Asthma is a chronic bronchial disease, a majorthe symptom of which is difficulty breathing, accompanied by a tightness in the chest, a strong dry cough and rales. Depending on the form of the disease, asthmatic attacks can occur several times during the week or month. In the period between attacks, symptoms are most often absent. With severe bronchial asthma, seizures can torment a person every day. The main causes that can provoke suffocation include allergens, severe stress, a transferred viral disease and physical stress. The asthma attack is a difficult test not only for the patient himself, but also for the people around him. The favorable outcome of the manifestation of the disease depends on how correctly the first aid is given to the patient. Asthmatics with experience in advance can feel the approach of suffocation. As a rule, before the onset of an attack, they have a feeling of tightness in the thorax, an allergic rhinitis, a skin itch. But there are times when the asthmatic seizure occurs suddenly, without any precursors.
Emergency care for an asthma attack
In addition to the above main symptoms withasthma attack, a person may have such signs as weakness, dizziness, fainting, tachycardia, sweating, fright and panic. It is hard for him to breathe, to ease his condition, he is forced to sit, leaning forward. During the attack, the patient must take the coachman's posture: sit on a chair, trying to keep his back perfectly straight and, slightly protruding his stomach, release the diaphragm. Hands and feet should be relaxed and free-falling. The diaphragm is an important muscle of the respiratory system and, having released it, the patient will be able to slightly reduce the choking. At the first manifestations of asthma, it is necessary to take a medicine to stop an attack prescribed by a doctor. Asthmatics are most often prescribed steroid drugs in inhalers (salbutamol, ventolin, berotek), thanks to which you can quickly remove asthma. It is very important to observe the correct dosage during the use of aerosols, between a few sprays of the drug should take at least 20 seconds. Inhalers have a bronchodilating action and help to move away viscous sputum, which during an attack overlap the bronchi. Once the patient is able to cough up phlegm, his condition will improve. It will help to get rid of accumulated sputum in the respiratory tract, a compress made from mustard powder. 15 g of powder should be diluted in 1 liter of water, moisten a piece of natural tissue in the resulting liquid, squeeze it thoroughly and put it on the chest area. On top of the compress is recommended to cover heated with an iron towel. The procedure helps relieve tension from the musculature of the airways and facilitates coughing. Duration - up to 30 minutes. It is also believed that natural coffee has the ability to make bronchospasm less and, thus, reduces the appearance of an asthma attack. To relieve the patient's condition, he needs to drink at least two cups of this drink.
Use of an inhaler
To help with the inhaler was maximum,it is important to learn how to use it correctly. For convenience of use, the medicinal aerosol is placed in a special mouthpiece, through which the drug is injected into the respiratory tract. Before each use, the inhaler should be properly shaken and turned in such a way that the bottom of the vial is at the top. After a strong exhalation, it is necessary to take the mouthpiece end into the mouth, wrapping it tightly with the lips, and with a deep breath, sharply apply pressure to the can of medicine. Inhale until the entire dose of the drug has entered the respiratory tract. The head during inhalation should be slightly inclined downwards. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse your mouth or drink water. It is very important to ensure that when the bottom of the bottle is pressed from the mouthpiece, smoke does not leave the mouthpiece. The more it comes out, the less the drug gets into the respiratory tract. Improper administration of inhalation will not bring relief to the patient. Those who have difficulties using inhalers should buy special spacers - additional devices for aerosol procedures that ensure the maximum sedimentation of medicinal particles in the bronchi. Spacers are not expensive, but they manage to achieve maximum effectiveness from inhalations during asthma attacks.
Health care
It is necessary to sound an alarm if the first aid is notbrought no improvement to the patient with bronchial asthma or if his condition worsened. Immediately call an ambulance, and while doctors on the road, try to calm the asthmaticus as much as possible, give him plenty of water and in no case be allowed to lie down, since in the prone position breathing becomes more difficult. If, during prolonged suffocation, the person's skin acquires a pale bluish tinge, he becomes confused, the patient lifts his chin and shoulders high in the hope of breathing in the air, which means that his respiratory organs begin to fail and the attack can end in a fatal outcome. The first aid that the medical staff will provide to an asthmatic patient includes injecting drugs in the form of injections and inhalers, as well as droppers. In severe attacks, a person must be hospitalized. In the event that the asthmatic attack is prolonged for a long time and is difficult to treat, the patient will need more intensive medicinal action and oxygen masks. This condition indicates the presence of a person's asthmatic status - a very life-threatening condition.
Allergens in the life of a patient with asthma
Almost always the attacks of suffocation are causedaction of certain pathogens. To reduce the number of manifestations of asthma to a minimum, it is necessary to identify those allergens that interfere with a person. The most aggressive pathogens of bronchial asthma include domestic dust, fungus, mite, pollen of flowers, plants and trees, down and hair of animals, cockroaches, some food. To find out, how much influences on an asthma this or that allergen, probably by means of allergoproobs spent in laboratories. Practice shows that the vast majority of people with bronchial asthma suffer from allergy to dust. It is clear that to completely get rid of it and create asthma, sterile living conditions are impossible, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce the level of dust in the house. Remove all carpets from walls and floors, regularly vacuum upholstered furniture and do wet cleaning. Keep an eye on the cleanliness of the air in the room, ventilate the apartment in any weather. If it turns out that the reason for asthma attacks in one of the family members was the hair of a four-legged pet, then you will have to find a new owner for it. Sadly, our smaller brothers very often can not get along under one roof with asthmatics. Fans of pots should know that some of them during the flowering period can cause an exacerbation of asthma. Allergen products that need to be excluded from their diet include fish, seafood, citrus, all brightly colored berries and fruits, eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal. Some people experience an individual intolerance to cow's milk. Additional factors affecting the frequency of asthmatic attacks are cigarette smoke, fragrances of perfume and cologne, household chemicals, strong air humidity, exhaust gases, sudden temperature changes, physical stress, odors from cooking (it is especially dangerous to inhale the smell of fried fish). Asthmatics are contraindicated in aspirin, it can cause a fatal fatal seizure. Any viral infection can trigger an exacerbation of asthma, so you need to ask the attending physician, in addition to treatment for the underlying disease, to prescribe preventive treatment aimed at stopping asthmatic attacks. Today asthma is successfully treated with allergens. This method of controlling the disease is called ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy). The essence of the treatment is the injection of certain doses of allergens into the patient's body, so that the person gradually gets used to the causative agents of the attacks and stops responding to them. When treating with ASIT it is important to determine all allergens that negatively affect a person, otherwise the long-awaited recovery will not follow.
Additional Asthma Counseling
In a person suffering from bronchial asthma,should be all the necessary drugs at hand. It is advisable that another member of the family knows how to provide first aid to asthmatics during an attack of asthma, what medicines and in what dosages is prescribed to him by the attending physician. In no case can a patient go out without an inhaler from home, because an attack can take him by surprise. Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to completely get rid of bronchial asthma, it is quite possible to learn how to control it by following all the doctor's prescriptions. Asthmatics will be useful during the remission to lead an active lifestyle, a lot of walking in the fresh air, walking, swimming, doing exercises in the morning, drinking at least 1.5 liters of fluid that helps to sputum. Very often, people suffering from respiratory system diseases manage to stabilize their condition, spending annually 2-3 weeks in seaside resorts. Good results show regular yoga classes, on which a person is taught to breathe properly. In addition, some yoga asanas can help a person during an attack and relieve him of the need to use inhalers. According to the instructors of yoga, this ancient Oriental teaching can permanently rid the person of asthma.
Bronchial asthma in a child
The flow of asthma in childhood has its ownfeatures. As a rule, if this ailment occurs in a small child, then there are very many chances that in adolescence, it will pass without a trace, or go into a lighter form. Asthma in toddlers can manifest not only asphyxia attacks. Sometimes children tend to have an easier course of the disease, which is commonly called cough asthma. With such a course of the disease the child for a long time suffers from a dry cough, which is not treated by the usual means against coughing. In such cases, only a special examination will help to find out if the child has asthma. It is important for parents to know what to do when a baby has an asthma attack. The first aid during an exacerbation of an illness should be rendered immediately and only by the preparations issued by the doctor. You can not add or reduce the dosage of medicines yourself. If the condition of the crumbs causes concern, then it is better to try to show it to the doctor as soon as possible. Typically, small children are more likely to suffer asthma attacks, since they are not prone to listen to their own health. Mom and dad of an asthmatic baby should try not to show concern during the acute manifestation of the disease, otherwise the state of excitement will pass to the child and will only aggravate the condition. Despite the fact that children-asthmatics are released from school in physical education, this is not a sign that sports are completely contraindicated to them. Moderate exercise or swimming during the period of remission will be an invaluable aid to a growing body and will contribute to the health of the child. The kid needs to be explained what can cause him to attack, and teach him to avoid the pathogens. Parents should regularly consult with a doctor about the condition of their child and read additional literature that sheds light on the characteristics of the ailment. Despite everything, we need to look with optimism into the future and believe that in a few years the child's asthma will outgrow and he will live a full life.