what cream for wrinkles is better Age-related changes are frightened every seconda girl of 25 years of age. Wrinkles seem to be synonymous with old age, neglect and unattractiveness. If you want to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible - you need to know what the best wrinkle cream should be and how it should be applied.

Cellular Creams: Myths and Reality

Not so long ago the cosmetic market appearedcellular and hormonal cosmetics. These funds are produced using a similar technology, most of them are designed just to solve age-related problems with the epidermis. Almost immediately after the premiere of such creams on the Internet there were negative reviews. Like, cell creams really help, tighten the skin, adjust the face oval, allowing you to look younger. But, as soon as you throw the jar into the trash can, the skin condition will deteriorate significantly, the face will swell with fat and become ugly. There is no real explanation for this myth. Even the cheapest wrinkle cream containing hormones does not pose any danger to you. Such cosmetic means act due to the activation of metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis - the skin intensifies the production of its own elastin and collagen, and is not fed by their synthetic analogues. After you stop using the hormone cream, whatever brand it was, your skin will not feel any withdrawal effect. It will simply return to its initial state. That is, it will become wrinkled and flabby exactly as much as it was.

Cream for wrinkles with rare components - advertising trick

Damascus rose oil, black caviar extract,sperm whales, amino acids that are part of the "pricks of beauty" - advertising creams with these ingredients found in glossy magazines, on billboards and on TV. Their effectiveness is allegedly proven by some scientific research conducted by the same cosmetic firm that produces the "best cream to combat age-related changes." Such funds are usually very expensive. Justified their price is the exclusivity of components. Rose oil and amino acids moisturize the skin, sperm whales and caviar perfectly nourish, but do not smooth wrinkles in one day. So, do not pay attention to the brand of cosmetics - a good cream can cost a penny and be effective. best wrinkle cream

Useful substances in wrinkle creams

  • Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid strengthens the upper layersepidermis and protects the skin from free radicals. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C in anti-age creams, skin elasticity improves, the contour is tightened and the complexion is leveled. It is not addictive, however, it retains useful properties for only 5-6 months after manufacturing the cosmetic.

  • Albumen

Creams with albumin cover the skin with the finestfilm, preventing penetration of contaminants and make-up residues into the pores. They have a visible pull-up effect, "filling" small wrinkles from the inside. However, a side effect of frequent use of such cream is the increased sensitivity and dryness of the epidermis. Therefore, whatever cream with albumin you bought, do not forget about moisturizing masks and nourishing serums.

  • Hyaluronic acid

Micro-injections with hyaluronic acid - modernalternative to botox. Miracle acid not only smooths wrinkles, but also speeds up the regeneration of tissues. The effectiveness of creams with its content, of course, is slightly lower than that of cosmetology injections, but the result is worth it. Synthesized hyaluronic acid easily combines with the natural analogue contained in human blood. They thicken the epidermis and accelerate the production of collagen.

  • Royal Jelly

The best prevention of wrinkles is moisturizing. And they are known to be easier to prevent than to remove. Royal jelly not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also "starts" the processes of tissue repair in damaged and flabby areas of the face. It is low-fat, and therefore can be used to care for the epidermis, prone to increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

  • Tretinoin

After 25 years, every girl should have in herarsenal a good sunscreen and apply it before each exit on the street in the spring-summer period. In the composition of sunscreen cosmetics there is always tretinoin, which is a powerful antioxidant.

  • Fruit acids

Extracts of lemon, grapefruit or pineapple havepronounced properties of chemical peeling. They dissolve and remove dirt and remnants of make-up from pores, renew the upper layers of the skin and return a healthy radiance to the face. On the packaging of such a device, a composition is usually indicated in which one of the first components should be citric, tartaric, malic acid or papain. If you find a suitable cream with these properties does not work, prepare it yourself. Just add to your favorite day cream ¼ tsp. citric acid and mix thoroughly.

Abuse of the aural and decorative cosmetics only aggravate the situation

The best wrinkle cream will not help if youwill try all the means seen in the cosmetic shop in a row. From the wrong choice of lotion, foundation or mask, the amount of wrinkles can increase, so look after the skin correctly. Twice a day, clean it with a washing gel or special foam. Whichever type of skin is indicated on the package of the product, make sure that it contains useful substances for wrinkled skin - green tea, tea tree, patchouli oil. After cleansing the skin, pat the face with a towel. With your fingers, beat a small amount of a day cream from wrinkles, spreading through massage lines. After a few minutes, remove the surplus funds with a paper towel. Now you can apply tonal remedy and start make-up of the face. the best wrinkle cream

Strengthen the effectiveness of your favorite means against wrinkles

Twice a week, conduct a special procedure forskin care with emerging age-related changes. Pour in a basin of 2-3 liters. boiling water, cover your head with a towel or a thin plaid and tilt your face over the steam for 10 minutes, closing your eyes. After raspariv skin, wipe it with alcohol lotion. After 2-3 minutes, apply a good anti-wrinkle cream to the skin. Start the massage with light strokes of the skin, moving from the nose to the temples and cheekbones. Then go to the intense pats - slap your palms on the cheeks, forehead and chin until they turn a little red. Then start pinching your face, rolling the skin under your fingers. If the cream absorbs too early and fingers stop gliding, sprinkle the face with thermal water or a regular mineral water from the spray gun.

Creams for own wrinkles

At home, it is easy to prepare a cream fromage changes, no less effective than the purchased product in a bright jar. In addition, you will know exactly what is in its composition, and whether you have any allergies to this or that component. The only minus of hand-made cosmetics is a short shelf life. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks, no more. Then you have to make a new portion. The basic components of natural creams are usually: glycerin, beeswax, carnauba wax, lanolin, lecithin, oil extracts of vitamins and essential oils. Bee and carnauba wax can be bought at a professional cosmetics store. The rest of the ingredients are easily purchased at any pharmacy. For normal skin, a cream of fresh red currant leaves, burdock, marigold and viburnum will suit. 200 gr. Wash the leaves, finely chop and squeeze the juice with gauze or a juicer. Preheat in a water bath 50 g. glycerol to 30-35 ° C. In small portions, pour in the juice, stirring constantly. Add a few drops of essential oil of tea tree, pour into glassware and refrigerate. Dry skin will have to taste moisturizer on beeswax. Melt over low heat 50 gr. beeswax, add 2 tbsp. liquid honey, 1 tbsp. lecithin, 1 tbsp. fish oil Thoroughly mix, heat to 45-40 ° C add 10 drops of lanolin. Store the refrigerated mixture in the refrigerator for not more than one week. 1 large apple bake in the oven until a ruddy brown. 100 gr. Mix the sweet pulp with 3 tablespoons. oil extract of vitamin A, 2 tbsp. vitamin E and 5 tablespoons. glycerin. Boil the resulting mass for 2-3 minutes, cool. It turns out an excellent nourishing cream for oily and combined epidermis. Do not be lazy and do not delay the care of your skin "for later". When you remember that you need to fight wrinkles in 35-40 years, time will be lost. After all, a woman who loves herself for a long time remains young and beautiful. We advise you to read:

