badger fat One of the most popular folk songs from ancient timesmeans - badger fat - has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. More than two hundred years, this substance is used both as a cough medicine and as a preventive agent. Benefits are noted even in case of such serious diseases as tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial inflammation. But, unfortunately, few people today resort to such methods of treatment. Increasingly, we give preference to expensive medicines, which also effectively fight against such diseases. However, everyone forgets that such chemistry not only heals, but also harms our health.

How to quickly get rid of a cough

The people have long known how fast andBadger fat from cough helps. It is useful at any age, so it is recommended to give it for both adults and children. It is saturated with vitamins, micro- and macro elements, which are weakened by unhealthy food and a bad ecology organism. Badger fat strengthens the resistance of defense mechanisms. Therefore it is useful to take people who are constantly ill. Usually this substance is used in conjunction with potent drugs. In diseases that are accompanied by a severe cough (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis), the fat is struggling with inflammatory processes. In some cases, it helps to overcome the cough associated with long-term smoking, since it also has an emollient property. Severe diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis) require treatment for a whole month. After the first course of taking badger fat, a break is made for two weeks. Then the second similar course is conducted. Let's be honest, badger fat (be it badger, dog, fish, etc.) is not pleasant to the taste. Therefore, not all women can overpower themselves and eat at least a spoonful of this useful substance. Some even trigger a vomitive reflex. But there is always a way out. For example, you can immediately drink badger fat abundant amounts of liquid. And it is better to take not ordinary water, but a decoction of herbs or fruits. He tastes the taste, and has a beneficial effect on the body. For these purposes, you can take either a dog rose or St. John's Wort. Outsmart you can by mixing badger fat with honey or jam (in the proportion of 3 to 1). However, do not forget to check beforehand whether you are allergic to one of the ingredients. And try not to take a thick jam, because you will not be very pleased to eat it. Choose acidic additives (for example, from a currant). From it, you can also prepare the following fairly tasty dish. Badger fat ir in the amount of 40 grams and 100 grams of butter melted on a steam bath, stir, add one bar of chocolate and 30 g of cocoa. The result is a chocolate drug mixture that can be spread over a bun. badger fat application

Badger fat treatment at home

Note the benefits of badger fatwill only be if you use it systematically, and not once every six months. So, this is done three times a day (half an hour before meals). After a couple of weeks you can switch to a two-time reception. Remember that this remedy is used only on an empty stomach.

  • Treatment with fat in bronchitis

Bronchitis is a fairly serious disease,which, if left untreated, can lead to bronchial asthma and pneumonia. In this case, among other things, the use of badger fat is recommended, both inside and as an ointment. By the way, after rubbing your back and chest, you should carefully wrap the patient so that he remains warm.

  • Treatment with fat in tuberculosis

People believe that badger fat is one of thethe best means to fight tuberculosis. The fact is that earlier people who did not eat well suffered from this. The exhausted organism simply could not cope with such misfortune, and not all could feed the patient with fruits, meat and vegetables. So this inexpensive and effective remedy was applied everywhere (even for the treatment of skin diseases). Of course, do not hope for a complete cure with just a badger's fat. It can be used as an auxiliary, not more. So, mix in enameled dishes 1.5 tbsp of fat of this animal, 1 tbsp milled on a blender or a meat grinder of aloe, 2 tsp cocoa, 1 tsp brandy. Take once a day (morning or evening - to choose from).

Badger fat: rules and precautions

Today it is not necessary to drink unpleasantsmell and taste mass, you can buy fat in gelatin capsules. Use it as a so-called dietary supplement to a nutritious diet (permissible for adults and children over 11 years old). The recipe in the pharmacy is not required. In addition, badger fat is an important part of some healing ointments, warming balsams and antitussive sprouts. A natural product without any treatment can be purchased from hunters. Pay attention: for a long time it is not stored, plus, it quickly deteriorates from sunlight, heat treatment (heating and freezing), so the price for it is low. But the curative effect, especially in comparison with synthetic agents, is very significant. As mentioned above, during the treatment of bronchitis badger fat is also used for grinding and compresses. If you do all the procedures correctly, then you can avoid exacerbating the disease. By the way, this natural product has the most powerful bactericidal properties. Therefore, if one of your family members has tuberculosis, you can not do without fat. The content of active substances in melted badger fat is unique. Badgers, as well as some other forest dwellers, fall into winter hibernation, pre-stocking all the necessary complex of vitamins. Including fat-soluble vitamins A and E, as well as water-soluble vitamins of group B. In addition, in their fat is a fairly large number of trace elements and useful organic acids. In the human body, this fat is fully absorbed and, as a rule, has no side effects. This distinguishes it from many artificial cough preparations or anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of badger fat leads to an improvement in the composition of the blood, improving the quality of protein metabolism, enhancing the protective properties of our immune system. Modern biologically active additives do not have a small share of useful properties of this natural gift. However, it is not necessary to be treated only by badger fat, giving up modern preparations. Otherwise, it can lead to sad consequences, up to a lethal outcome. Also do not forget to check with your doctor whether it can be combined with the medicines prescribed to you. How to choose and store badger fat In fact, the fat sold in the pharmacy, may not contain any useful elements. The problem is that some dishonest manufacturers either add too many extra components (stabilizers, dyes, flavorings) or improperly process it. When buying the first thing, familiarize yourself with the composition. There should not be anything superfluous. Too many unknown names and items on the package? Ask the pharmacist that all the abbreviations mean. The apothecary is obligated to explain and tell you everything. And if the chemistry is too much, and badger fat is practically not there, look for another remedy. Also pay attention to the price. Too cheap products should alert you. No company will work at a loss. You must always remember this. By the way, this statement applies to all goods and services, not just medicines. The second thing that you should do is look at the contents of the jar. If the fat is subjected to high heat treatment (which can not be done categorically!), It will have too bright poisonous yellow color. In such products is not that there is nothing useful, it can also be badly poisoned. It is also worth noting that some people often counterfeit such products. That's why always require from sellers certificates that must confirm the quality of the goods. An important role is played by the way you use this tool. In order to avoid badger fat ahead of time, store it in a dry and cool place where there is no direct sunlight. Ideally, a refrigerator is suitable for this, where the average temperature ranges from 0 to 5 degrees. In such conditions, he may not be on average up to two years. Before each reception, check to see if the remedy has deteriorated, whether any foreign odors and impurities have appeared in it, whether the color has changed. If you are alerted (bitter taste, smell rotting), it is better to throw badger fat and buy a new one. Otherwise, you can get a strong food poisoning. how to take badger fat

Contraindications: who should not drink badger fat

Occasionally there is an individualintolerance to badger fat. Also, its use is contraindicated if you have serious problems with the liver, stomach and pancreas. Do not give this product to children and do not take it yourself, without consulting with a specialist. It is not necessary to engage in experiments with the preparation of ointments and syrups from cough to pregnant women and mothers who gave birth. The problem is that in this case the body of a woman can behave strangely enough. Pay attention: sometimes badger fat produces a severe allergy. Therefore, if after a reception you suddenly feel sick, a rash appeared on the body, the skin began to itch, there was an upset stomach and you became very sick, you should stop self-treatment. If there is no possibility to consult a doctor right away, try taking antiallergenic drugs. Also, drink as much liquid as possible to clear the stomach and prevent the remaining elements from entering the bloodstream.

Mistakes and fears in the treatment of badger fat

  • Animal Disease

It is worth noting that in our days many of us do notrisk taking badger fat, because they are afraid of catching rabies. Unfortunately, many animals suffer from it. And to find out, with a healthy badger made this tool, there is no way. In fact, as experts say, this virus is not contained in the fatty deposits of animals, even if they were sick with rabies.

  • Overdose

Some womenbelieve that the more they drink this drink at a time, the better. And now imagine that you, for example, ate a pack of ascorbic acid, and not 2 dragees. What will happen to you? That's right, there will be a rash on the body, maybe it will be a bad feeling. It is also necessary to observe the norm here. And if the doctor has appointed one teaspoon a day, do not experiment. Believe me, before you get to the pharmacy counters, badger fat was tested and tested. Through trial and error, a standard was established that should be obeyed without question.

  • Self-medication

Remember once and for all: if you do not have a medical education, do not put yourself or your loved ones in any way a diagnosis. Each person can have the same disease in different ways. Therefore, without passing the tests and a full examination to determine what it is - bronchitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis - can not. By the way, cough is inherent in each of the above diseases. And even a two-day delay is fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, first you need to call an ambulance, undergo a test, take tests, consult a doctor. And only if he resolves, you can start taking badger fat.

  • Use through force

Do not force yourself to drink this remedy,if you feel bad with one memory of him. It will not lead to anything good. Also do not forget that our body is not used to such products. Therefore, after taking badger fat, you may experience severe stomach pain, heartburn, and frustration. If your body reacts sharply to exotic food, do not experiment. So, if you use it as an auxiliary, while adhering to the rules and regulations, you will be able to strengthen your immunity and cope with the cough. If you wish, you can replace badger fat with canine, bearish. They just affect the human body, plus, are sold in virtually every pharmacy.

