beer party "Invite your friends to a beer - you'll spend the daybeautiful! "- says modern folk wisdom. Beer gatherings with salted fish and croutons - this, of course, mentally, but somehow usually. Do not you find that such a scenario is boring? There are Europeans and people who know beer in beer, and they know how to drink it, and even beer festivals are not quite ordinary. At foreigners there are whole festivals and festivals! And we? Well, we bought a bottle (or a jar) of beer, well, we drank to sleep a future, well, we sat in the garage or at the cottage with fish or crackers ... And the holiday, which our soul asks, where? But the fun is always there, where it can be organized! And it's time to take it all in your hands, otherwise we'll sit on the bench with seeds, washing away the bones of our friends.

We organize a party: the basis for a successful beer party

How to organize a holiday or a friendly partyin the beer style? It's naive to believe that any beer party has a standard scenario. Of course, there will be alcohol and a special snack. But this is not all the same, right? Always and everywhere there are their little tricks that will help to bring variety to the home beer festival. First we will consider the generally accepted rules, and at the same time we will find the answers to standard questions.

The meeting place can not be changed: where to spend a party

Perhaps this is the most important issue in this case. Not knowing where to hold a beer party, we begin to sort through the imaginable and unthinkable options. But why invent a bicycle, if someone has already done it before us? So, if the season allows and the weather, it is best to organize such an event at the dacha, in a country house, or on a picnic on "wild nature". No wonder in Europe they arrange beer festivals in the open air. Let us also follow their traditions. But if the weather does not have any for the beer festival in the open air, then it will not go badly in the room either. You can, of course, book a table or even a hall in a restaurant (bar), but with no less success a beer party you will be able to hold at home. Plus, in the latter case you will save a lot. As you already understood, it is not the territory that is important here, but the overall atmosphere and mood.

How to organize a party

First, a scenario should be prepared in whichIt would describe how the beer party will be held. Not the fact that everything will go according to the planned plan, so it is worthwhile to think over a couple of additional options that will help cheer guests. To successfully implement this idea, it is necessary to observe several conditions:

  • there must be a lot of beer, and no other liquor,
  • there must be beer attributes in the design of the table and premises,
  • there must be a correctly selected menu,
  • there must be thematic (beer) games and entertainment.

If you adhere to the aboverules, it already guarantees that the beer party will certainly turn out to be successful and cheerful. But this does not mean that the guests who come should drink before losing their pulse, so that the next day, suffer from a hangover, headache and shame. beer party script

We decorate the room: we observe the style of the party

So, the answers to general questions "where?" And "how?"" we got. And now let's take a closer look at the rules of the holiday called a beer party. So, you need to figure out what to cook on the table, how to decorate the room, what to entertain guests, what the script should consist of. External attributes of a holiday of beer is a registration of a premise, table laying, clothes of participants. Each of these points should be given proper space. Agree, it is much more interesting to walk around in a place where you can relax than in some boring restaurant.

  • How to arrange a room for a beer party?

To do this, you can use the balloons ina kind of beer mugs, jars and bottles. You can either buy them in specialized stores or order them online. From multi-colored beer cans you can make garlands that are better placed along the walls and under the ceiling. You can compose interesting slogans about beer and make banners from them (by the type of promotional stretch marks).

  • How to serve a table for a beer party?

Table cloth and napkins are desirable to choose inBavarian style (white-blue cage or rhombus). As the main attributes, you should use only special mugs or glasses for beer. And necessarily (necessarily!) Beer Coasters - stands for beer mugs. In the center of the table it is desirable to place a beer keg or a large dish with crawfish or shrimp.

  • What should I wear for a beer party?

The clothes of participants in such a partyfree, youth-sports style. No costumes, evening gowns, ties and diamonds. Even glamorous girls can throw shoes on a thin hairpin in the evening, far away in the closet, preferring sneakers or sneakers. beer festival party

We lay on the table: we store ourselves with a snack

It is clear that they drink only beer at the beer party. And what do they eat? The menu can be varied, plus, it all depends on what you can cook at home or buy in the store. Also do not forget to ask the guests what they can take with them. In addition to the usual (and already boring) crackers and chips, in the beer party menu you can include:

  • Hot (fried sausages, chicken wings, sausages and sausages, stewed cabbage with pork shank, fried potatoes);
  • Snacks (crayfish, shrimp, cheese, croutons, sandwiches, vegetables and fish in batter, meat rolls);
  • Salads (vinaigrettes with fish and herring, salads with seafood);
  • Dough products (salted biscuits, strudel with meat, cheese straws).

And, paying tribute to the established tradition, add tomenu nuts, chips and crackers. For a change, try at home to make crunches to beer yourself. Rye bread cut into small cubes and fry in hot vegetable oil. For piquancy, add pepper, garlic or suitable dry spices. There is a mass of all possible recipes for cooking, which will suit beer. You can easily find and choose exactly what you will most like to taste. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. Believe me, when the party is in full swing, and at home - everything is upside down, guests eat both underfried shrimp and salted rusks. beer house party

Beer entertainment: how to make the guests

Depending on which company is going toat a beer party, you need to choose interesting for her fun. How to prepare a script, what should visitors focus on? You can conduct intellectual quizzes, funny games and contests. Here are some of them:

  • Beer Erudite quiz

Guests are invited to answer questions,related to beer history, geography, traditions. For example: "What is a birdekel?", "Where was the biggest beer mug in the world made?", "What is the name of the top label of the beer bottle?", "How much does the beer cork weigh?"

  • Competition for two "Litball"

The first contestant makes one sip of beer,the next two. Then again the first - three, the second - four. And so on, until one of the participants refuses the next competitive portion of beer. But be careful that guests do not become ill. It is better to use light types of drinks, since there is less alcohol. Otherwise, the scenario of the party can go not according to the planned plan.

  • Ice-beer competition

Beer beforehand is frozen into ice pieces,which should be placed in the mouth, but not too small to prevent the person choking. Inside each piece is a coin. The task of the contestants is to dissolve the ice and release the coin. The fastest wins.

  • Competition "Beer tasting"

In several mugs beer of different grades is bottledand stamps. Participants are invited to determine the taste of what kind of beer it is and in which cup it is located. The winner is the one who will guess most. As a prize, you can give a shirt with the inscription "The best connoisseur of beer". And you can measure your beer stomachs (those who have them), compete in the laudatory epithets of beer. You can hold a competition for high-speed drinking of this drink. You can make a competition for accuracy, throwing coins into beer mugs or throwing light rings on beer bottles. And nobody canceled the well-known game in a bottle. At the beer party it is possible to play anything, the main thing - the presence of the main attribute - a foamy drink. Pay attention: when writing out the scenario of this event, keep in mind that not all guests will want to participate in contests. So think of something like that, what bored people might occupy themselves with. At home you can put a big TV in the hall (borrow from friends, if you do not have one), scatter pillows on the floor, include a film. By the way, a beer party can be timed to a football match. Then you will not need to prepare a script, everyone will have an oar. And the end of such a beer festival can be coronation. Secretly or openly vote, choose the beer king and queen. But whoever the choice is, the real queen will be the mistress of the holiday, who managed to organize such an interesting, fun and tasty beer evening! We advise you to read:

