potatoes
Raw potatoes have long been famous for theirabilities to heal any wounds, cuts and burns. But very few people know that potatoes can cope well with purulent abscesses, so it can be successfully used to treat boils. The recipe itself is extremely simple: clean one small potato tuber, grate it on a small grater and apply a lot of the resulting gruel to a purulent furuncle on the face. Top with a plastic wrap or gauze cloth, fasten and leave for an hour. Repeat this procedure at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, and if possible even more often. The abscess will open already on the second day - there should be further treatment with "Levomekol" ointment.
Preventive measures
Some particularly "lucky" people are faced withboils quite often. Agree, they can hardly be envied - uncomfortable sensations, intensive treatment, possible traces on the face skin. What to do? Simply put up and put your hands down? Of course not, in any case! There are certain preventive measures that can help to solve this problem.
- Strengthening the immune system
The very first thing to do in this case- is to think about it, but is your nervous system functioning perfectly? Perhaps she needs your help? After all, if any pathogenic microflora begins to actively multiply and provokes furuncle development, then the body does not resist. The first thing you should do is to seek help from an immunologist. But you can do very much yourself. For example, there are several simple rules, compliance with which greatly strengthens immunity, improves well-being and normalizes the work of the nervous system. The first thing you should do is to reconsider your usual schedule of the day. Say "no" to night-time parties with friends or at the computer - an adult should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Do not forget about walks in the open air - allocate at least 30 minutes a day, walk down the street before going to bed. In addition, it is not superfluous to drink a course of multivitamin preparations - to a great regret, the quality of modern products does not allow to fully meet the body's need for vitamins, minerals, trace elements.
- Proper skin care for the face
Cleanliness is the guarantee of health and this truth has long becomecapital. It is also true for boils - the purer the skin, the less chances they have. Purify the skin with gels for washing at least twice a day, and during the day, periodically wipe with alcoholic napkins. It is possible to foresee the objection of women using tonal creams. But we are compelled to disappoint them if a skin of the face is inclined to formation by a furuncle, it is not necessary to use matirujushchimi agents.
- Diet
Perhaps you will be surprised, but the fact remains -people who adhere to the rules of proper nutrition, as a rule, boils do not happen. Therefore, strictly exclude from your diet food all spicy, salty, fatty and fried, reduce the amount of spices, give up mayonnaise, chocolate, coffee, alcoholic beverages. Porridge, fruits, vegetables, low-fat varieties of meat - all this will benefit not only the skin condition, but the whole body. As a rule, compliance with all these preventive measures helps to reduce the frequency of furuncles. But if this does not happen - immediately go to the doctor. There is a possibility that the problem is much more serious than it seems at first glance.