handbags from jeans Thrift - the quality is commendable. And when it comes to extending the life of old things, then to the fore comes not so much frugality, as much fantasy and creativity. After all, to figure out how to revive the old thing and breathe new life into it is not an easy task. Although there are things, the variations of which simply lie on the surface: and you do not really need to invent anything, everything is almost ready. A few strokes with scissors, a little work with a needle and thread, the finishing touches in the form of a fashionable and necessary decor - and here we have a completely new thing: beautiful and useful. Sewing bags from old jeans is just from the category of such simple transformations. After all, in fact: the top of jeans trousers - already almost ready bag. It remains with their own hands to turn these become unnecessary jeans into a new and fashionable purse. And, these bags are different and are used for various purposes. Do you want - a laptop bag for your laptop, you want - make a beach bag, and if you want - make an exclusive handbag with your own hands. How to carry out such magical transformations? Let's find out.

Laptop Bag

Hand-sewn laptop bag (especially- its student version) will be no worse than the purchase. To sew such a bag, first wash and pat the jeans. Then turn them inside out and neatly lay out on the table. After that we cut the trousers together with the bottom of the top of the jeans. Should be a short denim skirt. Now, the bottom of the skirt is swept along the rounded line: we make the roundings at the bottommost corners. And then just lay on this line a solid line on the sewing machine and turn out the resulting bag. Now we take the pants and cut out longitudinal side seams, where the denim fabric is lapped and forms a kind of lamp. This we will have bag handles. Below the belt, near the sides we make four slits for the handles (no more than the width of the lamp-posts). Then in the slots on the front side we pass one handle and its ends from the inside are tied up with large strong knots. Just master and the second pen. Laptop bag is ready. a bag of jeans with their own hands

Bag on the long handle

It's easy to make old jeansstylish handbag on a long strap. To do this, we cut off the trousers from jeans, erase them and iron them well. Then we break off the internal seams of the pants and also iron them in the steaming mode. We got two blanks for the pattern. The width of the future bag and the length of the handles are calculated from the size of these blanks. Next, we draw a drawing of two all-colored parts of the bag: one detail - the front side of the bag and part of the handle, the second - the back of the bag and part of the handle. The pattern should look like a semicircular bottom pocket, one upper corner of which is stretched and turned into a strap-pen (or rather, half of it). We transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out two symmetrical parts. In this case, one part has a handle on the right, and the other has a left. Further on, at the bottom of the parts, we lay two darts each, so that the bag sewn by our own hands does not turn out to be flat, and we spend it on the typewriter. After that, we put the two parts together with the wrong sides and thread them firmly to the handles. Then individually handle the edges of the handles with a seam in the hem and connect the two handles, gently striking their tops. That, strictly speaking, that's all. For a more mischievous type of bag you can sew details on the front side, and the edges of the seams and handles fluff. You can decorate the handle of the bag with a leather edging or half zip. You can decorate the bag with applique or embroidery. And you can make such a bag in the style of crazy-patchwork, decorated with jeans and other pieces, ribbons, cords and braid. handbag from jeans

Children's jeans handbag

Fashionable and comfortable handbag, sewn by your own handsfrom old jeans, you can please and a little fashionista. For such a purse, you do not even need the jeans themselves, but only the back pockets from them. We sew the bag in several stages:

  • Cut out the back pockets along with the tissue around the pockets (about one and a half centimeters). Fabric inside each pocket is cut, leaving near the seams allowances of five millimeters.
  • We decorate the pockets with embroidery or appliqueat this stage, because in a finished bag this will be much more difficult. If you are going to sew on your child's handbag inner or outer pockets, then you need to do it now too.
  • Now we add both pocketssides, fasten with pins or sweep, and then in the upper corners of the handbag we insert the strap and we remove the edges and sides of the bag, laying a line exactly along the seams of the former pockets.
  • A few lines or manually reinforce the corners at the entrance to the bag. It is better to do it all by hand, with an armed needle and thread, as the sewing machine can simply "not take" this part of the pockets.
  • Now we make a fringe from the fabric protruding from the seams where there were allowances on the seams on the sides and at the bottom of the handbag.
  • As you can see, sew yourself a bag of oldjeans is not so difficult. You can use almost ready "semi-finished" - top of the pants or cut off the pants, rip them off and use as a canvas for the pattern of the future bag. In addition, sewing pieces of denim fabric of different colors, you can first make a patchwork cloth, and already from it to make patterns of the details of the bag. Embroidery, appliques, rhinestones, buttons, braid and decorative cords will add your originality purse and disguise the worn-out old jeans fabric. Try sewing such a handbag: and you do not have to throw out your jeans, and a new thing will turn out. And even in the case when "the first pancake is lumpy", it will not be so offensive: the jeans are still old, and still they were going to be thrown away. So, to make new ones from old things - quite real magic, you just need to apply skillful pens to these things and fantasize a little. Good luck! We advise you to read:

