You want to be healthy at any time of the year, but inautumn, winter and spring periods, there are especially frequent risks of developing or exacerbating various diseases, such as asthma. The disease can be infectious, allergic and other origin. In order to avoid further complications and hospitalization, it is important to monitor your own well-being and well-being of your relatives, close people. The first "bell" can be completely innocent and invisible against the background of a common cold or the first spring sun, flowers. Probably, there are very few people left in the world (if they are left), who with 100% confidence can say that they are completely and absolutely healthy. With our ecology, this is simply impossible. But the reason is not only one. Such a disease as asthma, the appearance of which was first described by Hippocrates and which, naturally, received the ancient Greek name, in translation into modern Russian means "gasp" or "heavy breathing". Now they suffer (according to official data) in America about 10 million people, in Russia - about 2 million less. And these are only registered cases when people applied for medical help. Asthma is known for its cunning, and many people simply do not know that they are actually sick, experiencing a typical seasonal malaise or flare-ups of severe cough during colds or ARVI.
The main types of asthma in the international classification
Scientists have not yet come to a consensusconcerning the causes of the disease with this ailment, but representatives of official medicine in chorus say that asthma is incurable. At the moment it is classified as a respiratory disease and is divided into these types:
- Mixed
- Atopic
- Asthmatic status
- Non-allergic
- Allergic
With the help of medicines you can remove bronchialspasms, and for a while this leads to a decrease in the exacerbation of the disease. But there can be no question of a complete cure. The symptoms of asthma, such as coughing, shortness of breath, chest heaviness and pressure, shortness of breath and fear of suffocation, after taking some medications recede to eventually return. Unpleasant, life-threatening manifestations of asthma symptoms are observed in very young children, and in people of mature and even advanced age.
Few facts and legends
Ancient doctors such as Hippocrates, Aretei,Galen, saw the causes of asthma mainly in the impact of cold and moist air on the body. But a doctor from Italy, Gerolamo Cardano, diagnosed a disease of one of the bishops as asthma, intuitively calculated her allergic origin. After the fountain pen of the sick was replaced by a more modest and ascetic cloth base, the bishop began to eat according to a prescribed diet and exercise some physical exercises, he successfully recovered. Absolutely remarkable result of scientific-intuitive insight (or comparison of facts) for the middle of the 16th century. The next who came to the conclusion about the allergic nature of asthma was the Belgian scientist of the mid-17th century Baptista van Helmont. He first concluded that asthma occurs in the bronchi due to irritating components: dust in the house, the scent of fried fish. The same conjecture, almost a century later, was voiced by John Hunter, a surgeon from Scotland. This disease at one time attracted the bright minds of famous scientists Andrei Rodossky and Sergei Petrovich Botkin, who called it allergic, catarrhal and reflex, seeing the primary cause of asthma in the malfunction of the nervous system, in particular, the vegetative. In our time, asthma, more precisely one of the varieties of the disease, received the name-characteristic of the atopic, which in translation means "inappropriate, incomprehensible, strange." The facts of our time In our time, the symptoms of the disease are the same as those centuries ago: choking, lack of air, severe bronchial cough and so on. Some doctors still think that asthma develops on the background of allergies, which is why they believe that there is enough prevention in the off-season, that is, winter months to relieve the patient of all asthma related troubles. But this opinion is just a drop in the ocean. Means against allergies, in fact, many help, but, in the opinion of some experts, this indicates that in fact, patients do not suffer from asthma, and another disease and treatment requires appropriate. This disease is difficult to diagnose, because the features and symptoms for asthma are similar to those of some other diseases. The first manifestations of asthma, the initial signs are coughing, wheezing and whistling with inhalation / exhalation, a feeling of lung congestion, shortness of breath, chest compressions, rapid, heavy and loud breathing. Asthma develops in three main stages: compensation, subcompensation, hypoxemic coma. In the latter case, the complication of the disease can cause a fatal outcome, so the statement that asthma is not a fatal disease is extremely controversial.
Different types of disease
The main varieties are aspirin, night,bronchial virus-induced, professional. Signs of these types are standard, common symptoms for asthma of all possible species. But the causes of this disease vary. In the latter case, bronchial asthma develops against the backdrop of human activity, if it works under conditions of "harmful" production. It can be industrial production, a poultry farm or an animal farm, an agrofarm; any production where a person encounters toxic, sensitizing and irritating components for a considerable period of time. Such factors can be different aerosols and vapors, dust, wool and fluff, tobacco chips and much, much more. The symptoms of this variety differ from others in that it is slightly easier to take asthma outside of production, the symptoms characteristic of asthma recede for a time, until the worker returns to his "harmful" workplace. Night Asthma: Symptoms Symptoms of a variety of asthma nocturnal have been known for a long time. It is manifested by discomfort during the night rest: from lack of oxygen and fear of suffocation, an asthmatic often wakes up, worries, jumps up and sits on the bed. Under the definition of nocturnal asthma is about one third of cases of the disease, since its signs are considered bronchial spasm exclusively at night, at night or in the early morning. The reasons for the occurrence of nocturnal asthma are not fully understood, but many doctors believe that the presence of signs of this type of disease indicates a loss of control over the course of the disease. Aspirin Asthma: Symptoms It develops as a kind of allergy to acetylsalicylic acid due to the effects of aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs on the body. Often manifested as an isolated form of the disease, and in conjunction with this type of asthma, as atopic. It is accompanied by a whole bunch of diseases: conjunctivitis, rhinitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes with signs of hives. Asthma aspirin is different from other types of this unpleasant disease in that it requires not only treatment, but more often there is a need for resuscitation due to the development of asthmatic status. Viral-induced bronchial asthma: symptoms It occurs due to infection of the respiratory system and exposure to respiratory infections. The hyperreactivity of the lungs that appeared during the course of the disease can regress after a while (1-1.5 months) without any consequences for the person, especially if the correct treatment is selected. But in case of unfavorable conditions for the convalescent (cold, dampness, drafts, etc.) signs of asthma: coughing and perspiration in the throat - are quite capable of developing into a full-fledged disease. While this type of disease suppresses immunity, it is possible to create bacteria and infections of a whole tangle of diseases, which will be difficult enough to treat.
What treatments are used for this disease?
So, with all the severity and ambiguity of the establishedpictures of the disease asthma still can be prevented, diagnosed and treated. What methods of treatment are most popular, which of them lead to the best and fastest recovery? Traditionally, those treated and treated divided into two camps: adherents of traditional (scientific and state) and non-traditional (folk) medicine. Their ways and secrets are both in some, and in others. Which of them are the most effective? As always, everything is for everyone individually: one is treated with placebo, the other is broths of herbs, the third is medication, the fourth - acupuncture sessions. But do not forget that before treatment any of the methods should be clarified by the doctor (preferably his own), whether to use drugs, they will not do more harm than good. Medication for asthma Medication-based basic treatment consists of taking hormonal and non-hormonal drugs, which by their action suppress inflammatory processes in the bronchi, preventing attacks of hyperreactivity. Asthma is treated with such non-hormonal drugs as ketotifen, acolat, intal, tayled and so on. Hormonal preparations for the treatment of asthma have a stronger effect on the body: benacort, fliksotid, ingakord, bekotid. These are inhaled glucocorticosteroid preparations, which by their action prevent asthmatic attacks of suffocation. As a side effect, occasionally a slight hoarseness of the voice, candidiasis, is observed. What are the ways to deal with these problems? In order not to interrupt the course of treatment, an antifungal agent should be purchased, and thus the side effect will be eliminated. In the presence of signs of severe asthma, hormonal drugs are prescribed: dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, prednisolone, triamcinolone. Contrary to popular belief in non-medical circles, these drugs are not addictive. How can you refute such an established opinion? With a short course of intake of the above drugs, the body simply does not have time to get used to them. And in the treatment of asthma, such courses are not continuous (with a few exceptions), but they have undoubted benefits for the patient, because otherwise his health would inevitably worsen. Whatever type of asthma a person may suffer, doctors often prescribe expectorants and sputum preparations. And used, in addition to herbs, decoctions, teas and tinctures, tablets. What kind? Not only asthma, but also other respiratory organs diseases are treated with well-known drugs: ambrohexal, bromhexine, acetylcysteine and so on. Alternative (folk) methods of asthma treatment. What methods can be used, which can be folk and non-traditional if the patient needs urgent hospitalization and resuscitation? Of course, treatment in such cases should be carried out exclusively by qualified doctors, but people's methods of asthma treatment are designed specifically to prevent such extreme cases. Treatment is carried out with the help of various teas, herbal teas, tinctures and decoctions. What are they like? In the treatment with non-traditional methods, many herbs are used: thyme (creeping thyme), licorice naked, kidneys of pine, mother-and-stepmother, nine-syllable, medicinal angelica, oregano, medicinal primrose, plantain large. What are the positive properties of these plants in the phytosphere? Most have expectorating, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, such teas are beneficial in the period of treatment, not only on the respiratory organs, but also on the whole organism as a whole, as a result of which the person calms down and its immunity grows stronger. In addition, some of these herbs have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Other ways to combat asthma
What kind of asthma treatment still exists? Dietary nutrition, exercise, voice exercises, exclusion from the living space of allergens, such as pet hair, household dust. If necessary, it is worth changing jobs - health is more important. Whatever the causes of the disease, approaching its treatment is meaningful and systematic, if a person wants to be healthy. To begin with, it is necessary to determine the way of life, no matter how difficult a step it may seem. Proper nutrition for asthmatics Food should be balanced, but moderate. Patients are advised to exclude from the diet (or at least limit) products provoking the production of histamine, which, in turn, can provoke spasm of the bronchi. What are these products? Meat and vegetable, canned fish, a variety of smoked products, chocolate and fruits such as bananas and strawberries, nuts, crustacean dishes, eggs, broths from meat and fish products. For health, products such as vegetables, fruits (except for the foregoing), legumes, cereals, low-fat fish and meat are needed. With the right, responsible approach to treatment and systematic adherence to the recommendations of doctors for many years, asthmatics lead the lives of full, healthy people, paying almost no attention to their cunning illness.