Classic black currant jam

Classic black currant jamClassic black currant jam Photo: ShutterstockNecessary ingredients: water - 500 g, currants - 1 kg, sugar - 1,5 kg. Add sugar and bring to a boil, filter the mixture. Finished syrup in pure form pour into enameled dishes and carefully lay out prepared berries, put on a small fire. This recipe allows you to cook perfect jam in one step, while the foam is completely removed. After 10 minutes, the jam will be ready. It should be expanded into banks, corked and turned upside down.

Original black currant jam

Five-minute - black currant jam Original black currant jam for 5minutesPhoto: ShutterstockNecessary ingredients: currant - 1 kg, sugar - 1-1,5 kg.Good dried currant should be poured into a plastic container, rubbed with tolstooth, mixed thoroughly. You can skip the currant through a meat grinder. Allow to stand for 5-10 minutes and spread out on cans. Top with sugar and tightly cork. Store this jam in the refrigerator for a year, the temperature should not be more than 1 degree, so that all the useful properties of currants.

