Door handles for doorsDoor handles for doors The experiment was carried out inSelly Oak Clinic in Birmingham. There, copper taps, toilet seats and doorknobs were installed for ten weeks. As it turned out, all these accessories quickly destroyed simple microbes. Scientists believe that copper "strangles" bacteria, preventing them from breathing. In addition, this metal prevents microbes from feeding and destroys their DNA. Twice a day, scientists took a swab of copper fittings and compared it to swabs taken from conventional hospital taps, toilet seats and doorknobs. Laboratory tests showed that copper objects had 95% less bacteria than anywhere else. Copper has been shown to successfully treat the deadly methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium difficile bacillus, and other dangerous microbes including the flu virus and E. coli. Now the researchers are proposing to replace the hardware in all hospitals and clinics with copper. It is mistakenly believed that copper is. In fact, it is comparable in cost to stainless steel. The medicinal properties of copper have been known for a long time. As early as 4 thousand years ago, the Egyptians used it to sterilize wounds and drinking water. The Aztecs treated skin diseases with this metal, and Hippocrates recommended the use of copper to get rid of patients from leg ulcers. Source: Around the World with reference to the Daily Mail.

