Among other domestic flowers anthurium is profitablediffers inflorescences of unusual shape and bright wide leaves. Most horticultural owners prefer to grow this plant with flowers. Although the decorative deciduous anthurium with large bizarre leaves is a beautiful addition to any home collection of flowers. If you are still determined to have this decorative exotic flower at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of caring for it and strictly follow it. Today, we will tell you in some detail how correctly this plant is transplanted. You probably already know that the Anthurium requires special care. But if you follow certain rules, then special care will not be taken to take care of this plant. On the contrary, it will please its mistress and even become the object of her pride.
Basic Transplant Rules
Here's what you need to know if you are going to transplant Anthurium:
First of all, we must remember that the transplant isquite a sharp intervention in the life of each plant. This applies to the anthurium. Carry out a transplant is best during the period when the plant accumulates the maximum reserve of vitality and has not yet fully disclosed its inflorescence. At this time, the plant is ready to withstand all sorts of stressful situations associated with transplantation. For a gentle anthurium this time comes in the spring-summer period.
At the age of up to four years, plants needannual transplant, which can be conducted from March to August. During each transplant, the pot should be changed to a larger volume. Do not forget to increase the height of the drainage layer.
Anturium from four years of age and older should be replaced less often. It will be enough for him to transplant once every two to three years, with the replacement of the old soil with a suitable new nutrient soil.
Anthurium has a very fragile root system and tender leaves, so when transplanting a plant, careful and careful handling is required.
It is recommended to water the plant well before the transplant. Then, with all the precautions, remove the flower from the pot and clean its root system from the old substrate.
Last year's soil may stick to the rootsplants, in this case, an easy tapping on the adhered substrate is allowed. Then we need to thoroughly examine the entire root system of the anthurium and remove the dead or decayed roots, without damaging the healthy roots. After this place cut must be sprinkled with a mixture of charcoal.
In case the anthurium has been removed most of the root system, then for the transplant he needs a smaller pot (compared to the previous one).
Drainage for transplantation should be put enoughthick layer, it is recommended to lay it on about one third of the pot. But at the same time the ground does not need to be rammed, thus ensuring easier access of air to the roots of the plant. Quality drainage ensures that water stagnation in the root system is avoided.
In the soil experts advise adding duringtransplant pieces of charcoal. And every mistress of anthurium must remember that this plant painfully tolerates alkali. Especially it is not necessary to forget during watering and transplantation. Therefore, the soil that is prepared for transplanting the plant must be acidified. Acidic substrates are effective for acidification, for example, the addition of a small amount of peat, Christmas-tree needles, alder and coniferous sawdust.
It is also good to buy special soil mixtures made especially for plants of the family of aroids, to which the anthurium belongs.
In a new pot, intended for transplant,After laying the drainage layer, pour a little prepared soil. Then place the flower and gently fall asleep with the remaining soil, while not reaching the edges of the pot about one centimeter.
Falling asleep on the ground with the root system of the plant,It is necessary to closely monitor the formation of air "bags" between interlaced roots. These air areas, where the earth does not fall, you must fall asleep, for example, using a stick. The wand should push the ground to the roots and at the same time tap the pot against the surface of the table lightly. That is, gently and evenly, without using force, compact the earth. At the end of the ground around the anthurium slightly press down, without exerting effort.
During the next transplantation of the anthurium, the trunk of the plant should be planted slightly lower in the ground, in comparison with the previous year.
In wild anthuriums, growing in open nature,activity in growth shows air roots. They, reaching the substrate, begin to take root on it and strongly branch. At home anthuriums, such growth is limited, so the roots that will appear as the plant grows, it is necessary to cover with moss and constantly moisturize them, otherwise they will begin to dry out.
On hot days, the flower should not be transplanted. During the transplant, the plant should be well watered and sprinkled, but in the next two weeks it should be strictly limited to watering.
After transplanting the pot with an anthurium, arrangein a fairly bright place, but it is necessary to make sure that the sun's rays do not reach there. The plant has been subjected to a "shake-up", therefore, during the first weeks after the transplantation, it should be given away from stress, once again it should not be rearranged and generally disturbed. Let it be better in a calm atmosphere anthurium will get used to a new pot, and the root system will be well established in another, more nutritious environment.
Some recommendations for anthurium transplantation:
- As advised by the hostess, for effective growth and flowering state of anthurium it is better to use high pots than low and wide ones.
- Pot for transplant should be chosen according to the size of the root system. In a spacious large pot, you can easily pour the roots of anthurium, which will later begin to rot.
- Pots should be plastic, notceramic. The temperature of the soil in plastic pots is about the same as the air temperature in the room. Whereas in ceramic pots, the soil has a higher temperature than the environment, and under such conditions, the roots of the anthurium begin to decay.
- Determine whether it is time to transplant Anthurium,in the following simple way: remove the flower from the pot, and if its roots are closely bounded by the earth com (and sometimes even so that the earth is practically invisible), then the plant needs an urgent transplant.
- If the roots break through the holes in the bottom of the pot, then this too must be considered a signal for an emergency anthurium transplant.
- If visible signs of withering anthurium are visible,then this means that the flower suffers without finding the necessary in the emaciated earth. Transplantation into a new soil with nutrients will be a salvation for the plant.
- Periodic transplantation is also useful becauseThe structure and composition of the soil in which the flower is located gradually deteriorate. The soil accumulates an excess of mineral substances, the capillaries in the soil are destroyed, which conduct air to the roots of the plant. The main feature of this is a white coating on the top of the soil, which can easily be seen.
Of course, an anthurium, like some othersindoor plants require strict adherence to the temperature regime, maintaining a certain level of humidity, careful care and periodic transplant. But do not think this flower is too capricious, and even more so do not be afraid to acquire this exotic plant. The most important thing is to remember the basic requirements for caring for an anthurium, and to observe them rigorously. All these rules are quite simple, and even a novice plant lover can remember and fulfill them. In return for such care, the grateful anthurium flower will annually blossom you, and very soon it will cease to seem capricious and willful.