Alcohol and pregnancy - no one appearsthere is no doubt that these two concepts are absolutely incompatible. However, despite this, around this issue of "alcohol and pregnancy" is not one decade are all sorts of disputes. Some argue that a small amount of alcohol will not harm the child, while others, speaking of alcohol and pregnancy, frighten the terrible consequences for the development of the fetus. Who of them is right? And why in our time a pregnant woman with a drink in her hands has become almost a normal phenomenon and absolutely no one surprises? Of course, no one can tell a future mother how she should behave. However, before deciding whether alcohol is acceptable for you, please familiarize yourself with this material. The following describes in detail the effect of alcohol on a pregnant woman and fetus, from planning to pregnancy and ending with childbirth. Everyone knows that alcohol during pregnancy affects the fetus negatively, but few people think about such an important issue as "alcohol and pregnancy planning." After all, in fact, alcohol and pregnancy planning are also not very compatible. It is very unreasonable to hope for "maybe" and to consider that this does not concern you, and you will get into that insignificant small list of lucky ones who were just lucky after using alcohol during pregnancy to do without negative consequences. In addition, in no case forget that the consequences can be "long-playing", which will let you know about yourself in many years. Numerous studies, confirmed by scientists, prove the fact that in the event that one of the parents, and even more so both, during the planning of pregnancy abused alcohol and low-alcohol drinks, the risk of complications of normal pregnancy and violation of normal fetal development is significantly increased. The fact that you can not combine alcohol and pregnancy planning, was known to our ancestors. The father of medicine Hippocrates argued that drinking alcohol during pregnancy planning causes the child to develop diseases such as epilepsy and idiocy. The newlyweds on the wedding day were strictly forbidden to drink even a small amount of wine. And a similar tradition was also found in Russia. The harmful effect of alcohol is explained by the fact that it penetrates either into the egg or into the spermatozoon, leading to their critical damage - they take an irregular shape and size, they do not develop to the end, vital metabolic processes are violated. And the less time passes between taking alcohol and sexual intercourse, the higher the chance of birth of an inferior child. Many couples ask, for how long to stop drinking before pregnancy? It is not difficult to answer this question. Even if alcohol was taken once, the negative impact on spermatozoa (their damage) lasts for 13 to 14 days. In this period, conception is undesirable. And if alcohol is used regularly before pregnancy, alcohol intoxication takes place, which eventually takes on a chronic form. As a result, the chances of giving birth to a healthy child are rapidly approaching zero. No less often women are concerned about the effect of alcohol on a pregnancy test. There is an opinion among the people that a pregnancy test after alcohol can give false results - both positive and negative. However, in fact, the effect of alcohol on the pregnancy test is greatly exaggerated and is not supported by any scientific evidence. The pregnancy test after alcohol shows the correct result, provided it is used according to the instructions. Most often, alcohol at an early stage of pregnancy is used at a time when a woman and does not suspect her pregnancy. Despite this, alcohol at an early stage of pregnancy brings most harm. This happens because it is in the early stages of laying down all the internal organs of the fetus. Alcohol in the first month of pregnancy can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. In order to understand what exactly alcohol is dangerous in the first month of pregnancy, it is necessary to know what happens to the embryo at this time. During the first week after fertilization, the fertilized egg moves to the uterine cavity, through the fallopian tube. At the same time, a very intensive division of the egg begins. As a result, the egg cell enters the uterus cavity already in the form of a cluster of cells. During the second week after fertilization begins the process of introducing the egg into the wall of the uterus. At the same time, the process of forming a branched shell, intended for fixing the fetal egg in the uterine cavity-the chorion, begins. These two weeks are very peculiar - alcohol in the first days of pregnancy acts on the body of a woman on the principle of "or - or". Either alcohol during the first days of pregnancy does not in any way affect the development of the embryo, or causes spontaneous miscarriage. As a rule, a woman who at least once consumed alcohol at the beginning of pregnancy, after learning about her situation, is very worried. It is necessary to try to calm down - if the pregnancy is preserved, alcohol at the beginning of pregnancy will not have a negative impact on the development of the baby. However, in the future, you should completely exclude the use of any beverages that contain alcohol. But alcohol at the 4 th week of pregnancy can do a lot of mischief. Alcohol at the 4th week of pregnancy is very dangerous because it starts from the fourth week and begins the laying and formation of all the internal organs of the fetus. This process is called organogenesis. Alcohol, getting into the body of a pregnant woman, instantly penetrates into the blood and enters the fetus. As you know, alcohol - a very toxic substance, which is why it causes a violation of the normal development of the baby. Thus it becomes clear that alcohol in the first month of pregnancy is very dangerous for the baby. However, not only alcohol in the first month of pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the fetus. All of the above is equally true in relation to the use of drugs, some medicines, smoking. And not only in the first month. Alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy in general is very dangerous, since the insertion and subsequent differentiation of the internal organs continues until the 13th week of pregnancy. As a result of the fact that a woman drinks alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy, the chance of having children with various developmental anomalies increases dramatically. First of all, alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy has a very negative effect on the laying and development of the nervous system in the first place. Children whose mothers consumed alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy are more often behind in intellectual development. Such children often have neuroses, increased excitability, aggressiveness, hyperactivity syndrome, and so on. Enuresis, various disorders of the hearing aid and vision, and encephalopathy are also frequent diseases in this group of children. Speaking about the influence of alcohol on pregnancy, one can not help saying that he has an embryotoxic effect, because such substances as ethanol and acetaldehyde affect the embryo. Their action leads to the suspension of the normal synthesis of proteins and DNA molecules located in the embryo of the brain and spinal cord. Another example of how alcohol affectspregnancy, is the fact that alcohol significantly reduces the ability of the body of a pregnant woman to absorb such vitamins and trace elements as:
- Zinc. For a normal course of pregnancy, zinc plays a huge role. The daily requirement of zinc in a pregnant woman increases three to four times and is about 30 mg. Insufficient zinc significantly increases the threat of spontaneous miscarriage, malformations of the embryo, and subsequently to premature birth, weakness of labor, low weight of newborn crumbs.
- Folic acid. Sufficient amount of it is also vital for the normal development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Folic acid is responsible for many processes in the body of a pregnant woman, but it plays the most important role in the formation of the neural tube. The daily norm of folic acid for a woman in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is about 400 mg.
- Vitamin E. This vitamin is responsible for the correct laying of the internal organs and the well-being of the pregnant woman.
- Iron. Reduced hemoglobin negatively affects the condition of both the fetus and the pregnant woman. The risk of developing iron deficiency anemia is very high, which, in turn, threatens the baby with hypoxia.
About hypoxia of the fetus speak so often thatwomen are accustomed to perceive this diagnosis as a matter of course and do not even imagine the whole insidiousness of this complication. The most important thing about which it is necessary to remember the future mother is that the hypoxia of the fetus is not in any cases independent, arising by itself, a disease. Hypoxia is always a consequence of all possible negative processes, both in the child's body and in the mother's. The lack of iron in the body in the mother, the use of alcoholic beverages - all these are very serious prerequisites for the development of intrauterine hypoxia. Intrauterine hypoxia itself is nothing more than a series of pathological changes taking place in the fetus, caused by lack of oxygen. Hypoxia of the fetus is divided into two types - acute and chronic. Acute hypoxia occurs suddenly and quickly - most often occurs as a result of complete or partial premature detachment of the placenta, as well as in the process of childbirth. Chronic hypoxia develops gradually, during pregnancy, under the influence of various adverse factors affecting the body of a pregnant woman. Hypoxia is the oxygen starvation of the body. As a result, various disruptions in the normal functioning of various vital systems of the body occur, a significant disturbance of metabolic processes occurs. The exact damage to the fetus depends on the period of intrauterine development at which hypoxia began. In the event that the oxygen starvation of the fetus organism occurred at the earliest possible gestation period, it can lead to abnormal developmental disorders, spontaneous miscarriage. If hypoxia started in the second half of pregnancy, central nervous system damage, intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, premature birth may occur. In addition, alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy often leads to an increase in the number of free radicals. As a result of numerous studies, it was proved that it is alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy that most often leads to the release of free radicals in the body of a pregnant woman. Immediately after the fertilization of the egg in the female body, the strongest hormonal restructuring begins, as a result of which radicals are released, and the use of alcohol during pregnancy multiplies this process many times. Also, alcohol consumption during pregnancy often causes the development of a placental circulatory insufficiency. As everyone knows, all the substances necessary to maintain their vital activity, including oxygen, the fetus receives through the blood. And if the placental blood supply deteriorates, the fetus, most often, develops intrauterine hypoxia.
Regular use of alcohol during pregnancy
Those children whose mothers during pregnancyregularly used alcoholic beverages, very often there is a so-called embryofetopathy, the manifestation of which is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- In children of mothers who drink, the frequency ofthe birth of defects reaches 50%. The most common complications are various defects in the normal development of the anus (its displacement or even complete absence), the genitourinary system. Very often there are various variations in the developmental defects of the cardiovascular system. Deviations are also observed in the normal structure of the upper and lower extremities, especially the fingers: their absence, hypoplasia, pathological changes in the nail plate, various joint dysplasias, 9 most often, of the elbow and hip joints.
- In about 80% of cases, alcohol at a later datepregnancy leads to a significant delay in intrauterine development, the birth of children with extremely low and low weight and hypoxia.
- Changes in craniofacial character - in the babycan have a low forehead, narrow eye sockets and a flat wide bridge of nose. Also very high sky, low ears, strabismus, microcephaly and microphthalmia. Very often these children have a very large mouth and a thick upper sponge, with a groove under it.
- Female embryos often have alcoholic embryopathy. Male embryos die at earlier stages of pregnancy.
Alcohol on late pregnancy leadsto the fact that children are significantly disturbed by the natural course of the normal process of adaptation to the surrounding world after birth. This is because they have not developed compensation mechanisms at all. As a result, children develop strong excitability and hypoglycemia, swallowing and even sucking can be very difficult. In the first few days, doctors notice in such children, whose mothers ignored the harm of alcohol during pregnancy, severe shortness of breath, the occurrence of seizures and unnatural, painful scream. Thus, the so-called "withdrawal syndrome" manifests itself. Subsequently, children have reduced immunity, often get sick. However, the harm of alcohol during pregnancy is not limited to this. The effect of alcohol on pregnancy is very detrimental, but it also extends to childbirth. As mentioned above, the harm of alcohol during pregnancy is great and can cause various anomalies of the natural birth process:
- The emergence of weakness in labor. It is characterized by a significant slowing of the opening of the cervix, rare and short fights, slow progress of the fetus along the generic pathways. In addition, the so-called secondary weakness of labor can develop - very weak attempts, unable to expel the child from the uterine cavity.
- Discoordination of labor. In such cases, contractions of the uterus do not occur in a strict order (in the direction from the upper corner of the uterus), but immediately from two - three parts of the uterus, especially the lower segment. Such bouts are very, very painful, however, absolutely unproductive - there is no significant opening of the cervix, nor progression through the birth canal. Without medical intervention, childbirth may be delayed for an indefinite period of time and lead to intrauterine fetal death.
- Increased labor activity. Similar generic activities are also called stormy. Characterized by rough labor with such symptoms as very frequent, almost unceasing fights, the same uncontrollable attempts. And as a result of such generic activity, it significantly increases the risk of birth trauma - ruptures of the cervix and perineum, placental abruption, generic and postnatal hypotonic bleeding.
Harm to alcohol during pregnancyextends to the postpartum period. A woman who did not have the question of whether alcohol can be used during pregnancy and the postpartum period is much easier. The same women, who for themselves on the question "can alcohol during pregnancy" respond positively, face such complications as:
- Very long recovery of the normal tone of the cerebral cortex, as well as subcortical centers.
- Excretion from the body of pregnancy hormones is also much slower than normal, respectively, the hormonal system also comes back to normal well after the norm.
- The heart does not take its usual position right away, the kidneys work much worse.
- Natural changes on the part of the reproductive system also proceed much more slowly than what was prescribed. The uterus shrinks poorly, often in it stagnant fuckers.
Harm alcohol during pregnancy is very difficultexaggerate. However, some women can not or do not want to give up alcohol, justifying their actions by saying that a glass of red wine has not hurt anyone yet. However, doctors categorically disagree with this statement. A lot of research has been done on the effect of alcohol on pregnancy, somehow related to the question of how much alcohol is considered safe in pregnancy. During the study, it was found that drinking alcohol during pregnancy is dangerous in any amount - at least 10 grams of alcohol. If the reasons above could not convince you, ask your doctor to tell you in more detail about how alcohol affects pregnancy. Any woman should understand that drinking alcohol during pregnancy will not bring anything good for her baby. So is it worth the risk of the most expensive, what gave you the fate and drink alcohol during pregnancy, for the sake of ephemeral short-term pleasure from a drunk alcohol? We advise you to read: