Black dots on the nose may appear in women inany age, and it does not matter whether she uses makeup or not. Despite the fact that they do not represent any danger to health, they are trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible. The fact is that open comedones do not look very attractive on the skin of an exquisite lady.
Causes of this problem
Before removing the black dots on the nose,It is necessary to find out why they appeared. This will help in the future to avoid the recurrence of such trouble. After all, preventing a relapse is much easier than trying to overcome the consequences later. So, there are a few of the most common options why it happened to you.
- Poor heredity
If your parents are familiar with this problem, do notby hearsay, then your face can later become covered with open comedones. In this case, getting rid of black dots on the nose will be much more difficult, since in the body at the genetic level this ailment is laid.
- Substandard or incorrectly selected cosmetics
Often, girls try to save by buyingproducts on sales or ordering it in catalogs at random. Without testing a foundation or powder, you will not be able to predict how a person after five or six hours will react even to the simplest make-up. By the way, an important role is played by what type of skin is this or that makeup. Those who can not decide on the choice of a suitable remedy should consult an experienced cosmetologist. In the beginning he will study your face, then he will tell you what is better for you to use, and what you will have to refuse.
- Improper care
Perhaps you forget to wipe dailyproblem areas lotion and tonic, do not apply on the face of nourishing and moisturizing creams, go to bed without washing off the makeup. In the twenty-first century, when ecology and food leave much to be desired, the skin without additional care can become covered with pimples, blackheads and similar formations.
- Improper diet
If on the person of the fair sexthere was a rash or her nose was covered with black dots, then she has problems with the intestines or stomach. Oily, salty, sweet, smoked, spicy food - all this badly affects the skin condition. Such girls should limit themselves to coffee and alcohol. In this case, you should drink as much green tea without sugar or herbal tea. By the way, sweet can be replaced with honey, which is much more useful.
We are fighting with comedones people's methods
Clear the skin of the face of contamination can be as incosmetology room or salon, leaving there not one hundred rubles, and at home, using folk recipes of beauty. In order to prepare masks, balms, cleansing scrubs with your own hand, you will have to spend a minimum of finance and effort. But the result will be no worse than if you visit a specialist. But do not forget that on this or that product there can be an allergy. Therefore, to avoid side effects, pre-test the resulting mixture on a small area of the skin. And if after twenty or thirty minutes on the treated place there is no rash, irritation or itching, then the remedy can be used.
- Steam baths and scrubs
So, in the beginning you need to have a good timesteam out the skin so that it's easier to get rid of the black dots on the nose. To do this, brew a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, yarrow and make lotions (this will help to open the pores). In about five minutes, you can start peeling home or shop scrub. To prepare a cleanser, you will need small-grained coffee beans and a regular gel for washing. Mix the two components and rub the problem areas. If you want, you can add a pinch of salt. Carry out the procedure carefully, so as not to damage the skin, otherwise the sebaceous glands will begin to secrete the secret twice as fast. As a result, after a couple of weeks you will have to resort to a repeated cleaning of the nose. If you have increased dryness of the skin, it is very useful to peel once a week with a fat scrub cooked at home. A teaspoon of common table salt (large and without any additives) mix with one tablespoon of sour cream. Rub into the problem area for five minutes, then rinse with water. Note that such a tool not only removes black dots and relieves keratinized particles, but also allows moistening the epidermis. To close the pores after the procedure, wrap a couple of ice cubes with gauze, and swipe them over the skin. But do not be too zealous to not earn a cold of the facial nerve, especially if before that you used hot lotions. It is also desirable to wipe the treated area with a bactericide to prevent infection. Please do not do steam baths and peeling if you have couperose, a slight depression or inflammation, as well as problems with the nasopharynx. Otherwise, you risk bringing an infection, which will only worsen the unpleasant situation.
- Remove comedones with handles
In many beauty salons from the black dots on the noseget rid by the usual manual cleaning, which is carried out by real professionals. At home squeezing out comedones is not recommended. First, this procedure is very painful. Secondly, you can injure yourself if you accidentally jump off your finger or shoulder blade. And last but not least, the risk of infection in a completely unsterile room is too great. But if you can not afford to go to a cosmetology room, and no other methods help you, you can try to get rid of the problem with this grandfather method. However, be prepared, that for two or three days after such manipulations you will have to walk with a red nose. So, like before peeling, you first have to steam out your face. If you do not want to make lotions, just hold your head above the basin with a decoction of chamomile. Just be careful not to scald with boiling water. Before the beginning of cleaning, wash yourself, wash your hands with tar soap and wipe your fingers with alcohol. Squeeze out black dots should be gently and gently, and not pressing the nails or scapula under the skin until it fades. Use better wooden appliances, since they are less traumatic. At the end, be sure to apply a lubricant to the face, which will help narrow the pores (ice, egg white, shop creams).
- Masks
There is no better way to remove black dots fromnose, without harming his health, than the usual masks. For example, you can use white clay, which quickly and easily draws from the pores all the dirt, fat, dust. Kaolin is recommended to be taken even in those cases when the mechanical effect on the skin is strictly forbidden. It is sold in pharmacies and shops selling cosmetics. The mask, cooked with oat flakes, does a good job. Pay attention, you should buy the usual porridge, which is cooked for a long time, but not a mixture of instant cooking. Pour the spoon into a saucepan and pour a little warm water (but not hot). Leave to soak for a quarter of an hour, then add soda (about a teaspoon) into the mixture. Apply all this to the problem site for about ten minutes, until it dries. To remove this mass, use a cotton swab or paper napkin. Toothpaste is another wonderful, simple and affordable way to remove black dots on your nose in a couple of days. This remedy is also used to remove acne, relieve inflammation, etc. The main thing is to use not the mint line, but the usual standard one, which was bought by our mothers. So, at night, apply a small amount of paste to the problem area, after making sure that your skin is in normal contact with it. You should get a barely noticeable white film. Do not be afraid to stain the pillow, after ten or fifteen minutes, everything will dry up. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, wash with copious amounts of cold water, then apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream on your nose. Get on the market a couple of leaves of aloe, chop them in a blender and wipe the skin with juice. By the way, if you have the opportunity, get this plant and grow it on the windowsill. It is not whimsical, does not require special care, but it can be used even for the treatment of viral, cold and inflammatory diseases. Also it is worth trying to cook at home a mask of acetylsalicylic acid. Three four tablets slightly soak in water to make it easier to stretch. In the resulting gruel, add a couple of spoons of homemade honey (but not the field one, so as not to cause an allergic reaction). It is advisable that it begins to be saccharified, since the liquid will quickly spread over the face. After the aspirin has melted, apply the mixture on the nose for about ten to fifteen minutes, no more. Be careful, since this tool not only removes black points, but also brightens the skin. As in any other case, it is preliminary recommended to test a small amount on the elbow bend. Folk recipes are good in that almost all the ingredients are in the house of each hostess. So, for example, in the winter beauties should wipe the face with lemon juice, and in the summer, girls can do ordinary cucumber masks at home. Rub this vegetable on a small or medium grater, put the resulting mush on the nose and wait half an hour. This will help get rid of the comedon and improve the condition of your skin as a whole.
Consult an expert
Folk methods, of course, are good, but in everythingshould know the measure. Removing black dots with the help of improvised means, girls consciously go to many risks. And in order to minimize negative consequences, you should first consult your doctor and gastroenterologist. Perhaps the reason is much deeper than you think. And only after a complete examination it will be possible to find out, because of what the skin condition worsened. Do not also start a visit to a cosmetologist, if there is no positive effect after such procedures. There is a high probability that you have picked up the wrong treatment package. After the specialist has examined you, he will work out a further plan of action for you. After all, the fight with black dots in each case should be different, based on age, sex, condition, financial capacity, etc. But before you decide to give money for these services, be sure to visit another beauty salon to make sure that you do not pay for a cat in a poke. We advise you to read: