The desire to look younger is inherent, probably,every woman who has crossed her thirty-five year line. Despite this, quite often women are still not ready to take radical measures for their rejuvenation, such as, for example, the services of a plastic surgeon. What can modern aesthetic medicine offer in this case? These are gentle methods for restoring a clear face oval, firmness of the skin, as well as correction of gravitational and facial wrinkles. Biorevitalization is a very popular and effective method. Biorevitalization is a help in the fight against aging and various skin defects, it improves the complexion, eliminates wrinkles, couperose and pigmentation spots. Biorevitalization not only helps improve the appearance of the skin, but also restore the structure that is characteristic of healthy young skin, slow the aging process. The term biorevitalization can literally be deciphered as a natural revitalization of the skin. That is, the word "bio" means natural, natural, "re" - return, and "vita" means life. Thus, the word "biorevitalization" can literally be translated as "a return to life by the natural way". This is the difference between biorevitalization and plastic surgery. The absence of injuries and a recovery period - this is characterized by biorevitalization: the reviews only confirm this, while talking about the same noticeable result. Biorevitalization is a method of injecting hyaluronic acid, which is obtained by a special biotechnological way. This direction - biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, is based on the high ability of hyaluronic acid to trigger the process of tissue regeneration, interacting with cell receptors. For such injections, cross-linked or crossed hyaluronic acid is used, it is retained in the skin, not resorbing as quickly as it usually does with hyaluronic acid, which is used in mesotherapy drinks. Yes, biorevitalization is in many respects similar to its predecessor - mesotherapy, but, unlike the latter, biorevitalization of the skin uses not a variety of mesococtails, but exclusively synthesized hyaluronic acid. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid may well be called the most effective form of mesotherapy.
Why do we need hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid is a hydrocolloid,which is part of the intercellular substance of the skin tissue, which is responsible for its optimal hydration. That is, hyaluronic acid is a wonderful natural moisturizer and a natural constituent of our skin, which is responsible for its elasticity. But with age, the amount of hyaluronic acid gradually decreases in our body, because of what the skin begins to lose elasticity, moisture, becomes dull and wrinkles appear on it. At this point, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid comes to the rescue - the reviews say that it also stimulates the production in the cells of its own elastin and collagen, which preserve the smoothness and elasticity of the skin for a long time, and wrinkle correction becomes a pleasant reality. One molecule of hyaluronic acid is capable of holding up to 500 water molecules near it. Thanks to this, the necessary viscosity of the inner layer of the skin is restored and its natural moistening is ensured during hyreuronic acid biorevitalization: reviews of patients who successfully used these injections prove that they radically improve the quality of the skin in the shortest possible time.
Types of biorevitalization courses
Perform biorevitalization of the face, biorevitalizationof the skin as a whole can only be a certified doctor who has a certificate that permits cosmetology. Medical clinics and beauty salons should also have permission to provide such services. Biorevitalization is carried out by a dermatologist-cosmetician by a doctor, he must choose a drug, choose the technique of introduction, make an individual plan, determine the number of procedures. Biorevitalization of the body excludes almost any possibility of an allergic reaction to this drug, since the injected drug is completely identical to natural hyaluronic acid. Preventive birevitalization, as a rule, is directed to the prevention of dry skin and premature aging due to a disturbed balance of hyaluronic acid in the skin. This course consists of two sessions once every three to four weeks. The purpose of this course is to delay the aging process with active hydration and maintain a balance of nutrients. Most often the preventive course includes the biorevitalization of the face, the biorevitalization of the hands, the biorevitalization of the lips. The therapeutic biorevitalization is already directed to the struggle with the pronounced skin problems that are associated with the manifestation of old age. It is characterized by the most intense and profound effect on the skin. This course of body biorevitalization is needed for patients who have flabby skin and greatly reduced turgor. When there is clearly pronounced aging, the skin is dehydrated and dry, already prone to wrinkles. The aim of this course is to combat the obvious signs of aging and restore cell nutrition by increasing the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the skin tissues. More often than not, patients require therapeutic biorevitalization of the face - feedback on this course is very inspiring, since at times the effect of biorevitalization is almost equal to the second youth of the skin. The treatment course is usually three sessions, once every three to four weeks.
Indications for biorevitalization
Indications for a biorevitalization procedure include:
- withering, dry skin
- dehydrated skin
- decreased elasticity and skin turgor
- premature skin aging due to exposure to smoking, stress, sun
- restoration of the skin after laser resurfacing and chemical peelings
- rehabilitation after various plastic surgeries
- pigmentation
The procedure for biorevitalization has suchadvantages, such as painlessness, high efficiency, rapidity of exposure. Particularly weighty are the advantages of biorevitalization of the face: reviews of patients who are afraid of any soreness in this area, indicates a complete lack of discomfort. The most popular biorevitalization of the eyelids and biorevitalization around the eyes. You can say about the great demand for biorevitalization of the hands and the décolletage area. Because these parts of the skin suffer the most from exposure to ultraviolet rays and require cell repair. But not for everyone and not always biorevitalization is shown - there are contraindications for the most good techniques. And that the results of biorevitalization do not turn into negative consequences of biorevitalization, it is necessary to get acquainted with all the information on the course of biorevitalization: contraindications everywhere are spelled out very clearly, although they are very few:
What can be said about the effect of biorevitalization? And the effect is magnificent - small and deep wrinkles and wrinkles are smoothed out. But it is still short-term - it takes 10 days. But the main result of biorevitalization, then, for which this course was conducted, will last up to 6 months. It can be safely asserted that they are very pleasantly surprised by this result by those who started biorevitalization - they are assured that they forgot about all kinds of expensive creams and other procedures. Since in all other means the need simply disappears.
Recommendations after the procedure
It is necessary to pay attention to special care after biorevitalization:
Adverse Events
Despite all the advantages of this procedure,one can not help noticing that it is not always possible to do without complications after biorevitalization, however, not serious and short-term. Side effects of biorevitalization include reddening or pale skin of the face, the appearance of swelling in the treated area, soreness, and we can not say about possible bruises after biorevitalization. Such phenomena are normal and pass through one day. In addition, the injection site for a while will look like small pimples. These traces will be gone in two days on the face and in three days - in the decollete zone and around the neck.
Laser biorevitalization
If you still care about some unwantedthe moments of injection biorevitalization, then for you there is a non-injection biorevitalization, which is not only more comfortable, but sometimes even more effective. Other names of non-injection biorevitalization are hardware biorevitalization or laser biorevitalization. With laser biorevitalization, the distribution of hyaluronic acid in the skin tissues is much more uniform than when injecting drugs. Laser biorevitalization is carried out with the help of seven laser sources, which distribute energy evenly over the surface of the skin. Due to this, the time in which laser biorevitalization of the skin is performed is also reduced. And it should be noted that the energy density, which is transmitted by the laser, is quite minimal, and this completely excludes any risk of burns. Even with prolonged laser biorevitalization, the temperature of the impact zone will not rise more than one degree. To increase the level of hyaluronic acid in the skin tissues, two procedures are combined during laser biorevitalization of the skin. The skin is alternately treated with a hypoallergenic Hyalupure gel and an infrared athermal laser. Thanks to laser, or hardware biorevitalization:
- open transport channels, or desmosomes, through which hyaluronic acid easily penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis;
- in the tissues of the skin there is a stimulation of metabolic processes and the synthesis of elastin and collagen.
Apparently, many advantageslaser skin biorevitalization: the testimonies of patients who tried this procedure say that it does not require any recovery period: its excellent result can be enjoyed immediately. Results:
- Significantly reduced wrinkles, especially with biorevitalization of the eyelids or biorevitalization of the skin around the eyes.
- Effectively moisturized skin
- The relief of the skin is smoothed out, and the pores become narrower.
- Increased volume of lips (after biorevitalization of the lips)
- Increases skin elasticity
- Skin rejuvenates
- The skin is quickly restored after heat and sunburn
- Accelerated heal traumatic and surgical scars
Studies have shown that the impressive effect ofprocedure immediately gives laser biorevitalization: reviews also say that laser biorevitalization is the first serious cosmetology procedure, accompanied by pleasant sensations. And its results last 6 weeks. With sustained moderate care after laser biorevitalization, the achieved result can last even up to 6 months. We advise you to read: