how to choose a humidifier The task of the air humidifier is clear enough already fromdevice names. Humidifiers work in a closed room - in the office, room or classroom. To install them, you do not need to perform complex installation work; all that needs to be done to operate it is to fill the tank with water and plug it into the outlet. You are worried by the question, how to choose the humidifier correctly, so that the comfort and comfort in the house will accompany you all the time? Each model of the air humidifier is designed for 24-hour operation. A working humidifier produces very low noise, so you can sleep comfortably next to it. Therefore, the device can be installed safely even in the children's room without fear. Once the air humidifier has been selected, it is necessary to determine the optimum location for its installation. Experts believe that the humidifier is best installed next to the radiators in order to rapidly spread moisture with warm air. A comfortable level of humidity for a person is about 40-60%.

A humidifier is a basic necessity in a children's room

Perhaps the most urgent issue is how to chooseair humidifier for the children's room. After all, from the maintenance of the necessary level of humidity, the health of the child directly depends, especially in the winter, when the air is literally over-dried by batteries. The physiological feature of young children (especially the infants) is an incredibly sensitive and tender mucous membrane, as well as the skin. Dry air, which reigns in the winter in the nursery, carries a great danger to the health of the child. Before choosing a humidifier for the children's room, study with the experts those models that will keep the level of humidity in the room at the proper level. It should be noted that some humidifiers in addition to their direct function are able to clean and ionize the air. It is these models that are recommended by specialists for the premises that are designed for the children's room. air humidifier how to choose

Humidifiers with ionizer

The latest research of scientists has proved that ourthe organism can fully absorb oxygen only from air enriched with negatively charged aeroions, in other words, from ionized air. The lack of ionization causes people to have regular oxygen starvation, poor health, increased fatigue, reduced efficiency. In addition, immunity weakens, a person loses attention and begins to suffer from various diseases, including swine flu. Why and how do I choose air humidifiers with an ionizer? First of all for the prevention and control of influenza epidemics. In many children's institutions, including schools, kindergartens and polyclinics, this device is actively used. There are a number of models of humidifiers that ionize the air, saturating it with active oxygen, and at the same time include in their design ultraviolet lamps, through which air is decontaminated, and harmful bacteria and viruses are destroyed. Having installed an air humidifier with an ionizer in the office or at home, you can not be afraid of infection and will always feel great.

Air humidifiers with cold steam

The principle of the humidifier with coldthe steam can be compared with a basin filled with water - the water in it gradually evaporates on its own. The prototype of the advanced model of the humidifier is a basin with water, over which a towel is waved. Thus, air humidification occurs due to natural evaporation, but sometimes fans are built in to model the process. On such models, buyers of the air humidifier rarely stop their choice because of their low efficiency and effectiveness, which can be compared with a large aquarium. Humidifiers with cold steam are often not equipped with hygrostat, as there is no sense in somehow influencing the natural process of moistening.

Humidifiers with hot steam

The next type of humidifier is with hot steam. Such humidifiers work on the principle of a boiling kettle without a lid. Water evaporates under the influence of heating. Compared to humidifiers with cold steam, models with hot steam are much more effective. In addition to all, lovers of aromatherapy can pamper themselves with their favorite flavors. Most manufacturers argue that heating the water in the air humidifier destroys harmful microorganisms in the sprayed vapor. It is worth noting in this case - they write the same thing about cold steam, as if microorganisms are killed by bleach contained in tap water. Marketing paths are inscrutable ... Before choosing a humidifier for a house with hot steam, familiarize yourself with potentially dangerous moments during its operation. First of all, such humidifiers are a great threat to young children, who can simply get burned with hot water. In addition to everything in use, the device produces a loud gurgling sound, which makes it difficult to use during sleep.

Ultrasonic air humidifiers

At the moment, experts consider the mosteffective humidifiers, ultrasonic humidifiers. Water in such a device falls on a small vibrating membrane, passing through which forms a cloud of water dust, diverging throughout the apartment in a natural way. Humidifiers with cold and hot steam are much inferior to the effectiveness of moistening ultrasonic models, so leading manufacturers refused to produce models of the first and second types. In the application of an ultrasonic humidifier, there is only one drawback: the formation of a white lime coating on dark furniture. In steam humidifiers, all salts from water vapor settle on the walls of the device, while in an ultrasonic humidifier, water is forcibly broken into dust containing all trace elements and salts. The water dust cloud settles on the furniture and when dried leaves deposits of salts on it, which give a result in the whitish raid. But do not for this reason immediately refuse to choose a humidifier with ultrasound system. After all, the amount and intensity of salt deposits directly depend on the rigidity and quality of water poured into the tank. Therefore, different people leave different opinions about ultrasonic humidifiers. In order to combat this phenomenon, established manufacturers produce special cartridges with fillers that soften hard water. The cartridge is a small light granule with ion-exchange resin. Such a granule serves 1-3 months, depending on the quality of the water used. With the further use of the cartridge, it is more economical to buy pouches with granules and independently fill them with the device.

Is it worth using distilled water for moisturizing?

A greater number of big names intheir operating instructions clearly stipulate that in the air humidifiers it is necessary to fill only tap water, otherwise bacteria can grow in the tank and the water "blooms". This fact is not mentioned only by small Chinese manufacturers. As the next reasonable argument, take into account the simple calculation: in a room of 15-20 m2 with regular airing per day will be consumed about 3-4 liters of water. We think that you will agree that spending so much distilled water is quite burdensome for your wallet. air humidifiers how to choose

Efficiency of air humidifiers

We discussed with you which humidifier to choosefor the house in general and for the children's room in particular, what principles are guided by the choice of this or that type of model of the device. And now in general outlines the effectiveness of using air humidifiers. The global drawback of any air humidifier is that in practice the radius of their action is usually limited to 1-1.5 meters around the device. The far ends of the rooms remain practically unvarnished. Vendors prefer to keep silent about this fact. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite simple. Since the hygrostat is built into the humidifier itself, the humidity level is measured exclusively around the appliance. As a result, when the task is reached according to the instrument, it is automatically switched off, and it is physically impossible to measure the humidity of the air at the other end of the room. Another factor is also imposed: in the room air is mixed by a natural convention, the cold one goes down, and the warm one goes up, and there is practically no horizontal mixing of air from one corner to the other. Based on practice, an air humidifier should be placed at the head of the bed, but some humidifiers emit loud enough gurgling sounds at night. It will not be superfluous to put a large fan over the humidifier, which can effectively disperse the moistened air around the perimeter of the room. Another option is to seal the room tightly so that it gradually absorbs moisture like a greenhouse. All three options are completely compromise. However, the fact remains - often for a full-fledged humidification of air in a room of simple household humidifiers is not enough. To solve this problem requires a large-sized device that allows you to install powerful fans and a volumetric tank. Often, devices with such dimensions are no longer ordinary air humidifiers, but are air purifiers that have a built-in humidification function. Such purifiers are mainly produced by well-known expensive manufacturers, so their cost is significantly higher than conventional humidifiers; but we must admit that they are worth it. If you have not yet decided which humidifier to choose, the best solution to the problem will be an air purifier with built-in moisturizing, which is current in use all year round. If the budget does not allow making capital investments, then it is better to take any ultrasonic device for air humidification. All ultrasonic humidifiers have a general principle of operation. The cost of specific models depends on the design, build quality, brand promotion and the availability of additional functions. When operating the air humidifier, it is also necessary to take into account simple physical laws. In physics, air humidity is a relative quantity that directly depends on temperature. For this reason, any opening of doors or airing of the room will result in a decrease in the humidity of the air in it. In a bedroom with an open window, the humidifier is unlikely to raise the humidity level to above 30%. which humidifier to choose

Recommended manufacturers of humidifiers

After we clearly decided whichan air humidifier is chosen, it is worth "running through" brands of manufacturers who have proven themselves in the market from the best side. One of the world's leading manufacturers of devices for air humidification experts consider the Swiss company Plaston, which owns two brands - Air-o-Swiss and Boneco. A great deal of attention is paid to the production of air humidifiers by Boneco, among which Boneco 7135 is considered the most successful model. Humidifiers from Electrolux are pleased with the nice design and high quality of assembling parts. Those who are not pleased with the classic Boneco design, the individuality of the external design of the Electrolux humidifiers is suitable. In Russia and neighboring countries, another brand has won popularity - Aircomfort. Models of this brand are characterized by an abundance of secondary functions and a good design. In addition, this manufacturer offers good quality at an affordable price. Of all the above brands, the Boneco brand enjoys special love from the Chinese, who prefer to make copies of famous brands. Such an analog will differ from the original model by the quality of assembly, as well as durability. The level of humidification efficiency will be approximately the same. The best independent Chinese producer is the Cooper & Hunter brand, which is a good combination of good quality and low cost. Among the manufacturers of cleaner-moisturizers, Sharp and Daikin are leading. Despite the fact that the humidification function in these models is an indirect function, they solve this task magnificently. Differences in the quality of humidification in these models are not present, all the differences are in the purification system. Sharp models have a classic HEPA filter, a deodorizing filter and an ionizer. In comparison, Daikin models have a photocatalytic filter in combination with the company's Flash Streamer streamer discharge system that can detain unpleasant odors, dust and allergens, and effectively destroy viruses, including swine flu virus. We hope that we have shared with you enough information, and you now know exactly how to choose the right humidifier. We wish you health and comfort at home and at work! We advise you to read:

